0=Wassup Pizza-Bros!?=0

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King: Here we go again.

Ken/K: Deal wid it.

King: I'd rather not-

×Hui (Pizza Hut) Busts in and throws pizza all over the cursed place we call fast-food restaurants.×


Ken: Lol

Hui: Yes. *Pulls out Pizza-slinging balloon canons* No one beats the Hut peasant.

King: Dude.... I sell burgers.

Ken: You mean... sling burgers?

King: Get out.


"Yo, Dominic?"

"Yeah? I'm busy handling a very important celebrity right now..." Dominic grumbled into his 'iPizzone'. Who knew that Taylor Swift would stop by and order a large, three-topping pizza and give you a $100 tip?

"Oh sorry, I just heard a 7 year old swear at me and her mother for a sandwich." There was a sudden silence on the other end as Dominic thought of why.

"You... Did something again, didn't you?"

Surwea groaned in offendedness.(I'm sowwy-) "Why would I ever-! Yeah, yeah, yeah, I said something..." The Dominoes man sighed and got up from his desk, raining free napkins on Ms. Swift just becuz.

"After my shift, I'll meet up with you at King's. That way, we can Fortnite dance on his floor and put cockroaches in his burgers like we did with Donald." Dominic walked up to his pre-heated oven, holding, in one hand, a stack of papers.

"Hey, speaking of Donald, I haven't seen him in a while."

Dominic shrugged through his iPizzone and watched the papers burn. "Probably ripping out someone's organs right about now." Surwea chuckled.

"Let's hope not."

Ten hours later...

The non-existent doorbell rang on King's front restaurant. He grunted off of his seat and headed for the door, which was as clear as glass and open.


Donald smiled at his friend. "What's up pal? Eat any good burgers lately?" The taller blinked and let out an uneasy 'yeah'. He moved to the side and made way for Donald to get in.


The Cringe Crew Cringed (CRC), slowly making their way to their McLovin' friend. Dominic spoke up first,"Yeahhh-Hey Donald. Haven't seen you since the big bang! Heheh."

They cringed again, except Donald who smiled at his stupidity. As the McLover was just about to reply, King pushes everyone to take a seat, handing them a menu. "So." He shifts on both of his white shoes, rocking back and forth. "Wadd'ya guys want?"

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-AHA! I'll get a McMuf-" King cuts Donald off. "We don't sell those. SIR." "Oh well, neva mind then. I'll starve."... "You know we don't even really eat right?" "Oh shush."

Hui slams his gloved hands on the cold, hard wooden table, happy he gets more scre-page time. "H3ŁŁ ŸÆH!" Hui please.

"Inside voices please." The Pizza Slinger sits back down and whips out a 10 ft. stack of papers. "Yas Sir pwq." The PRINCIPAL slithered back to the hole where he came from.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2019 ⏰

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•//Dom,Sub,K,King,Hui, & Donald-Salizza Burgers\\•Where stories live. Discover now