[ II ]

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*Just a warning but I'm not going to be following the storyline - hook, line and sinker. There are a few parts of the episodes of which I've forgotten so forgive me for the mistakes. Also, doesn't Madara look hot?!*




Somewhere deep within the cave, Kabuto let out a small smirk as he moved his pieces across the board.

"Now then.........let's begin, shall we?"


The allied shinobi alliance were just starting their celebration for defeating the third raikage.

"Great job Naruto!"

"We did it! Yeah!!"

Naruto let out a grin as Gaara went to stand beside him, giving him a smile.

"Good work Naruto. That was pretty smart."

"Ya think so? Hehe, thanks!"

Gaara was about to speak again when disturbing shouts alerted them as they whipped their head around to where a reanimation of the second tsuchikage - lord Mu, stood atop a large pillar as he regarded them with blank eyes.

"Mu-sama......." Onoki muttered sadly as he stared at his former teacher.

Mu suddenly began forming hand signs before slamming it down on the stone surface of the pillar. A wooden coffin began to rise as Mu quickly jumped out of the way when it suddenly exploded, sending wood and dust everywhere as the shinobi gathered below continued to look on apprehensively.

A gloved hand gripped the edges of the coffin as the figure shook his head slightly to rid himself of the dust in his hair.

"Well then........"

Uchiha Madara stepped out in all his former glory.

"T-that's - !!!"

"I-it can't be - !!!"

"But how?!"

The shinobi below began to panic as they stared at Madara, quivering with fear when he turned to look at them.

"..........Hayumi.........." Madara murmured as Mu, hearing his mumble, spoke up.


"Where is my daughter?" Madara snapped as he turned to glare at Mu, who continued to stare at him in confusion.

"I - !!!"

Mu suddenly felt himself going out of consciousness as Kabuto took the reigns.

"Madara-sama, how nice of you to join us." Kabuto spoke as Madara bore his words no mind, choosing to grab him instead.

"I will not ask again. Hayumi ; Uchiha Hayumi. Where is she?" he hissed as Kabuto struggled to keep him under his control but ultimately failing as Madara breaks the edo-tensei contract by sheer will alone.

"Impossible!" Kabuto cursed as one of his pieces were suddenly pushed out of the board.

Madara then punched a hole through the reanimated Mu's body as his patience snapped. For the first time ever, Kabuto felt a tinge of fear he'd never felt before, even with Obito.

"She has not been reanimated." Kabuto tried to say calmly, forcing himself not to stutter and mentally winced as Madara's crazy chakra flared angrily.


"Obito lost the strand of her dna you'd given to him. Without it, the conditions for the reanimation are not met."

Madara suddenly growled angrily as he pushed Mu's body away from him, Sharingan eyes glaring at the shinobi gathered below.

"And this?"

"It seems they've formed an alliance to battle us, Madara-sama." Kabuto said, choosing to address him with respect as Madara jumped down the pillar, facing the wide-eyed shinobi.

"I do hope you can keep me entertained until that stripling, Obito, decides to show up." Madara snarled as he ran forward, clashing with them.




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