chapter one

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Garfield summers lift his head from the car to notice the blond that came through the door of his garage,
It's been a month since he move back to Philly and open up his engineering and garage business, he came with the intention of starting a engineering company but the town needed a garage too,  the woman got closer and he kept watch he grasp on his  recognition his ex girlfriend Patrica Moore, she was holding the arms of a kid who seems five years old like Patrica her blond hair caught in a ponytail as she skip it bounced,  
he left the tools on the car and met her
"Patrica!" Garfield express Patrica look up and stare in Garfield eyes shock and surprise,
"Garth!" She express "you?" She question, she had  learn of the garage few days back but was just getting a chance to take in the car, it's been  ever since she was having car trouble but getting a out of town mechanic was hard glad to know about the garage right in her back yard she wasn't waiting another day to check her car,
"Yes me" Garfield nod looking her over he noticed her bulge and saw right away it was pregnancy, he look to the little girl who was her splitting image, from her hair to her very skin tone not to mention her eyes,
"I never knew you move back" she said "and working here now" she said looking around,
"The contract got up and I decided to move back and start my own business and here I am"
Patrica nod looking around once more, the garage was mighty big set up with hard metal baring and big steel gate with perimeter fencing she never remember seeing this place before but  it was just the right spot  ideal for the  garage she was amazed that he  think of this idea for the town needed it like it needed the hospital and was glad she could provide that service it wasn't all that big but it kept growing and growing,
"so how can I help you with your vehicle?"
"You see my car is a little stiff" Patrica said
"I bet your engine needs cleaning" he said leading the way to where her car park he got in with the key still in the ignition he opened up the car bonet then take a look inside, as he thought her engine need cleaning and the radiator, he look up at her and she smile
"It is so right?" She ask
"Mm hmm" he nod
"Can I pick it up tomorrow?" Patrica ask
"for I have to go to work and drop my daughter at school"
"I'll be sure to look at it in order for you to have it tomorrow, how about leaving your number and I'll"
"it's still the same Garth in case you didn't for get it" she said
Garfield look at her with a pause then he nod as he remove the greasy gloves from his hand Patrica saw his wedding band and was stunned by it,
"I see you got married" she said he look at his fingers then to the little girl he then look back at her as he overall her he noticed her bulge once again,
"When you say it was over Patrica I take it as over" he turn and walk away she watch him as he went back to the car he was working on when she arrives, she sigh as she left with her daughter,
Patrica got a cab to drop her at the school where summer summers attend before heading to Moore's hospital
Her day at work was resolved around thinking she couldn't believe Garth was in town she was sure he wouldn't come back to Philadelphia that too married, he was the last man on Earth she thought would got married guessing now she didn't know him at all, it seem life is ok with him for he was looking pretty good his handsome features haven't changed it's like he wasn't growing old, and yes he set up a business which was nice
Patrica thought of the times they stay together what good times they use to have was the sweetest man that enters her life,
Much as Roger summers  was a nice guy he wasn't half the man Garfield was, they've been dating for closely  three years  but still her all wasn't in the relationship, he accepted summer treat her  like   his own and was willing to take on the responsibility of the baby,  she haven't told him yet the baby growing in her was inseminated  she really wanted another kid and yes she and Roger made out it wasn't a lot like she was use to and it was without the use of an condom but it didn't seem she would get pregnant so before even talking about it with him she went and got herself pregnant, it was with semens from that were donated to the hospital and that one has no name it was just there waiting for her and she grabbed the opportunity and made herself pregnant apart from her and her two doctors no one else knew of it, as they two were the only person who knew summer is Garfield's child she couldn't tell not even her sister, and hope neither of them would doctor Williams and doctor Hangus haven't mentioned it since she give birth to summer it never came up on their agenda, she wonder if and when they ran in to Garfield the topic will come up, but then again she was sure they will never ran into him but to think of it it's a big town yet still a small town, Garfield only knew the girls for a short time before he left town they attended college together where they study to became doctors she had promised to hire them once she got her business plan in perspective she had gotten some money from Garfield which she save and  put towards it along with the loan she got she has save at the bank but it haven't been much she was shock when they call telling her she was qualified to get a  loan which she jump to it happens some months after Garfield leave town after trying hard to convince her to go with him she wanted the hospital and he knew that like she knew his engineering was important to him and she didn't want to kept him from going to Berlin it was why she told him it was over but she couldn't stop loving him especially when she got to know she was with child his child she had open up the first floor and started treating minor illness two months before giving birth to summer a year later the enter six stories were finish and she was able to start admitting some of her patient some of the required equipment were not yet valid at the moment but she's working to wards those,
"Doctor Moore" someone said knocking on the door of her office,
"yes miss wheeler" Patrica said looking to see the secretary at the door
"Your eleven o'clock is here"
"Thanks send them in" she got up and put her doctor's coat on as her appointment step in a couple that were going through counceling,
"You won't believe who is in town?" Patrica said to her sister Gloria Moore as she stop by after work to see her sister and her  family,
"I know i saw him few days ago" Gloria said
"You knew Garth was here, why didn't you tell me?"
