Chapter 58 (Special pt.3)

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[ Tzuyu ]
I'm tired of Sana's games. I won't even talk to her until she can treat me right.
I closed my locker and started walking to class. Suddenly I was pulling into a classroom. "Hey!" I exclaimed and wondered who did it. "Shhh" Sana hushed and tried to find out if anyone heard me. "What do you want?" I whispered to her "you" she smirked "look I'm sorry, I really am" she added. I slipped out of her grab and left the room. She followed me out. "Stop!" She yelled I slowly did. People started to look at us from the classrooms. They probably wondered what was happening. "Why should I listen to your empty apology?" I asked and folded my arms. "Please! I am really sorry, I'm truly not just together with you because of sex" she walked closer "And how would I know that you aren't just lying when all we have done is that for so fucking long?!" I yelled upset.
"Because I...because I love you" tears formed in her eyes, I could feel her genuine love in her words. I ran to her, she catch me and pulled me into a kiss. A kiss filled with love and happiness. I can hear cheers from around us. Then a loud voice yelling detention. We stop, to see a teacher out in the hallway.
We both laugh and say sorry before going to each of our classes.

I honestly wanted to skip school with her, spend the day with her. Like we did the first few months we were together. But I know school is important and that we have time to be together after school, it's just that this year is almost done and then it's college. I haven't even gotten a answer yet. Which makes me worried but if I don't get in then I will try next year.

I quickly pack my things as the bell rings. I almost run out of the classroom.
I wait out in the packing lot for Sana. She comes over to me shortly after.
I pull her in for a kiss. One of her hands move down to my butt. "People are looking" I whisper in her ear, what I assume is true. "I don't care" she confirmed. I pulled away "Should we go to your house?" I ask "yes please, I have homework" Momo said annoyed and honked. We jumped in and drove to their house.

[ Sana ]
I held Tzuyu's hand as we did our homework, I wanted to hold something else but I had to do this shit. "So I think we should talk about our feelings after this" Tzuyu calmly said "your feelings when my tongue is on your pussy" I smirked, she lightly hit my arm. "Gross" Momo mumbled and started packed her things "hey, don't go" I said. "I'm done so I will be in my room" she walked away.

We giggled and finished up our homework before heading up to my room.
I laid down on my bed and patted the space next to me. Tzuyu came over and laid down beside me. I took her hand in mine. "What do you wanna talk about?" I asked, starting the conversation. "Our feelings for each other" she said. She looked into my eyes "and our sex life" she added. We talked about it all. How we want to be treated by each other, our feelings, our relationship and our sex life. We talked for like three hours but it didn't even feel like that long.
I guess that's how it feels when you are with someone you love.
I overcame some things I feared and talked about how I feel, it felt good. Nice in a way. Maybe it's because I have always had to be there for others but I haven't really talked about my feelings like I did today.

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