chapter five

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After calling patrica to meet her Gloria couldn't find the strength to tell her that her husband and Garfield were both going to pull her files to check up on summer, she knew it's complicated but it was best to get the truth out in the open, "something wared took place at the bank today I found some money that I didn't save"
"really how did that happen?"
"I was saying it's an error but it wasn't, I went to pay my loan just last month and was surprised that they said it's covered"
"maybe it's your Christmas angel"
"Christmas angel in March" patrica said with a grin
"I'm sure it's not an error if it's so it's not your fault it's the bank, but would you love to have more money than what you're saving?" Gloria ask they both grin,
"Any way tell me, What happened why you invite me out shouldn't you be working? I should be working"
"Yeah I should be but I'm on a break"
"Mary at work?"
"no as Corden to her she quit she wants nothing to do with neither of us, you and me"
Patrica sigh, "I never meant for all this to happen I'm sure she and garfield will make it up"
Gloria smile wondering if that will happen, she wanted to ask her sister
"If she had any idea that Garfield donated semens to her hospital?" She could already tell her reaction for she bet she didn't have the slightest of idea,
Patrica would probably choke and cough up the baby out her stomach, Gloria could heard her voice in her head, "say what!?" She would ask in surprise, she could hear the conversation she wasn't able to have with patrica playing out in her head,
"yes" she would reply
"his name never came up" her sister would told her, she would be shock to learn that's because he's a private donner"
he use no name when he was donating and  the child inside of her could well be his,
Patrica choke  holding her chest, and Gloria came back to earth hand her a glass of water and rub her back, "what happened wrong throat?" She tease,
"So it seems
For some time they sat together doing nothing but holding each other's hand Gloria rub her finger over the back of her sister hand smoothing it Patrica felt like she was crying for her eyes burn and ran like tears, Gloria look at her wipe it and giggle to her face resting her fore head on hers as they stay in each other's company for sometime,
Garfield got home to a rather quiet house by now he's expecting junior to be in bed but Mary would be found around somewhere, he check the kitchen before taking the stairs, he found her in bed holding on to some papers, papers he thought were divorce papers, she met him hand them to him "what's this?" She ask
"You're asking me? when you are the one with the papers" he took it look it over to see a bank statement from some money transaction he had send to Patrica's account, "where you got this?"
"In the basement where you kept your stuffs"
"You went through my stuffs?" Garfield ask calmly
"you've been sending her money all these years, so you and her had something going while you were in Berlin?"
"I send her the money Mary for she deserves it, she was trying to meet her gold's and didn't have enough money and  she stood by me when I had nothing to offer but sex and she never complain she doesn't even know I'm sending her the money"
"like you didn't know she has your daughter"
"can we not talk about this right now?"
"when will we talk about it Garfield? Never is that it?"
Garfield ignore her walk out the door Mary later found him in Junior's room sitting at his bedside, he felt her shadow over cast him look up at her, "if you follow me here to argue I'm not in the mood for it" he got up leaving the room she followed him down he went to the kitchen to grab something to eat for the time he sat there he avoid looking at Mary who stare him down,
"There's a possibility the girl might be mine" Garfield said looking at Mary, she let her head fall for sometime before meeting his eyes again,
"Patrica never told me that she was pregnant while living in Berlin we never keep in touch after three years I thought of moving on I got married to start a different but I am not able to stop loving patrica, I'm sorry but I can't help it"
"don't worry I'll just move back to Berlin so I won't have to be in your way" Mary said
"are you taking junior?"