"I just thought it might not interested you, you left him when you left some one you don't want to keep track of them" Gloria said Patrica pull her hair and she  grin,
"So how did you saw him?"
"He came to the furniture store one day to purchase a living room set, he was with his wife and son as he had introduce them"
"he got a son!?" Patrica ask surprisingly
"So what if he got a son, and why so surprised you got a daughter and a baby on the way, you left him remember you said it was over and saying it's over meant taking it like it's over"
He said almost the same words earlier but Patrica wasn't in the mode to carry on with the conversation, "I should go"
"Where's your car?" Gloria ask
"At Summer's engineers and garage service"
"I see you are making use of the opportunity"
"my car was giving problem, he said he'll have it ready by tomorrow, any ways I have to go Roger will be home from work anytime soon"
Gloria nod as she and her sister share a hug,
"Summer honey let's go" Patrica called
Summer came running from the living room with both her cousins Ash and Alex Patrica smile at them both hugging and kissing them "see you" she said like summer they both were six the cutest boys Patrica yet to see she two would have love the opportunity to give birth to twin but unlike Garfield Jermain Walker has twins in his family he and his sister are twin,  and he has two older brothers who also twin Garfield was the first of three children they only boy, his mother said with a son like him she felt she has a dozen boys he was really all that and they were the perfect couple like she couldn't leave her dreams she didn't want to stop him from taking the job but was she expecting him to get married,
Patrica sigh as she ran both palm over her face she was near to finish up the dishes when Roger came home she serve him his meal before going back to the sink she was a  while there as she could think of nothing but Garfield and how much she miss him missing everything about him missing his arms around her as he held her in a tight embrace,
Her cellphone rang startled her she turn to see her phone on the table where Roger sat she saw him look on the phone then at her a expression on his face she couldn't quite read, she came over and was shocked to see a picture of Garfield and the name baby slash across her phone screen, she didn't knew he would still be using that number, she saw the look on Roger's face but ignore it for some time to answer the call, she took up the phone and answer it, "hello" she said
"Hey" Garfield respond in his usual soft tone, "I'm calling about your car"
"What about it?" She ask
"It seems it won't be ready for tomorrow"
"but you did say it will be ready, what happened?"
"you see Patrica I did say it would be ready but after checking it out I found it need more than just cleaning you probably will need a new engine as well"
"Really how much will it cause?"
"soon as I'm finish I'll send you a bill" Garfield told her,
"yeah you'll do that but in the mean time how will I get to work?"
Garfield didn't answer for he wasn't sure on how she will get to work,  "Patrica I wasn't sure if you were living at the same address so I'm asking"
"it's the same address but a different house, my mail box is twenty four now"
Roger look up at her hearing her passing out information like that,
"I'm few houses down, why?"
"It's nothing Patrica you just have a good night" he said and the line went dead, she barely made it off the phone before she was furiously attack
"who was that?" Roger ask
"the guy from the garage he call about the car" Patrica said
"So you save the garage guy name  in your phone as baby?" Roger ask out of concern as well as suspicion
Patrica turn leaving his question unanswered, for she wasn't up to explaining to him
"Ah?" He seeks answered "am I missing something?"
Patrica look at him sitting around the table the fork in his hand as he avoid the plate set before him, "are you going to tell me?"
"That's Garfield summers he ran the newly open garage"
The name did ring a bell hearing it he felt it was some how familiar
"Her ex, boyfriend!" He thought, he  wondered if it could be  she  said before he left town and is living in West Berlin,
"Isn't Garfield summers your ex man?" Roger ask curiously,
"mm MH" Patrica nod,
"so why do you still save his number as baby?"
