chapter six

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Roger was the first to get to the hospital since the doctor made mention of the blood tests he became more curious for he himself wanted to request a DNA for he wants to find out who's baby patrica got, for he can't help to think it's Garfield some how, he only started questioning it since her ex move back in town, he has his doubt and suspicion he wasn't afraid to express the way he felt to patrica who at the time couldn't explain to him that she did insemination to get pregnant, she imagine what the results are  going to be when doctor was done running the test, "ah!" She sigh Roger look at her thinking something was wrong but if he was going to find out the door push open and summer ran to her, "mammy" she said
"Honey" patrica hug her kissing her forehead "how are you sweetie?" She ask
"Mammy I'm fine" summer said Patrica hug her once more,
Junior came in ahead of his father, Garfield didn't look at Patrica but turn his focus on Roger,
"Doctor will tell us the blood test soon  I'm still trying to figure out how on Earth did I get you pregnant? If there's something you have to say, say it now"
Patrica shook her head, ignore him, it didn't take very long for everyone all to gathered in the room patrica was admitted, her doctor came in just as they did apologize for her interruption,
"It's ok" patrica said sitting up
"I'm here to test Mr summers blood pressure if he'll be able to donate blood for the baby incase it's needed"
Roger look at garfield who side looked him he didn't move from where he sat in the corner of the room but he was observant to everything,
"So far the baby blood type is AB rear is anyone in here has that blood type?"
They all look around on each other, roger eyes garfield to see what he'll say he came up short on words  patrica knew her daughter is AB blood type but she didn't want anyone putting any needles in her skin  drawing any blood from her,
"Doctor summer  here has  that  same AB rear blood type as the baby" Roger said
"No, no not her I'm not taking blood from my daughter!" Pattricya said disagreeing,
"but it's for another daughter, and as I say it's only a possibility that she will need it"
"No I don't care" patrica said
"We are monitoring the baby incase and If Mr summers" doctor said stopping to rephrase her sentence, if Roger  blood group is the same, we could draw a little blood from him"
"I'm o negative like patrica" Roger  said "it's why I'm pointing fingers at summer"
"Leave her out of this" patrica almost squeal her words,
"how is it possible that like summer the baby is AB blood type!?" Roger ask turning to look at garfield still sitting in the corner, "I knew it, I knew I shouldn't have trust you patrica you have me all this time thinking you weren't seeing him before you got pregnant"
"it's not like that" patrica cried
"what is it explain to me why they both share the same blood like him"
Every one look at him in shock wondering what he was saying,
"I am sorry Roger I should have told you from the very beginning that I wanted another baby it was when you lost your first job and things were a little bad I wanted to talked to you about it but already you was going through so much"
"if I was stressed there's no way I could had gotten you pregnant" Roger complain"
"Roger listen before you judge me"
"Judge you? Ah, was I judging you when I saw you coming in from out of town with him? the man you claim to have nothing with the same man you said it was over between you both for a long time"
"that's not the case now"
"it's the case everything is the case I'm not interested in nothing you got to say" Roger turn and head to the door,
"patrica told me she got herself pregnant" Gloria said
Roger turn and look surprise"
"Even I'm surprised" her doctor said when she look around on some of the faces that were fill with surprise,
"I don't believe that" Roger said "unfortunately she got pregnant with semens that manage to let the baby share the same blood type as him" he pointed to garfield who get up finally
"I'm a AB" Garfield said "instead of going over the mountain with this I'll give the baby blood" every one look at him
"well since you are is dad it's the right thing to do" Roger said
"Garfield didn't come to town until I was already five months pregnant as my sister said it was something I did on my own"
"how, how pattrica how on God's earth did you manage to get semens that match his DNA?"
"I was a donner" Garfield said "I signed up to be a donner I thought it could have been of some use to someone but since it was to the Moore hospital I decided not to use my name I remain a secret donner"
"this is a joke" Roger hiss,"I must congratulate you Patrica"
"This is a coincidence that his semens ended up with you" her mother said
"such a coincidence ain't it?" Roger said  looked over at garfield then at Patrica flash his hand, "I bet you both must be loving this now you'll all be settled in a happy family, I'm forty two years old, I'm too old for drama and I'm walking away"
"well who can blame you it's obvious that you got nothing to stick around for" Garfield said,
Roger figure he was right there was nothing before it's nothing now he see no point in sticking around he gave another look around the room,
"Roger I'm so sorry" pattrica said Roger nod  then left the room"
She wasn't sure that he had nodded to accept her apologize but she didn't try to find out she hope thought that he will be alright,
"you donate! ?" Patrica ask when she finally got her focus back
"I'm afraid I did" Garfield said
"does this means the baby" patrica pause
"is mine" Garfield finishes the sentence for her she grasp, holding her temples her eyes tightly close, "how my God!" She Said
"It's ok now I can give the baby any amount of blood she needs"
"Don't worry I'm sure your blood will only take a spoon full it's that's strong and the baby will need just that if we see where it's needed,  "it's not that she's sick or anything but she seems to pop out early than the due date I'm thinking her mother was a bit stressed, tired may so she appears to be weak"
"doctor we understand and wether she needs a little or a lot I'm ready to do my part" Garfield said