"he's your son I believe he belongs with you, he's a summers but I'm just borrowing the name that you can took back  at any time" she got up and left the room, Garfield let her go, he took  a shower then went out on the back lawn to catch some air, Mary was in bed when he got to the room he came only to grab a pillow to head down to the living room,he was spread out on the couch in the morning when Mary came down with junior,
He came in the kitchen when she was giving milk to junior, "hey little man" he said ruffling his head junior giggle holding on to his dad's hand hugging it to him, Mary watch him with just as he make much of him,
Garfield went a head and  made  some hamburgers and Hamlet's for breakfast which Mary ignore,
He then  drove junior to school only to run into patrica,
"Garfield" patrica said on seeing him
He smile at her "how are you doing?" He ask
"Alright" she said "how is Mary?"
"still Moody I suppose but don't worry, going to work?"
"yes but what are you doing?"
"I would like to have some fun with you but since you have work how about later?"
"call you"
He nod kiss her lips then left her there, patrica look around if anyone has seen the felt shy when the security guard smile at her,
Garfield and Jermain meet out front of the registration office as Jermain was meeting his friend who was checking out the file for him she met him at the door once they entered through he smile hug her and introduce him to garfield summers,
"I know that name" she said
"It's probably because it's on a sign in town" Jermain said
She look blank
"Summer's engineering and garage service"
"Oh never heard of it that's here"?"
"it's been three months since it's open"
"no no clue maybe it's because I'm not on the road so often, but your name came up on a file here, yeah  miss Moore, doctor Moore a colleague of mine"
Jermain and garfield both look at each other then back to her,
"Summer is your daughter isn't she?"
"Yes" Jermain said looking at garfield once more, Garfield kept wondering if they were getting the names mix up,
"I did that registration myself it's why I am familiar with the name"
They look at each other again,
"so what was so important that you have to come see me?" She ask Jermain,
"I was hoping to get some date on when my daughter was registered see her mother can't fine her birth certificate and I needed a copy for the insurance company"
"oh alright" she said "it will take a few days but  please come to my office on Friday I'll see how to help you then"
Jermain smile over at garfield, who nod at the woman, much as she said that it still wasn't prove enough for he believe it was some confusion with the names,
Since he has three days to wait to see the results he left and went back to his garage, he was just about to wrap up the evening when Patrica call, he went by her place took a shower over there he wonder her house to find her in a small room that was designed for s small girl her daughter was in bed as she read to her,  he got closer she saw him and giggle put her palm over her face he lean closer and she moved her finger aside to see him turning on her side her giggle became laughter, patrica watch as he make much of summer lifting her from her bed to hug her,
"Summer" he said she look at him "it's time for bed" she smile crawl from his hand to lay down he pull the sheet up kissing her forehead, she close her eyes and he watch her fall a sleep, he and Patrica left the room together,
"Did you got through your shower alright?" Patrica ask
"guess I did hope I didn't make a mess" Garfield told her
"don't worry about it I'm sure you don't leave half the mess I've to deal with"
He smile "so where is your man?"
"he isn't here, I'm sure he won't be back anytime soon"
"does this means I get to spend the night?"
