Chapter 2

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Author here! This book will be updated constantly every 2 to 3 days that way I can write about 900 words per chapter. As for Izuku-- a reader had pointed out what will his semblance will be? Leave some comments about a semblance you want him to have. As for aura-- should it be a large quantity or around the same as Yang?

On with the story!

----Last Time----

Izuku had been given the choices of last names from Rose, Xiao Long or Branwen. As of now he chooses!


Izuku: I choose Rose!

Summer and Ruby squealed with glee and hugged him.

Summer: My very own son!

Ruby: Big brother!

Tai although a bit sad of not having Izuku choose him still smiled at the fact he has a son.
The same can be said for Raven and Qrow.

Izuku: C-can we go back home now Sum- I mean mom?

Summer practically bawled her eyes out while almost giving Izuku a death gripping hug.

Summer: Let's go back home then!

All: Yeah/Whatever.

As they make their way back, Yang and Ruby wanted to get know Izuku as he is a part of their family now.

Yang: So little brother... How did you jump so high?

Ruby: It seemed like you shot into the air like a super-hero! Wasityoursemblancethatdidit?!Howdoesitfeelwhenyoujumpsohigh?!

Yang: Slow down Rubes. He can't eve-

Izuku: Actually it was my quirk and to answer your question Ruby... It feels amazing! The air around you feels like your flying.

Both: What's a quirk?

Izuku: O-oh...uh a quirk is what I call power that dwells inside me.

Both tilted their heads cutely with confusion.


Izuku: It's- like a super power in comics!

Ruby -somehow- gets a comic out while looking through it.

Ruby: Like this guy!

She points out a character that seems roughly vague showing an outline of Superman.

Izuku: Kind of like him.

Yang: Close enough.

When they got back home, Tai had shown Izuku his room which was right next to Ruby's and Yang's room. Tai had pointed out what kind of color of paint would Izuku would like for his walls.

Izuku: How about two colors, Dad?

Tai had been visibly shooken from Izuku calling him dad and a thought went through his head.

'He called me Dad!'

Tai: What colors would you like Son?

Izuku: Red and yellow if you don't mind.

Tai: Sure thing sport.


Izuku looked around and noticed a little dog which had black fur and was adorable.

Izuku looked around and noticed a little dog which had black fur and was adorable

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