Chapter 6

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A nevermore....

This type of grimm is highly dangerous since it can fly. Never in a his lifetime, Izuku has ever seen a creature so vicious from it's wings to it's head.

Reacting fast he shot up towards it and smacks it down using a 7% flick.

Ruby has stars in her eyes while Weiss has her jawdropped.

Izuku: Got any rope?

Ruby: Here you go big brother!

She tosses rope out of nowhere.

Weiss: Don't tell me...that we are going to ride that thing?

She says a bit fearfully.

Izuku: That we are! Besides it'll be much quicker this way to find the relics... Hop on!

He holds out his hand as Weiss was about to reach for it...

Ruby grabbed his hand as he lifted her up and placed her in front of him.

Weiss was clearly showing signs of agitation and jealousy. However, as she was about to climb up the mounted creature of darkness, Izuku held his hand out like a prince to which she blushed furiously.

She held his hand to which he pulled gently. Weiss wrapped her arms around Izuku's back while feeling his godly body. Izuku feels Weiss's arms around him while she presses her chest against his back. He feels heat rising upon his face.

Izuku: Y-you two ready?

Ruby/Weiss: Onwards Big Brother!/J-just don't let me get hurt you dunce.

With that they flew off while the nevermore is seen with bumps and bruises head to toe.

Yang is seen with Blake behind her wielding Gamboul Shroud.

Yang: I saw you last night.

Blake stopped right then and there with a look of fear.

Yang: I know you slept right beside my brother Blake, just tell me the truth.

Blake: H-he was w-warm and...

Yang was curious, what was Blake going to say?

Blake: H-h-h-he's so adorable when he's sleeping! I love his cute little face he makes when he smiles!

Yang was going to tease Blake hard.....but Yang's heart began to beat particularly fast when imagining her lil brother and herself sleeping in the same bed.

Blake: Questions! Does he always smell like a cinnamon roll with scent of roses? Is he adopted?

Blake: I mean, he doesn't have the same colors as you and Ruby hair wise but he seems very cheerful.

Yang: He is adopted...But I love him like a lil brother.

That word stung her heart. Does she really like her brother just as a brother? Oh how the heart knows what it wants.

Yang: fearless he likes to go on adventures and always smiles. He is like a light that never burns out or a candy you savour forever.

Blake: A cinnamon roll. Y-you wouldn't mind tha-

Blake was cut off from a familar orange haired girl getting a queen relic.


???:Nora! Can we not do that again!?

The now proclaimed Nora is jumping up and down.

Nora: Awww~! But it was fun! Killjoy Ren!

The male with a pink streak is seen with a disappointed look face and grabbed a peice of the relic as well.

Blake: Did she just ride that all the way here?


Pyrrha is seen running away from a deathstalker and dodging it's tail.

Blake: Did she just run all the way here from a deathstalker?

Yang: I-

She was interrupted by a green-silver streak of lightning landing with two figures on his back.

Weiss: You dunce! Warn me next time when you jump! Thanks for the safe landing though...

Ruby: It was so cool!

Blake: Did your brother, sister and Weiss fall from a height that shatters your feet while having excruciating pain not existing since Izuku is strong?

Yang: Enough!

She said while having her eyes red with her hair on fire.

Izuku: Big sister?

Yang immediately turned off her -scary- mode and sighed.

The deathstalker got closer.

Yang: Great the gangs all here with Jaune on the ground. We can all die!

Ruby:Not if I have anything to do about it!

Ruby grabs Cresent Rose and slashes the deathstalker... She narrowly dodges it's tail.

Yang: Get out of there!

Ruby: D-don't worry! I totally got this!

The deathstalker's tail is just near her stomach.

Yang: RUB-

She heard a yell and turned to see dust from where her brother was standing.

Yang: Izuku don't!

Izuku: Ruby! 12% Smash!

The creature of darkness never stood a chance against the OFA user.

All:.....what just happened?

Ruby: B-big brother saved me...

Izuku is seen with his fist smoking with silver eyes staring at the creature as it turned to dust.

Yang: I forgot he has two semblances...

Weiss: Two!? He has two!? That's not possible!

Pyrrha: It shouldn't be possible. Earlier he had electricity flowing around him and strenght but he also has silver eyes?

Ruby hugs her brother tight.

Izuku: I'm glad your safe Ruby.

He gives his million watt smile as all the girls around him blush.

~Back at UA~

All: Holy crap!

Inko: My baby is so heroic...

She wipes her tears away. While the girls of 1-A stare intently at Izuku's smile. His gosh-darn smile that rival's the gods.

Momo:'My Izuku is going to be taken away by some other women!'

Mina:'Midori was mine!'

Toru:'Midori was the only person to treat me as a normal girl and now he's in another world full of women! He shall be mine!'

Kyoka:'Cinnamon roll is my type of treat! Izuku is my man!'

Tsuyu:'Kero. We were meant to be mates! Izuku is mine!'

Ochako is seen distraught. There is so many competitors for her Deku. HER DEKU! Now they all want a peice of him.

Note: How will things play out now that both harems are trying to be with our cinnamon roll? What was Blake going to say? Who will win his heart first? Stay tuned!

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