Patrica look at him he gave a smile she smile back at him leaving the pot she just fill up with water to make some tea walking over to him he wrapped his arms around  her kissing her, he pulled her to the table leaning her against it, she help him out of the t shirt and sweat pants  he only just got dressed into few minutes a go, kissing his chest and rubbing his back caressing it with her fingers, she slide her palm down his belly to take his hardness in her palm guiding it inside of her, he entered her with a gentleness slowly moving his hips, the thoughts build up inside of his head has driven him to loose sense of reality he became aggressive and began to move rapidly in side of her, patrica cried out feeling his force, "ah Garfield" she cried out, pushing him "remember  the baby"  she said, "sorry" he whispered kissing her forehead, his movement slow to a paste Patrica could stand to, but because the thoughts came back  he couldn't stop himself as he was moving rapidly, she cried and slap him "I'm sorry precious" he whispered breathlessly as he climax pushing deeper inside of her she push him and he pulled  away leaving her in pain,
He held her close to him as they climb the stairs together after another hard round of sex he falls asleep next to her, she lay watching him sleep, for she was unable to the heavy pain in her belly prevents sleep from coming, she got up to go to the bathroom and felt the baby push down  something healthy pop and ran down her feet
"Garth!, Garth" Pattrica said waking Garfield up in the middle of the night, "I think the baby is going to come"
"Ah!" Garfield said surprise of her words "get dress" he told her, "I'll  grab your bag, where is it anyway?" Garfield ask
Patrica point him to the grip on the floor in a corner, he help her down the stairs into his car, he was about to get in the car when Patrica remind him off summer, "oh shit"  he said running back to grab her unable to believe he was going leave his daughter behind, he  wrapped her in the blanket, he took up a set of keys on the way out he lay summer on the back seat for she was still sleeping, patrica was crying out for pain  she even  felt like  the baby head was going to pop any minute, please Garth go a bit faster, or I'm going to give birth in the car" when Garfield look at her her legs were far apart while she wore no underwear,
"precious just breath ok"once
She tried to but her tummy hurts"
"Ok, hold on precious we're almost there now" he said looking at her, patrica breathe heavily
"Slowly ok" Garfield said
"Ok babe slowly" patrica said as she slow her breathing, Garfield believe he never saw her this beautiful reaching out to touch her,
"I have doctor Moore I think she's in labor" Garfield told a doctor standing at the counter in the emergency department, he call another and make their way to the the outside carrying a wheelchair,he took summer from the car and went up to maternity ward when he got to maternity ward he lay summer on a chair while he wait to get a result he keeps a keen watch on summer, he call Jermain to let him know patrica was in the hospital for him to inform  Gloria, they said they were on the way he hang up and went to check for information but the doctor was still in the room with her, he sat beside summer smoothly rubbing her down, "is she ok?" Gloria ask Garfield look up as she came to him,
"I haven't spoken to the doctor as yet"
Gloria sat next to him and summer who was still fast a sleep as if in her own bed,
Doctor has done the test to find that the baby wasn't ready to be born she still has three weeks before she gives birth, she learns that it was because of the sex why the pain came down,
"Miss Moore you can go home after the drip it's not your time"
The pain has smooth a little it was most likely to be felt when the baby move,
The doctor went to the waiting area Garfield got up to talk to her,
"Are you the father?" She ask
The doctor smile rest her hand on his upper arm,
"doctor Moore and the baby are both fine, unfortunately the baby isn't ready to be born, what causes the pain was that because she has a little bit of hurtful sex, I know it's a bit hard to control some time but she's almost nine months pregnant I suggest sex should be a little more slow, it's good but it should be slow" she smile  "you can go see her"
Gloria look at him and he caught her look of concern she must be wondering what the doctor was saying at this hour what was he doing at Patrica's to be having sex, he look at summer he didn't want to move her off the chair once more, Gloria suggest to watch while he went in to see Patrica, she shamefully cover her face when she saw him come in, he smiles at her removing her hands he lean over to kiss her,
"Baby" she said rubbing his cheek,
"Precious I'm sorry"
Patrica nod,
"Your sister his here and her husband, they're with summer"
She nod
"patrica I've never seen you so beautiful" he said leaning in to kiss her,
The drip was going to take a little while to be finished Garfield suggest to let patrica sister see her then summer could go home with her she agreed she could pick her up later he kiss her once more before stepping out he suggested it to Gloria about taking her niece home and she gladly agree, he sat down with summer while they went in, since summer was a sleep Gloria didn't stay for much long patrica thank her for agreeing to look after summer it was only for a short while for she would go to school and she stay at the daycare center after school and Patrica would pick her up there, Garfield brought her to Jermaine's car before going up to be back with patrica,
At eight in the morning Roger stop by the house to pick up some of his belongings since he was staying back at his parenty, he didn't have a job now and couldn't pay any rent so he move back to his mother's house, he got there and knock but Mrs Henry look over and told him that miss Moore went to the hospital late last night he thought she has the baby and decided to go over, he was told where to find her, when he got to the room and open the door he saw Garfield leaning over her bed as he was just adjusting the bed,
He cleaned his throat and they both look Garfield step back when he was finish he saw the look Roger gave him,
"How come you didn't have the baby and you're in the hospital?"