Patrica look at Roger as he when on to  hiss, "you mentioned him saying he was living out of town, you didn't say you two were keeping in touch,  you  never mentioned anything about the car being at the garage"
" I only gone there this morning, and yes I did say he was out of town  but it doesn't mean he couldn't come back, and we didn't keep in touch"
"so why your ex has to be the one working on the car?"
"I didn't do it on purpose Roger I took the car to the garage I wasn't expecting to see him there"
"is he the only one who work there, couldn't someone else handle it?"
"Roger the guy is only fixing my car" Patrica said knowing she was so much in love with Garfield it kills her inside to know he's married
" the relationship has been over for the past three years for you and I been seeing each other for that time and you still has his number in your phone as baby, what did you save mine as?"
Patrica roll her eyes,
"why haven't you deleted it?"
"Roger I haven't realize it was there just now when the phone rang I saw he was still using his old number"
Roger sigh
"it's nothing will you please eat so the food won't get cold"
"I'm no longer hungry" Roger said as he got up and Strom out the kitchen,
"Roger" Patrica called after him "come back and eat will you?"
"I just said I'm no longer hungry"
She shook her head turning back to finish the dishes, After locking up she went to find him in the bedroom, she sat next to him and he look at her
"Roger" she said but he turn his head,she drop her head to his shoulder kissing him lightly,
"Stop" he said shaking her away
"But why don't you want to make love to me?" Patrica ask
"No I'm not in the mood, besides I'm tired"
"Fine then" she said laying next to him only to have him turn his back, she turned hers too laying in the dark after he turns out the lights, even a while after hearing him snoring she couldn't fall asleep she kept thinking on Garfield still can't believe he's in town even to open up his own garage, what her sister said about seeing him in town with his wife and son ring in her ears too, still can't believe he got married, thinking on what he would do if he's to learn summer is his daughter would it make a difference to him she couldn't tell him now it was going to remain as it is it's been over between them for six years for three of those six years she's been giving her body to another man a man she will never love half as she love Garfield,
Patrica thoughts kept her up by she was to fall a sleep it was morning she push her tired self out of bed drag her way to the bathroom, she then starts breakfast, while in the kitchen Roger came he look at her but ignore her
"Good morning" Patrica said
Roger turn to look at her
"Morning" he answered deep down in his throat she came up behind him hugging him "honey why are you angry any way?"
"Im not angry" he told her walking away from her, she set his breakfast soon as he sat at the table to eat she went to wake summer and got her ready for school,
They just step out the door when a new Toyota Camry came in the gate the door open and a man step out a man Roger quickly recognised as the one from Patrica's phone when she saw Garfield she felt Roger eyes on her and was afraid to look his way,
"Good morning precious" Garfield said as he came towards them
"Garth you you're here?"
"Hey" Garfield greeted Roger
"oh this is Garth summers, Garth meet Roger summers"
On hearing the name summers for both their last name   Garfield look widely at Patrica,
Garfield wonder why she date a man who's last name is the same as his, with the conclusion she couldn't get over him he smile up at Roger and nod Roger ignore him and look at Patrica once more,
"So I found where you live, so you bought a house now?" Garfield ask
"I'm renting" Patrica said, "you didn't say why you were here"
"Oh yeah why I'm here, last night over the phone you mentioned a ride to work"
Roger look at Patrica then to Garfield, he got in his truck and start the engine,
"You didn't have to Garth I would take a cab"
"Won't that be too much you're pregnant and climbing in that truck that's too much hassle" he said smiling at the little girl Patrica, who suddenly pulled behind her mother,he  look at Roger as he start backing his toe truck out the gate
"Shall we?" Garfield ask getting the door so the little girl could climb in, summer look up at the man as she remains standing behind her mother,
"It's ok honey get in the car, summer look up at the man once again, it takes Garfield moving away for her to   climbed on the back seat she sat leaning back Patrica sat upfront with Garfield who look at her then to the smaller version of her on the back seat
"She's the split image of you precious" he told her,
"Please don't say that" she said
"that she looks like you"
"don't call me precious"
"You are still precious to me Patrica remember you said good bye not me"
"you got married"
"what was I suppose to do you move on" he pointed to the little girl on the back seat then to  her tummy that was barely poking out under the suit she wears,
"How pregnant are you anyway?"
