[ IX ]

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The whole battlefield lapsed into silence at her threat as they all stared at her, fear swimming within the deep pools of their eyes. 

"Brat!" a voice suddenly shrieked as multiple shinobi pushed themselves in front of the others to face her. They wore angry sneers upon their faces before continuing to berate her.

"Give me a break! An arrogant brat like you will stop them? What kinda dumb joke is that?!" one of the shinobi, an iwa nin mocked as the other two beside him nodded.

"And you think you will be able to stop them? The world should just end if it comes to that." Hayumi scoffed as she turned to face her father and Obito once more, completely disregarding the seething ninja behind her.

"Why you little -!! Take this!!"

The iwa-nin began rapidly forming a set of hand signs. "Suiton : Suikusari no jutsu! (Water Style : Water chains technique!)" 

Water chains wrapped around Hayumi's small form, who continued to ignore them despite the huge smirk on the iwa-nin's face. "Ha! You can't even dodge this?! How pitiful!!"

His mocking made a few other shinobi rethink their opinion of her. Maybe she wasn't that powerful at all? Maybe Lord Gaara was just feeling fatigued, which was why she was able to break through his sand.

"Y-yeah! You're just bluffing!"

"Let's get her!!"

"Come on!!!!"

 20, or more so shinobi then rushed towards Hayumi, who stood completely still, not caring.

"Hayumi!!" Tobirama ran in front of the small girl, kunai out on the defensive and ready to propel any attacks coming their way as Hayumi let out a 'tsk' in annoyance.

She patiently waited for the attacking shinobi to get close before breezily breaking out of the water chains ; she pushed Tobirama behind her as he stared at his daughter in confusion.


She raised her right arm up as the three spears that were hovering above her then broke off into many tiny, yet long senbon. She glared coldly upon the charging ninja before lowering her arm.


Blood was spilt left and right as the senbons imbedded themselves deeply into their bodies in every possible spot as the foolish nin who had dared to try and go against her suffered brutal deaths.

The rest of the shinobi now backed away in horror at what had become of their comrades.

The senbon were then removed from the dead bodies before twisting into the shape of the round orbs as it floated back to Hayumi's side. She then whipped her head round to face Tobirama, who was standing there, shell-shocked at what his daughter had done.

"How could you?!" he finally snapped, his fatherly instincts kicking in as he now reprimanded Hayumi, who stood silently before him. "They did not deserve to die!" he hissed as she rolled her eyes at him before walking past him.

"I'll be taking my leave now. But to ensure that you won't interfere........."

Hayumi bit her thumb, drawing blood before forming familiar hand seals.

"Summoning jutsu!!"

Instead of her usual summons - Kizuto and his wolf pack, a large shadow took place behind the cloud of smoke.

"Dragon king Ryuzo - I summon thou forth!"

A large, elegant-looking dragon could be seen as the smoke dispersed. Its scales were a brilliant gold and white as fierce crimson red eyes stared back into the shinobis' feared ones. Sharpened teeth snarled at them as its long, dangerous claws could be seen. The dragon's eyes scanned the various people that were crowding around beneath him before finally coming to rest on young girl, who was staring up at him calmly.

Fragile Reality - Tobirama's daughter II - NarutoWhere stories live. Discover now