Christmas Love: Chapter 1

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Daenerys Targaryen hated Christmas. It reminded her of her not so loving father and older brother. Her hate for it grew each and every year, mostly because the toy shop she worked at for her part time job would sell only Christmas toys, play Christmas music all day and worst of all make her dress up as an elf when the time of the year rolled around.

She found herself the day before Christmas working in the shop. It was packed full of people who needed last second gifts.

Dany only stayed in this job because of the owner, his name was Jorah. He was a kind older man who absolutely loved Christmas. He treated Dany well and paid great.

So Dany figured it would just be better and benefit her more if she stayed.

Today was making her question everything however and she swore this was the last Christmas she would spend in this joyous hell house.

For the fifth time that day, 'Jingle bell rock' started playing from the speakers and Dany growled to herself, having to pull herself back from throwing a toy at the speaker.

She knew once she got home her mood wouldn't improve, all her friends would go out partying and enjoying the Christmas spirit while she would be at home watching a romantic comedy.

Her dating and sex life were basically non existent, she could barely remember the last time she had even kissed a guy let alone had sex. Being an elf doesn't exactly attract hot men....

She was pulled from her miserable embarrassing thoughts when her name was called over the music from the speaker.

"Daenerys, come to my office please." Jorah's voice said.

She rolled her eyes and sighed, walking up the stairs passed the incredible amount of people.

As Dany walked up to Jorah's office door it opened and Jorah stepped out, smiling as he walked closer. 

"Hello, I asked you up here because there's someone I would like you to meet. I am hiring him for the Christmas holidays and I want you to mentor him today." He explains as they walk back to his office.

Dany has to hold in a annoyed sigh and an eye roll, instead offering a small smile. 

Jorah holds the door open for her as she walks past, spotting the man in the seat immediately.

He stands up almost in slow motion, he wore a cream brown coat that went past his hips. His hair was full of curls, dark and clean.

When he turned his head, she had to resist the gasp of shock. He was so handsome, so hot...

"Hello I am Jon, Jon Snow." he smiles, putting out his hand for her to shake.

Her lips move like a fish out of water as she stumbles through her brain for words, his smile lighting up his precious dark brown eyes.

She manages to stick her hand out and Jon shakes it. She continues to just stare at him, her lips parted.

"Um...your name is?" he asks, turning his head slightly and leaning in.

She snaps out of her daze and her cheeks flush red. "Sorry, um-uh Daenerys...Targaryen." She offers a embarrassed smile, connecting with his eyes for a second before looking down.

"Daenerys, now that you have introduced yourselves, can you start his training?"Jorah asks, sitting back down in his chair.

"Uh yes of course." she smiles at him, then looks at Jon. "Let's go." she says, quickly looking away.

He places his hands in his pockets and follows her out.

Dany has to control her breathing as she walks back down the stairs, knowing there is the embodiment of hotness following her.

She scowls to herself, realizing she has no chance. She literally has an elf outfit on.

She walks around her little checkout desk and turns to see him eagerly leaning over the counter, smiling at her.

She jolts a little. "What are you looking at?"

"That adorable hat." he replies, Dany only now realizing how sexy his accent is.

What she wouldn't do to hear him moan her name...

She shakes her head rid of those thoughts and gives Jon a sarcastic smile. "This is the toy shop for all ages, Christmas addition!"

Jon rises his eyebrow and a grin pulls at his beautiful lips.

"Sounds interesting, you going to show me the reins Dany?" he asks.

She freezes in place, no one had called her Dany since her brother, she is about to ask him to not call her that when she refocuses and finds him standing right next to her.

She makes eye contact with him and she has to practically swallow her growing lust.

"Hello! Earth to Dany!" he chuckles.

She smiles genuinely at him, suddenly not minding the name Dany, the way it rolls off his tongue...god she wants to devour him.

She goes through what she does and explains the normal procedures, giving and adding her own special tricks and tips. He learns quickly and they share some quick laughs.

"So, Dany tell me, do you like Christmas? You seemed quite negative when I was introduced to you." Jon chuckles.

Daenerys rolls her eyes but grins as she dusts the shelves. "No. I despise it."

Jon gasps loudly. "Excuse me?!"

She steps back as he jumps in front of her. "Despise Christmas? What kind of elf are you?"

"The Cynical type. These are dark times." she says, Jon noticing the resent in her gorgeous eyes.

He chuckles and then looks down at his tangled hands, then he looks back up into Dany's eyes, making her heart beat faster.

He looks at his watch and nods to himself.

"Hear me out ok? We have an hour left before our work here is done for the day. Instead of you going home to most likely watch a movie by yourself, come with me and I will show you what New York has to offer for Christmas." He smiles. 

That smile, those eyes, his beard, that hair, that laugh, that was impossible to resist.

" better not disappointment me Jon Snow." she grins and he smiles wider.

"I wouldn't dare Miss Targaryen."

A/N: Yes this is slightly inspired by Last Christmas, I was in the mood for some holiday love after just watching the film.

(Go see Last Christmas, really good :)

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