The doctor came in to see them both look from one to the other
"In pregnancy it's normal for pregnant women to go in to pre labor" she said "she  will only be a hour long I suggest miss more you go home and get some rest after this"
"ok doctor" patrica answer, she look at Roger then to garfield back to Roger neither was leaving the room until Roger turn for he saw garfield wasn't leaving, he walk to the door turning to look at him he was leaning over once again this time to kiss her forehead, he close the door behind him he was standing at the entrance when he walk by him got in his car then drove away, he thought of going back up but hiss the thoughts away he walk to the street and catch a cap to the park, he was in the park when he saw Mary she stop to chat but not for long, when he left her he went to get a hot dog and a soda sat on a park bench to eat,
Patrica was in her office when the door knock before she could make an enquiry and invite who ever it was in the door push open and Mary came in,
"Mary" patrica said coming around her desk,
"stop patrica you don't have to greet me nicely I'm not here for your friendship or for your pity"
"I'm not looking to pity you Mary, I learn you found out about my relationship with Garfield but it's in the past I can't do nothing to change that"
"I guess neither of us can for he's so crazy about you he'll give up his life to have you in it"
"don't say that Mary Garth love you"
" He must love somebody but it sure  ain't me, you're the one he's taking care off I get to live in his house but you live in his heart, we both get to screw him but you get it a lot better than I do" patrica sigh running fingers through her hair, "I'm not going to put myself in the way anymore I'm not some girl that needs his pity or your pity stop waisting pity, for I don't need it"
Patrica sigh,
"now he don't have to sneak around to leave Monday in your account or send it to your hospital ah yeah pay the loan that he make it possible for you to get to put your hospital together"
"Garfield didn't give me any money" patrica said then she remember the money in her account the payed loan, the way she was qualified for the loan at the bank,
"Oh Lord" she said taking a seat she drop her head in her palm and for sometime she let her head hang, the sound of the door let her raise her head Mary was gone closing the door behind her,
Garfield went by to see Patrica in the evening to see how she was she was much better he leave for her to get some rest call her early next morning, he was busy all day and Thursday it was quite the same, Friday he was to go back to the registration office with Jermain as they were both told to come in, since that woman friend of Jermain was pulling out Patrica's file he was interested to know what was in it, they both had followed her in to her office on getting there he look around they both were invited to sit,
"Coffee?" She ask
"I take it black" Jermain said but Garfield refused for two reasons he didn't fancy coffee and he was a bit anxious thought what she had just reveal was evidence enough,
She pull the file hand it to Jermain who hand it to garfield who quickly went through it, it was true summer was born in the summer on July third Sally was right about her weight she was in her ten pounds and yes his name was there his address from Berlin written there, Jermain head was in the file pushing Garfield head a side in order to see,
"I told you so" Jermain whispered,
Garfield nod he took some pictures and hand the file back to her she send it down stairs to get a copy of it while they wait,
Since Roger had pack a small bag almost two weeks  ago he haven't shown up at the house, Patrica was quite surprised that he came to the hospital Wednesday morning since then  patrica try to call him but most of the time his phone went to voicemail, he drop by Friday evening to collect more of his things he didn't say a word to patrica and she avoid saying any to him, he was only there a short while when  she heard the door she wondered who it could be thinking maybe her neighbor, 
she went to open the door with summer following behind, she grasp on seeing Garfield,
"Why Everytime I came you gave that expression?" He ask leaning in to kiss her,
"Don't do that now not before my daughter" patrica told him,
"why not Patrica I can't kiss you in front our daughter?"
