Chapter Twenty One

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I sit down in the seat next to Harry Across from William and Kate

"This looks amazing! Thank you Kate" I said

"Thank you!" Kate said after the two princes agreed with me

"How did you two meet?" She questioned. Sure she heard things from Harry but that sometimes could be like the game telephone and not get along to her truthfully

Harry looked over at me. Almost as a "It's your turn to take this one"

"We met briefly at the hospital, he was there for an engagement. Then for some odd reason I was invited to the Charity Soccer, or football as you call it over here, game."

Harry then butted in "Then I asked for her number," Harry said and i added "which i said no to" William laughed and took too much pleasure with this news "You rejected Harry?!?" He said still laughing and I smirked

"I didn't think he was serious, Honestly I only gave it to him because I thought he'd never actually follow up and call" Harry looked at me surprised by this news. He smiled at me and raised his eyebrows

"Where are you from?" William asked me moving on from the subject

"I'm from Colorado born and raised, My family moved to Brighton about 8 years ago."

"What made you guys decide to move to England?" The future king of England asked me

"My moms job moved us out here."

"What does she do?" Kate questioned as she ate "She is a Architect" They nodded almost like they were impressed. We continued talking during the rest of dinner, asking each other life questions the simple ones you need to learn in order to know each other. By the end of dinner I Wasn't nervous anymore. My stomach didn't churn at the thought of being in the same room as them anymore.

"How'd you two meet?" I question once I was more comfortable asking them more personal questions. They looked at each other as they were asking each other who was gonna speak on the question they were asked.

Kate Finally spoke up on it "We went to Uni together, started off as friends even lived together with our other best mates. And then we Finally made a move on each other and we went through a lot even a while where we split. But here we are today! Married with two darling children and we're very happy" I smiled at the sweet recall of their life together

"When did you two get married?" I questioned again "2011," William stated and then looked at his wife. You could tell they were in Love anyone who looked at them could

I mean when they married it was a big deal in England, Finally an outsider married into the family, and not only was she an outsider she wasn't even the wealthiest family, sure they weren't poor but compared to the rest of the families around the Royals they were definitely not at the top of the chain.

I think Everyone was ecstatic when The future King finally found someone to Marry. England finally had a future Queen (consert) in line that was a definitely likely to actually take on the role. Unless William would pass down his duty onto George, which is highly unlikely. The world honestly thought prince Charles would be the first to pass on the role not William. Though I guess nobody knew what the future held.

We finished up eating, it was very delicious. I didn't think Kate would be as amazing of a cook as she was. I guess the outsider in me assumed she had a personal chef to cook for her. But that's another instance of the things people assume about them.

We head back into their formal living room for some drinks, though I think everyone had moved onto water at this point. Lupo came running into the room we were in. I had met him while Kate and I were cooking. He was a little black spaniel and was very very sweet.

We talked for awhile until Harry and I eventually decided to leave.

"It was so nice meeting you two," I saw as they walk us to their door. "Thank you for coming and helping with Dinner!" Kate said to me and I smiled "Thank you for inviting me into your home!"

"It was nice to finally meet you Olivia. Hopefully We'll see you again soon!" William spoke and I agreed. They hugged me and I hugged them back.

Harry takes my hand as they close the door "See That wasn't so bad, was it?" He questioned and I shook my head and smiled at him, he returned a smile

"Would you still have given me your number if you knew I would actually call you?" He asked and I took a minute to think about my response to this heavy loaded question

"I.... I don't know" I said truthfully. He thought about my answer but it didn't calm him anymore. It wasn't enough information for him apparently. "Well Why wouldn't you have given it to me?"

"Well, I wasn't exactly looking for someone... Let alone someone who has the life that you have." He nodded but stayed quiet as we continued walking hand in hand. He needed to know that I'm not it in for his lifestyle, honestly that would've been the reason I would've chosen to not be in this with him. I'm in it because I somehow fell for him when he just so happened to have this life.

"Does it make you want to runaway sometimes?" He asked and I looked at him wanting more definition "My life? Does it make you second guess what we're doing?" He asked and My heart stopped. He knew deep down that it did. Because I had said things hinting at it.
I take a deep breath figuring out how to word this correctly

"It doesn't make me second guess my feelings for you, Actually it reaffirms my feelings for you. Because even though you have this scary invasive lifestyle, I for some reason still want to be with you...." I breathed "But, I have times where Im scared for our future. What we have when we're alone together is so... Amazing and I don't want to let anyone who doesn't know us change it."

He stopped walking in this tracks and turned so he was facing me "I will do whatever I can to try and make it less scary for you. Cause Hell I know it's scary. I question your sanity sometimes for agreeing to do this with me" He said and I laughed "But I am so grateful that you did decide to do this and you chose me"

I looked at him with soft eyes and he looked at me with his big blue ones

"Thank you," He said and I smiled and kissed him and then we continued on to his apartment and the rest of the night was.... well.... It was... Steamy... and sexy

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