"Five months" Patrica answer
"five what, months? You meant five weeks"
Patrica look at him side ways
"What boyfriend not doing his job he haven't been putting those legs in the air, no watering for the baby?"
"shut up will you? My daughter is behind us"
" She's not even paying attention to us"
They both look around at her as she stare out the window,
"what's her name?"
"Why do you want to know so you can past more remarks?"
Garfield giggle, "it's not remarks I know it's because you ain't getting enough sex"
"What I get enough of it's none of your business"
"I know it's not"
They side look each other he turn back to the road and she watch him he was always so handsome and charming the tightness of his cheek muscles when he smile innocently especially when misbehaving like the smile he's smiling now, his dark brown eyes sparkling sexy with emotions
"So I'm to drop you to school first?" Garfield ask
"What else did you expect?"
"you wouldn't let me drop her a lone what you don't trust me?"
"I trusted no one"
"of course you trust me, i was the man In your life we date for a year before you move in with me, when you did we rock the house"
Patrica look at him as he smile
"Was there a place we didn't sex in that house?" He giggle shift his eyes once to look at her,
She remembers those days they use to make love it wasn't anything quit normal he was always so good with his hands he love her today after awhile she could feel him on her he make every effort touch every spot he was gentle but his presence sure was felt, she haven't have such feeling since they part,
"Are you reminiscing?"
"What for?" Patrica hiss frowned at him as he pull to a stop at her daughter's school,
He got out with them and walk to the school summer look  up at him shyly when they got to the door and wave shyly then dag behind her mother, "see you later sweetie" Patrica bend to kiss summer after her teacher came to take her,
"do you take three years old?" Garfield ask when the teacher came,
"Well yes as young as a new born" she said pointing him in the direction of where the smaller children are been kept,
"My wife and I would love to send our son here what are the requirements?"
Patrica look at him
"I'm sure you and your wife can come in one day and I will be available to talk to you both"
He nod with a smile, before leading the way back down the corridor and to the car
"your son?" Patrica ask
"Of course you did already know I have a son I ran in to your sister I'm sure she told you and what you move on you got a daughter and a baby on her way, or is it on his way?"
"I don't know"
"you didn't do any ultrasound?"
"not yet"
"I'm sure it's a boy my son  will love a play mate like I had you for my play mate, oh sex mate I meant" he grinned
Patrica hissed  turning out the window,
"I'm sure you miss me" he said she heard him but ignore him,
"The times I fall between your legs were times to remember precious I'm married but I'm still not over you I'm not over the sweetness of your love it was it that kept me a life now it's just memories of it"
"you and I will have nothing again"
"nothing at all?" Garfield ask he pull to a stop roll up his tinted windows leaning over to patrica who became nervous
"If you can tell me you haven't been missing me by looking in my eyes I won't talk about the pass to you"
Patrica sat looking at him for a while her big black eyes just circle his face but she couldn't say the words, he lean closer and closer until his lips were touching on hers, "see you can't say it now can you?" He ask  Patrica meet him and their lips entwined for a heated and satisfying kiss she push him away after a long kiss  turned from him to look out the window as it came rolling down again, "I'm going to be late take me to work if you still going to" she told him
He didn't hesitate to drove off they stay silent for the rest of the ride half of a portion spend looking her way while she lean her back to him and as her mine was going wild so was your emotions,
"Tell me precious tell me that you didn't feel anything" Garfield said once they were in front of the hospital,
"Can we not talk about nothing?" Patrica ask
he nod with a smirk "fine  lets continue to push a side what we really feel like that kiss" he straighten up for her to see his hardness poking up, she watch as it jump under his sweat pants and thought about that type of vibration inside of her and was ready to fall on her back for him,
Garfield bent his head  looking up on the building it was a six story building with three ambulance park out it seem to be active for people were going in and out, the big sign says Moore hospital, Garfield smile and nod his head,
"Not bad for a small town girl" he said
"Thanks" Patrica said watching him as he grin pleasingly,
Thanks for the ride too I'll see you around" she got out the car and walk around it in order  to get to the entrance,
"Hey, precious" Garfield called,
Patrica turn to look at him
"so now I'm back I hope you plan on sharing some of that good stuff with me"
"What good stuff Garfield?"
