Chapter 13: "Caught" Up In The Moment

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"Yeah. I just need some water." Eva said sitting down.

"Here." Sasha said handing Eva a water bottle.

"Thank you." Eva said chugging it.

"How about we take you to the trainer or to the locker room? Just out of the hallway." Sasha said helping Eva up.

"Thanks again boo."

"How's everything going between you and Curtis?"

"Great! We need to get you a man! Who are you interested in?"

"Eva! I'm not interested in anyone."

"How about Zack Ryder? Curtis Axel? Wade Barrett?" Eva said as Sasha kept shaking her head.

"No one." Sasha said.

"I'll have Nikki hook you up with someone!" Eva said as she texted Nikki.

"Well, there is one guy."

"Who!" Eva yelled.

"No one. Haha!" Sasha said laughing.

"Not funny!" Eva said smiling and playfully shoving Sasha.

"Ouch!" Sasha yelled holding her leg.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry, Sash! Are you ok?" Eva said leaning down to Sasha.

"Haha! Gotchu!" Sasha said standing up, laughing.

"Oh my god! I thought I actually hurt you!" Eva said laughing.

"Hey girls!" Summer said walking up to them.

"Hey Summer! Sasha is playing jokes on me!" Eva said laughing.

The girls were walking through catering. A bunch of superstars, divas and staff were walking around, trying to get ready for the Smackdown taping. Smackdown just started.

"Hey ladies, Sasha!" Dolph said bowing to Eva & Summer, kissing Sasha's hand.

"Hey Dolph!" Sasha said as her cheeks turned red. Dolph winked and walked away.

"Ooohhhh girl!" Eva yelled.

"Shhhh!" Sasha yelled, smiling.

"I think it's time for your match Summer!" Eva said smirking.

"Ok! Love you ladies!" Summer said as she ran over to hair and makeup.

"Now that she's gone..." Eva said, jokingly.

"Haha. Can I stay with you tonight? I was going to stay with Summer but she kind of kicked me out." Sasha said, sighing.

"That's so rude! And you can absolutely stay with me. Curtis is going to a different city so I'll be alone tonight." Eva said as they reached a tv screen.

"She can be every rude! And thank you boo!" Sasha said looking at the tv.

The match was Brie vs Summer. They both just entered the ring. Dolph walked up to Eva and Sasha. He came up from behind Sasha and put his arm around her waist.

"Hey sexy lady!"

"Oh hey Dolph!" Sasha said smiling.

"I was wondering if you want to go out later and get to know each other better. I know this really great restaurant down the street."

"Um. Yeah. I would love to actually." Sasha said smiling.

"I'll talk to you later, I have to get ready for my championship match qualifier. I'll meet you in catering after the show." Dolph said removing his hand from her waist. He walked away down the hallway.

"Damn! Look at his ass in his gear!" Sasha said laughing but still being totally serious.

"Damn boo, get it!" Eva said laughing hysterical.

/behind the curtain before Dolph's match\

"Nikki, you look great!" Dolph said looking at her body.

"Hey hey now. Thank you. How'd it go with Sasha?" Nikki said stretching her arms.

"Great! We are going out tonight for dinner. Thank you so much for setting me up with her. I think there's some emotional chemistry, unlike us where there was more...physical chemistry." Dolph said blushing but proud.

"Hey! It's not my fault we have amazing sex! Haha!" Nikki said laughing.

"Here I go!" Dolph said jumping.

"Good luck Ziggs! Love ya!" Nikki said as she kissed his cheek for a few seconds.

As he walked to the curtain she slapped his butt. He turned around and smiled. When he walked out of the ramp he was still smiling. Nikki looked at the tv and laughed when she saw his big smile.

"Are we still on for tonight?" Randy said quietly, walking over to Nikki.

"Absolutely! I can't wait to spend some time with you tonight. I have my room to myself, so maybe after dinner you can make me less lonely." Nikki said innocently as she leaned against the wall.

"I definitely can help you out with that. Do you have a minute?" Randy said, anxiously.

"Yeah. My match isn't until the main event."

Nikki and Randy walked into Randy's locker room. Randy walked in behind Nikki and shut & locked the door. When she turned around Randy took his shirt off. He walked over to Nikki and held her hands. He looked into her eyes. She was smiling, blinking slowly. He pulled her body against his, his arms around her waist. He then picked Nikki up. They started kissing. Nikki's legs wrapped around Randy. They were making out when there was a knock on the door. Nikki unwrapped her legs and dropped down from Randy's waist. He went over and opened the door.


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