[ III ]

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Sasuke and Itachi stood side by side before a frozen Kabuto, that was caught in Itachi's Izanagi.

"He'll be trapped there. Forever. Unless he decides to have a change of heart, he can forget about escaping." Itachi stated as he began making hand signs, Kabuto's hand mimicking his.

"Sasuke, I'm going to undo the jutsu."

"Nii-san........" Sasuke called out sadly, not wanting his brother to leave him again as Itachi sent him a soft smile before turning and hobbling over to him, parts of his body already starting to dissipate as the jutsu became undone.

"I'm always pushing you away........ always lied to you and asked you to forgive me ... I deliberately kept you at a distance of my own will ... because I didn't want you to get caught up in any of this ...... but now I think that perhaps 'YOU' could have changed mother and father and the rest of the Uchiha ......our clan..... if I had only come to you from the start ... looked straight into your eyes and told you the truth ......would the result have been different? But now, with me, who failed, telling you all this now from above .....you might not ever get it.......won't ever sink in........ "

Itachi was weakening with every step as he came to a stop in front of Sasuke. 

"But I want to impart at least this much truth to you ... you don't ever have to forgive me ... and no matter what you do from here on out, know this....."

Instead of poking him in his forehead as usual, Itachi pulled their foreheads together till they were touching, his hand gently resting on the back of Sasuke's head as he stared straight into Sasuke's eyes lovingly.

Instead of poking him in his forehead as usual, Itachi pulled their foreheads together till they were touching, his hand gently resting on the back of Sasuke's head as he stared straight into Sasuke's eyes lovingly

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".....I will love you always."














Sasuke stared at the ashes of paper by his feet longingly, wishing he could have told his brother that........he loved him too...........


His silent moment was broken by a sudden someone shouting his name as the stone wall behind him collapsed ; Jugo and Suigetsu walked in, surveying the damage before widening their eyes in shock at a frozen Kabuto.

"What happened to him?" Suigetsu let out a low-whistle as he came to stand in front of Kabuto, waving his hand in front of his face and frowning when there was no response.

"He's trapped in my brother's genjutsu. We won't have to worry about him anymore." Sasuke murmured as he went over to speak to Jugo about what he planned to do. 

Jugo nodded as he went over to Kabuto's still body before using his sage chakra to extract some of his dna. He then walks over to where Sasuke now stands by an unconscious Anko's body before transferring the dna from Kabuto into her as Sasuke immediately began forming hand signs.

"Kaija Hōin! (Curse Unsealing!)"

Suigetsu began shivering in fear and disgust as Orochimaru emerges, smiling creepily.

"My dear Sasuke-kun, it's been far too long."

"Y-you!!" Suigetsu shouted as he hid behind Kabuto's body, glaring at the one who had captured him before.

"Ah, Suigetsu. So that's where you've gone." Orochimaru chuckled as he approached, Suigetsu leaping back to stand next to Sasuke in caution as he glared at Orochimaru warily.

"I suppose you know what's going on then." Sasuke asked as Orochimaru drained Kabuto of his chakra as the latter's appearances reverted back to normal.

"Yes, I am well aware. However, I have no interest in the war itself. My goal has and always will be to obtain your body." Orochimaru said languidly as Jugo went to stand in front of Sasuke protectively.

"But in the state I am.........I'm afraid that'll have to wait. Now then Sasuke-kun, was there something you so desperately needed from me to have unsealed me?"

Sasuke then explained that he wished to find out the whole truth.

"Why did Itachi betray the clan? Why do it for the village? All these questions.......I want answers."

Orochimaru looked at him in amusement.

"Oh? Very well then. But to do that, we'll need to get to Konoha."

"Konoha? Why?" Sasuke asked suspiciously.

"Well, somewhere along the outskirts of Konoha I would say. You'll get all the answers you seek there." Orochiamaru, who was unperturbed by Sasuke's glare, said easily as he grinned at Sasuke.

"Let's go then." 

Sasuke walked forward as the rest of his team began catching up when a shout from Karin stopped them!

"H-hey guys?"

They turned, only to find Suigetsu pointing at a wooden coffin stowed away in a corner of the cave.

"Another reanimation? Why didn't Kabuto use it?" Jugo wondered as Orochimaru went to observe it.

His eyes scanned the two words on the front of the coffin before widening when he realised who was inside.

{ Senju ; Uchiha }

"This is..........how did he..........?" Orochimaru whispered incredulously as Sasuke came to stand beside him, watching his reactions.

"What is it?"

"The person inside this coffin.......will be of great use to you, Sasuke-kun. I have no idea why Kabuto never used her but......" Orochimaru trailed off, still not believing his eyes.

He had spent years trying to get even a strand of her DNA, yet had always failed to! How on earth had Kabuto gotten it?!

"Who's inside?" Sasuke asked, curious as to what could have gotten his past mentor so worked up.

"You should seal her away for now. You'll be able to use her soon." was all Orochimaru said, leaving the boy and turning around to walk away.

Sasuke then proceeded to do as he was told - sealing away the coffin before following his team out of the cave, still wondering on who was inside that coffin.


Huuuu I'm tired.

Spent all morning writing this!

A little heads up that the ending will not follow the storyline! 

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