The Actress

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So here I was, at a red-carpet event. For a movie called "The Unburnt" starring the most popular actress in the world, the most beautiful woman in the least in my opinion. Daenerys Targaryen. She was a goddess; I have the biggest crush on her...

I had gotten a job to work at these events when I was Twenty, making sure the media and fans don't harm or get to close to the stars in any way. After working on many movies and tv show premiers over three years of work, I had landed a job on her movie premier...

Just getting to see her close was going to make my heart beat faster and I am not sure If I was ready for that. And that smile...fuck, she was perfect.

The night commenced, the media getting more and more intense the more stars that arrived. I was doing a pretty good job, me and this guy named Tormund. He was one of my best friends, met him on the job, ever since then the boss had put us on most jobs together, we worked really well, we were the best team.

We finally managed to get the co-star inside, her name was Missandei. She was pretty as well, but no one compared to her...

So, when the expensive car pulled up and the goddess herself stepped out, with that fucking smile, waving her hand, in her tight dark purple dress that hugged all of her perfect curves...I thought I would explode.

The Media did explode. Camera's going off like nothing I have ever seen before, screams from fans louder than I thought possible.

The 22-year-old actress did this by waving...

Tormund and I rushed down to her sides, making sure reaching fans didn't touch her, when I got close enough, I caught a glimpse of her up close before looking away...she was so fucking gorgeous...she also smelt flowers...

More screams brought me from my trance, I was forced to push a fan backwards, even resorting to yelling "STAY BACK!" which I usually didn't have to do.

I turned back around and there she was, right there, staring She is looking at me, her incredible purple eyes shining like they had stars in them, but there was something else in her eyes...though I couldn't seem to figure what is was exactly.

I am pulled from my ogling when a crazed fan jumps over the fence trying to grab her, I land a punch to his gut and push him away, Tormund grabs him and chucks him back over the fence, with a happy smile on his face. Tormund loved when it got out of hand, it meant he could get away with some violence.

Then I felt it, a soft warm hand grab mine tight, I turned and sucked in a breath as I realised exactly who was grabbing my hand, I realised she must be scared so I started walking her up the carpet as quick as I could. But just before we reached the doors more fans jumped over, Tormund stepped in front of us with a wicked creepy smile, he looked back.

"Go! Get her inside! I will handle them..." he said mischievously.

I nodded and pulled Daenerys past the fans, Tormund holding them off as I did. I pushed open the door and pulled her in, slamming it behind me.

I let go of her hand and tried to catch my breath, she did the same next to me. It was then I truly realised. She was next to me. I just held her hand. She held mine...

"Thank you." Her voice sung.

I turned and looked at her, she smiled when I did. "Just doing my job, Ma'am."

She laughs softly. "Daenerys is fine, um?"

"Jon." I tell her, she smiles. "Well Daenerys is fine...Jon"

I nod and she smiles. "Well I best get going, will you be around for the after party?" she asks, her voice alone sending tingles through my muscles and making my knees weak.

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