He smile poke his lips "the one he can't handle"
"for Christ sake" Patrica hiss walking away leaving him, he watch her with a smirk she got through the door turn wave at him then disappear further into the hospital,
Garfield got back to the garage to start the work on Patrica's car compared to other car like this he'd work on this was bad probably due to less care he wondered for how often Patrica took the car for service just like she who's not getting any good service her car wasn't getting as much, he smile at his own thoughts,
At lunch time he call her she too was on her break his picture dance across the screen she let it ring twice before answering didn't want to answer too quickly to let him know she was eager to get his call,
"Precious what took you so long to get the phone?"
"I was busy I ran a hospital remember"
"yeah I don't for get any way it's about your car"
"what is it again about my car?"
"I think you need a new car"
"what happened can't it be fix? I can't afford to pay for a new car now"
"It's going to take more time that I thought and lots of money to get the parts"
"just because you see me running a hospital doesn't mean I'm rich"
"well you should have gotten better service for your car then like you should for your self for a woman who's five months pregnant you sure is thin" he said then hang up,
"ahahaha!" She growled at herself she wonder what Garfield thinks she's unable to pay bills as required now he's talking about buying a new car, she sigh as she got up from the lunch room to go back to her office,
Roger was still furious on getting home Friday evening he haven't said much to patrica giving limited answer when she talks to him, he slept with his back to her once more Saturday morning he came to the kitchen drank some orange juice and ignore the breakfast set on the table for him,
"Roger" Patrica called as she saw him about to walk out, "we really should talk"
"I have some things to do over at my mother's place if I'm in the mood we can talk after I'm back"
Patrica held up both hands turning her back on him she heard the door close before she walk over to the window to watch him leave, they have had fights before but nothing this major  she couldn't see his reason for his reaction, in the afternoon she stop by to see her parents where she spend some time she with her sister her husband and kids
"I understand Garfield is back in town" Monique Moore said as they got seated "Allan and I ran in to him the other day"
"We both saw him and isn't he gorgeous" Gloria said
Patrica look at her "well Roger is now angry at me"
She said
"What far?" Gloria ask
"Garth had call me up to talk about my car he wants to think I did it on purpose to take the car to his garage"
"did you?" Monique ask
"mom no of course not I didn't even know he was in town I was shock to see him"
"we knew how much you love that young man and I believe he was a perfect guy for you"
"he's married now and here I am trying to keep my family together"
"so Roger Is mad for the phone call?" Gloria ask
"yes for I still has Garth number saved as baby with his picture in my phone, and to make it worse he show up at our place next morning to drop me at work so Roger is taking it personal and he's been avoiding me ever since"
"you left him why after six years do you still has his number?"
"I didn't even expect him to have the same until now"
"He still has yours right?"
"well yes"
"did he save yours or did you have to give it to him all over?" Gloria ask
"he ask for my number I said it was the same he call me so obvious he still has it"
"let's say Garfield wants you back would you leave Roger and go back to him?" Gloria ask
"Gloria you always ask stupid question he's married and Roger and I are building a family" she said touching her tummy,
"a lot of men raise someone else's child"
Patrica flash off her sisters comment as she got up, "ma I should go" she said
"Leaving so soon?" Monique ask
"I've got to go see what, what, what's happening with my car"
"Oh you're going to see Garth?" Monique ask
"yes ma and the car is the excuse" Gloria said with a giggle
"Did you see my tummy I'm pregnant it's hard catching a cab"
"you're only five months pregnant Patrica and not many people going to believe if you should tell them that, look at how wingy you're" Gloria remarks,
"are you sure that you and the baby are both doing well?"
"We're I'm not having twin like you have Gloria so don't expect a big whole tummy"
"but at five months it should be bigger, may be it's lack of sex"
Patrica hiss " you know what I'm going"
"Maybe I can accompany you to your next appointment"
"That will be good for Roger has to work" Patrica answer with a smile "summer it's time to go" she told her daughter bending over to kiss her nephews and her dad
They bid goodbye and Patrica left,  she took a cab to Summer's engineering and garage service to check on what was happening with the car when she got there Garfield was with other workers Patrica quickly notice the woman with the little boy who came behind him, "precious you are here?" Garfield ask as he got closer, he smile at the little girl waving his fingers summer hide behind her mother pushing out her hand  she wave at him,
"Hello" Mary Lewis said when he came over to them,
"hi" Patrica answer
"Wife this is precious"
"Hey" Mary said "I'm mary"
"nice to meet you Mary" Patrica said looking at the cute little boy at her feet
"This is our son junior we name him after Garfield" Mary said
" Oh nice" Patrica said
"he's three years old"
Patrica wave at the little boy who found interested in summer,
"Im here about my car" Patrica said
"This way" Garfield told her leading her off to show  her what was left of her car after  pulling it apart,
"What happened!?"