Patrica look up with surprise, even more when she turn and saw Roger, he said nothing he just walk by them with a bag on his shoulder and one in his hand,
Garfield look at him as he went by closing the door behind him he turn to patrica handing her the copies of the registration and a paper of the matching blood samples he got,
Patrica sat down on the couch, tears fill her eyes,
"I'm sorry" she said, "I know I should have told you about summer, but, but"
"cat got your tongue" Garfield said
Patrica side look him,
"you got your life too"
"how many times do I have to say you're my life you know I would want to be a good father to my daughter, you kept her from me all this time"
"garfield I'm sorry" patrica told him reaching out to touch him, "stop touching me" he said gentle ease her from him,
She could see from his eyes he was angry"
"don't be sorry it's a bit too late for sorry"
"Garth" she call him holding on to him he shake her from him, "don't call me Garth my parents name me Garfield, a matter of fact patrica Moore don't talk to me" he said he took his papers up turning to leave with them but he stop left them on the couch look at summer then left the house patrica sat down and began to cry her eyes out unable to control it summer hug her but her comforting arms wasn't half the comfort she needed to get through,
Garfield walk in to the house the grip on the floor caught his eyes, he look to the stairs to see Mary standing there, she came down when he saw her standing there, she hand him a paper,
"Divorce papers?" He ask after looking them through, "you want to get divorce?" Garfield ask
"Don't go asking that as if you won't love that" Mary said
"we don't have to end it like this Mary"
"We're not ending it like nothing it's not to, you want the mother of your child I can understand that love is love and you never loved me was just there for convenience" Garfield drop his head "I'm sorry Mary I didn't meant for you to get hurt"
"I know you don't want to hurt me but it happens right I'm going to get over you and I have no doubt that you're already over me"
Garfield couldn't say a word since he got back to Philadelphia and start seeing patrica again he didn't want nothing more than to be with her, "I'm sorry Mary but I really do love patrica"
Mary walk away pick up her bags she was at the door when she turn to face him "I trusted you will take care of Junior, he's a sleep right now I didn't want to leave before you get home that would prove I'm worthless leaving a boy such young as junior in a house by his own, and please let him keep in touch I would like to hear from him if even a post card now and then"
Garfield nod "but how are you going to get to the airport?" Garfield ask
The sound of a engine roar outside
"That's my ride" she said
"Garfield nod his head nodding her off, and watch her leave the car was out the drive way before he took the stairs junior was found curl up in bed a sleep, he bend to kiss him, he looks at the little boy for sometime, he look at the divorce papers sigh deeply some home coming, he thought his three years marriage shattered in three months, and his relationship with patrica was on the edge for he's really angry at her he was glad it was out in the open glad Mary was gone and Patrica's boy friend pack and walk out leaving her he worried for her a lone in her nearly nine months he would love nothing more than to go by her, but he didn't let himself driven to even as much as call, he got through what seems a mighty long weekend, Monday he ran into her he stop with junior while she talk with him, but once her focus turns to him he walk away
"Garth" patrica called, "Garfield" she said remembering he said she wasn't to call him Garth his parents name him Garfield summers, her eyes were fill with tears as she watch him walk away, half her day was spent worrying of her relationship with Garfield she wasn't even sure her work was rightly done, she needed someone but no one was available to talk to she was left with a night of endless tears
Garfield stop over by his parents house on the way home one evening his siblings were there, he spent a few hours ate dinner and talk
"Mom" he got his mother's attention with everyone elses "you were right about summer being my daughter"
"Patrica's daughter?" His sister ask "who you kidding?"
