Chapter 6

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"Hey coach, Send out your captains." The refs yell from the middle of the field.

I pull my sweatpants of my legs and go up to Alex.

"Okay. The captains are going to be Alessia, Lina and Aria, He hands us each blue bands that go on our socks. they say: Captain (in big bold letters).

I grab the band and pull it to the top of to the top of my socks. Then i run over to the referees.

"Okay girls whats your team name?" He nods at us.

"We're Northern Cali." Alessia answers.

The other team sprints over and introduces themselves as the sirens.

"I am going to flip a coin and you are going to call heads or tails." He says pointing at me.

He flips the coin high in the air. I think fast. Heads or Tails?

"Tails!" I say nervously, right as it is about to hit the ground.

The ref looks down

"Okay thats right." He finally says. "Do u want to start or pick which side?"

I look up. Its foggy so the sun wouldn't be in our eyes either way and starting with the ball sounded really good at the moment.

"We'll start with the ball." I say speaking for the rest of my team.

"Okay girls, I want this to be a fair game. NO injuries!" He exclaims.

The rest of my team sprints on the field and then we get into our huddle.

I go in between Hailey and Lizzie.

"Guys we are starting with the ball. We're on that side." I point to the side of the field that is farther from the parking lot.

"We HAVE to win this!!" Hailey says getting us pumped up.


"NORTHERN CALI on three!" Alessia and Lizzie yell as loud as they can


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