"There's lots of things needs  to be done to get your car working again" Mary told her,
"so you're an engineer too?" Patrica ask
Mary smirk, "no just know a few things about cars"
Patrica smile turning back to look at the big iron parts that was once her car,
"Sorry I'm hoping to be done with it real soon"
"I'm going write you cheque"
"we can talk about the cheque when I'm done working on it precious this rarely service car might take a whole year to be fix if not two"
"I'm sure the car isn't all that bad Garth" Patrica said
"I'm sure it is and I should advise you before the next car became this bad you should give service to it" he remarks
"you have another car?" Mary ask haven't leave their side since she got there,
Patrica look at Garfield then to his wife, she smile "I could say that but that other car is in good condition and don't need to be serviced more than it has been"
"well good luck with that" Garfield said
"I should get home, nice to meet you Mary you take care, see you junior" she said
"bye"  they said to summer who  wave  at them  as she shyly smile at Garfield,
"so you and precious lived closely?" Mary ask
"Yes we did" he answered
"But she move, maybe you are to take junior home fix dinner and wait at the house for me"
"but I'm bored over the house" Mary complain
"you should put on some music, a friend once told me nothing heals boredom better than music"
"unlike you Garfield I don't like music I'm a quiet person remember"
"i could never for get that" he said kissing her as he pick up junior to strap in on the back seat kissing his fore head,
Garfield spend a few late evening setting up Patrica's car he came two more morning to drop her with summer and take her to work,
Roger has become more irritated about it, as much as she ask that he didn't come he still came and Patrica couldn't do nothing she was glad for any opportunities given to be close to him.
"Patrica stop being so selfish you're already pregnant what you think you're going to get pregnant once again a woman only has one whom" Garfield whispered
"will you leave me alone I didn't call to have you talk nonsense to me Garth I'm calling about my car" Patrica told him,
"oh yeah your car I know the car is almost ready"
"so can I pickup tomorrow?"
"I'll call you, since when talking about sex is nonsense you use to love it a lot when I was inside of you and you wrapped those sexy legs around me and our hips move in the same paste, our lips lock so tight that we could hardly breathe"
Patrica bite her lips fighting not to moan squeeze her eyes tightly,
"I still do love sex Garth but with someone else"
"I know you got your man but it won't hurt to give it once for old time sake, you use to be so tight and so sweet all the sex in the world ain't compare to yours"
"just stop it now" Patrica hiss hanging up on him, she let out a big sigh and a loud growl as she got up from her desk to go to her patient since Garth move back It's been difficult she can't even think without him in her thoughts and he wasn't making  nothing easy for because of him Roger has been angry they haven't said a good few words since last Thursday,
Saturday while at  home with Roger and summer a truck came in the driveway the horn hunk and Pattrica went out roll her eyes on seeing Garfield stunned on seeing the car on the back of the truck make them widen
"Oh my!" She said turning to look at Roger who came out just now to lean on the rail summer got up and came out pausing behind her mother on seeing Garfield thought she shy away from him she smiled and wave but never got close,
Garfield lower the car off the truck hand Patrica the key
"Are you sure this is my car?" Patrica ask "it looks like it but it's way too new"
"it is your car it look new for I did some body works as well" Garfield said
"you should have told me I could write you a check"
Patrica told him
"you don't need to pay me"
Roger look at them both
"all this work for no pay?"
"Consider it for old time sake friendship" he said getting back in his truck, " I'll see some time"
"well thanks do say hello to Mary"
Garfield tip his hat hunk the horn and drove off summer follow the truck to the gate Garfield could see her looking through the gate as he drove a way he smile as he wondered she never gotten close always hiding around her mother peeking on him his believes were that she doesn't like him, like father like daughter he thought with a smile he can't help but to feel something for her like he felt for her mother he wondered if Patrica would bring forth a child for him if he hadn't move away he still wish he had stay on and keep things going with two kids and a man who's extremely jealous he will have no chance.

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