"I told him it was possible" their mother said,
Every one look at him neither of his sisters knew their mother was saying that but ever since she saw Patrica with the little girl she felt she was her granddaughter it's why she was so friendly with them both and since pattrica and garfield became lovers she loves pattrica with all her heart, the father did love her too but he didn't study the fact that summer could be his grandson,
"Mary left"
"What?" His other sister asked
"We got divorce and I'm keeping junior over here, pattrica and I aren't on speaking terms for I told her not to speak to me I'm so angry with her right now" he fuse "if she had told me about, about the pregnancy I would never leave her behind"
"but honey" his mother said " look at the bright side you made a life and now you're a business man think if it if it would be possible if you hadn't gone to Berlin, you know she's your child now just pick up from there make it right"
"isn't pattrica pregnant?" His sister ask
"So what he love her" their mother said
"pattrica got herself pregnant" Garfield told them,
"ah, ah" his mother said toss her hand up in the air with laughter, "all the better"
"I have the feeling it was from semens I donated to her hospital" Garfield said and shocked everyone in the room
"I decided to donate semens to her hospital withheld my name for I didn't want her to know"
"Well that is  good you can get back with her and have your family"
Garfield dying to do that but for now he decided to give her a break stay angry at her for some time for her to look in herself,
"Please Garfield listen to me once" she said holding on to him
"I don't want to hear it Pattrica"
"please call me precious I love it when you call me precious"
"Mary left we got divorce"
Pattrica was shock looking up at him she held on to him
"all I could use from you now pattrica is some a little love making,  I'm in need of just that  and nothing more than than that from you"
"love me then Garfield it doesn't matter to me if you want nothing more  please I need to feel your arms around me"
He pull her to his huge couch inside the living room, pulled her to his chest,  and there he love her holding back nothing she held him so tight neither of them could breath but the love was enough to get them through,
He ease up bracing himself on his elbow kissing her using his fingers to caress her cheeks kissing over her face, "Garth" she called,
"Shhhh" he said sucking on her neck and ears "Garth hold up a second let's talk"
"I don't want to" he said deep kissing her mouth, "talk right now, let's just make more love" he whispered entering her once again,  he love her some more until she push him away,
"We need to talk in a while I'm to pick up my daughter"
"Our daughter!" He spit anger, jumping up to dress himself, she was left laying down for with her belly she couldn't move as quickly she finally got up stand to face him, "Garfield what I really want to know is why was it you were   sending me money"
"Because I wanted to share everything I have with you precious I wanted  to be the man that wake up next to you the man you wake up next to each morning, but why pattrica why didn't you tell me you know I would be here for you"
"I know but"
"couldn't you even call me you have my number"
"I am sorry"
"it's too late to be sorry"
"how can I make it up to my daughter now ah, ah?" Garfield ask the question it meant for both himself and Pattrica he was going to have to find a way to do it for he needs that father and daughter relationship, "she's six years old god damnit"
"Don't say that Garth, I'm sure it won't matter I think she knows maybe it's why she's shy"
Garfield hiss turned his back on her he ran fustrating fingers through his short dark curls as he felt his anger, çurse himself for letting it get the best of him, he drop himself on the couch his palm over his face,
"I'm going to leave I can call you later?" Pattrica ask
He shook his head,
"Are you going to call me?" She ask sitting next to him holding on to his arm, he sat thinking on all that was going on in his life since he came back to Philly, he was in Berlin not that he was happily married but he wasn't complaining but that wasn't the life he dream about he dream of marrying pattrica get her pregnant together raise their kids, he remembers Sally said her pregnancy now wasn't through sex it was inseminated he thought of the possibility of her inserting his semens inside of her to have his kid once more, but there was no way could it have happened,
"I should go"  pattrica said Garfield look up but didn't speak she walk away and he couldn't help but to feel bad for he knew she was crying,  he didn't want to pity her and pretend he wasn't upset for he was.
The rest of his afternoon was long nothing felt right he was unsettled lonely and exhausted, he push to fix dinner that was tasteless to him after sitting over it for sometime he finally push it aside get up and put it in the refrigerator, he gave junior a bath then help him in bed, he was asleep when he left him took a shower himself and went on the patio he sat with thoughts, wondering if junior realized Mary left him he figured he must be too young to notice,
He got up next morning fix him breakfast sat him on his lap "junior did you notice that your mother is away?" He ask
Junior nod, wether or not he understands Garfield didn't know, "junior she's not coming back" he said
He nod once more, Garfield hug him tightly know she him set him to his feet, "it's time for school"
"Ok" junior said skipping out the kitchen he grabbed his lunch out hand it to his father took up his bag packed then took his dad's hand,
Garfield laugh "we'll have to lock up first" he said, after locking up Garfield
drove junior to school and ran into pattrica  there from the looks of her she was ready to pop, he can't believe she was so thin when he first came back to Philadelphia, she's looking extra gorgeous now the two children greet each other summer hug junior, she smiled up on her father,
"summer" Garfield said she ran to him and he scoop her in his arms,
He was feeling happy as he held her there he knew she didn't like him when they just met but they got by that now and he was glad for this was an healthy start.
Pattrica was feeling small cramps before going to bed but nothing hard to fuss about, in the late hour of the night it became more severe she wasn't seeing any sign just the pain that she ignore until in the morning her head water finally give way she managed to get summer ready and drove her to school, she went straight to the hospital for she had her bag pack kept inside the car  doctor Gomez met her once she entered in to emergency department "doctor Moore you're in labor" she said calling out to doctor Morgan who was near by he came over with a wheelchair help her on then send for her doctor,
"Call for my sister" she beg doctor Williams when she came into the room, doctor Williams place the call soon after she was ask to and Gloria went to the hospital she call her husband her parents and she call Roger,
Jermain call to let garfield know he went to school to pick up summer and take summer with him, up to the time every one gather in the hospital pattrica didn't give birth it wasn't until late afternoon she was delivered a baby girl who's birth weight was just fine but was  bit tired determined by the time pattrica took to get to the hospital and she herself was a bit tired too, doctor explain that they will have to run some test, to see the baby's a possible condition, in case there's a possibility she might need to get some blood, she explained that after the test done on the baby they're going to get the details, she told them other from that but of tiredness they won't be able to tell the state and continue of the baby until all tests are complete, but if any further problem need the father's blood sample will be needed, she told them that they could go in and see Pattrica but it couldn't be for long for she too need rest,
"I think my baby is sick" pattrica said when she saw them gather to come in her room.
"I'm sure the baby will be just fine" her mother told her rubbing her cheek, "like you the baby is just tired"
"Are you sure mom"
"Doctor believe you did too much before you got in and maybe you didn't get to rest before you deliver"
Pattrica often times for gets her mother was a midwife and has retired three years ago and still knows about pregnancy, "Don't you worry dear" her  dad whispered as kiss her forehead
Jermain smile at her lift his hand in greeting, she smile back at him smiling at Gloria  when they hug each other,  she look over Gloria shoulder and she saw Roger standing there,
"You came!?" She ask she  wonder how he came to know, he didn't respond to her question neither got closer,
"I call him" Gloria said,
"Where's summer?" Pattrica ask
"Mommy" she said running to pattrica she hug her kiss her,
"Honey mom is so sorry she wasn't able to get you from school today"
"Daddy took me " she whispered pattrica lift her head to see Garfield standing by the door junior next to him, he came over and peek on the bed,
"Where's the baby?" He ask
"The Baby will come soon"
"but why mom why aren't the baby next to you on this bed?" Summer ask
Doctor came back to tell them they got five minutes more,
"I'll take summer" Pattrica's mom said
"No ma I'll take her" Gloria said
"it's ok I will take summer home with me" Garfield said everyone look at him but no one said anything
"well who's the better one for the job" Roger said
"are you going to manage?" Pattrica ask
"we'll be fine" Garfield remarks bending to meet summer, "you would like to stay at my home right?"
She nod smiling "are we going to leave mom?"
"mom will be ok summer you will see her tomorrow, go say goodbye summer hug her mom with great happiness she left with garfield and junior to go home.

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