"come this way" doctor told him they left the room together and everyone that was left behind start talking at once
"Stop" patrica said, "I'm sure we can discuss it further I'm tired catching a head ache I just give birth"
"yes" another doctor said
"Ms Moore need rest you can always come back" she look at her watch "at three"
Gloria was tight lips she didn't hesitate to leave as everyone follow behind after biding patrica goodbye,
"I still can't believe that this happened" Jermain said to Gloria, they were driving back to the hospital minutes to three as they were told visiting hours was at that time,
"Yeah neither can I"
"I'm sure at some point your sister had told you that summer was for Garfield"
"She did she told me about getting herself pregnant too but was sure she didn't know it would be with Garfield semens" Gloria said sighing,
"look at the bright side they can just get married raise the three children"
Gloria smile she was glad it turned out this way
Garfield was already there with summer from his appearance he never left junior was sleeping on the couch in the corner and garfield sat brushing Patrica's hair she looks rested and fresh as if never just a few hours give birth,
"How are you sis?" Garfield ask smiling up at Gloria, she gave a mighty huge grin "happy!" She said
Patrica smile as they share a hug,
"Sorry about earlier" she said
"What happened earlier?" Gloria question
"I sounded a bit angry"
"no you were just tired" they smile hug again,
"Since you just have Patty I figured you"
"Patty?" Garfield and Pattrica ask
"Mm Mmh, unless you need to name her Cleopatra"
"Patty is fine" Garfield said
"It's better than summer" Gloria whispered
The four giggle
"I brought vegetables and fruits"
"no chicken?" Patrica ask frowning
"We got the chicken right here" Garfield mother said as she came in with her daughter's her husband and grand children, she hug summer kissing her cheek, they all greet summer and hug patrica both her parents arrived after a while bringing soup patrica gave herself a treat soon as she was finish the doctor came in the door with Patty in her arms she was crying like a strong healthy baby, after her rest she too was good as new with enough energy soon as she was rest in Patrica's arms her head search with open mouth as the breast was place in her mouth she suck anxiously making sounds everyone laugh  excitingly hovering over the baby watching her enjoy her mother's milk, Garfield put his finger in her palm and her little fingers curl around it
"Now I see why the baby reacted to my presence each time we were together, she knew I was her father"
Patrica giggle rub his cheek pushing back his hair as she lean down to hiss his forehead grinning softly at him.
"Mmmh" Garfield mumbled rubbing Pattrica's thighs as he push up on her she felt him and shiver,
"The baby is there months now isn't she" he said
"so!" Pattrica said easing him away, he got closer once more, "stop!" She warned
"Or else?" He ask
"I'll cut you" she said taking the big spoon off the kitchen counter, he giggle patrica put the spoon away and came up with a fork,
Garfield smile come on honey just a little bit"
"don't you have to go to work?" She ask
"yeah I have to go to work maybe I'm to pick up some of that on my way home"
Patrica narrow her eyes
"yeah" he nod backing himself from around the counter bumping into the refrigerator, patrica giggle at him he walk to the children at the table kissing them good bye he was backing himself out the door bump into Carla Johnson as she was coming in,
Since Garfield purswade  pattrica to marry him  a month after Patty was born and move in his house she was going stop paying rent for a change and she was glad to for the rent money would help to maintain things at the hospital, she accepted his proposals marry him then move in it's been two months so far living with  him was comfort to her he make a good husband and a excellent father,
"Sorry Mr summers" Carla said
"No Carla I'm the sorry one I wasn't looking where I was going"
Carla smile as they give way to each other he left and she step in to the kitchen
"Mrs summers"Carla greet patrica
"Hi Carla, thanks for coming I'm running out now Patty already have her bath and I fed her"
"ok Mrs summers"
"thank you so much"
Carla nod wondering why she thank her sitter so much each morning when both she and her husband pay her  well and she was free to have anything in the kitchen,
"Brush your teeth guys have to get to work" she said the two children left the table pattrica follow them up the stairs help them both to brush they bid Carla good bye on the way out the door,
"See you later" she said, Carla only kept and look after patty for junior and summer went to school and stay back at day care until either parent was coming home first would pick them up at school, after dropping the children pattrica was heading to work on her way she saw some one, some one she thought looks like Mary she was curious she stop and got out the car, walk across the street,
"Mary" she said surprise it was her when she turned around, "you are here you came back to Philadelphia?"
"Hi Patrica" Mary said
"congratulations I heard you gave birth, and you and garfield got married"
"you hear? "
"I'm sure you are both happy now, it's a coincidence I didn't know my husband was a spermsdonner, well I think it ended up at the right place for I know he could never love me like he loves you"
"Mary I didn't meant for it to happen"
"don't worry about it the people who belongs together always end up together in the end"
"Mary I do like you"
"I know that and I do like you it's only a pity love can be so selfish at times"
They both smile
"how is junior? "
"he's in school I just drop him it's ok to stop in and see him"
"I would love that so much" Mary giggle,
"shall we go?" Someone ask from behind Patrica she turn and saw Roger with wide mouth she look from him to Mary,
"Patrica" Roger said
"Hi" patrica reply looking at Mary once more,
"We deserve someone too" Mary said
"Are you leaving Philly?" Pattrica ask
"There's nothing here for me" Roger said, "I figured you'll say goodbye to summer for me"
"she too his at school and Mary was going to see junior, I wish you both a very happy life, thank you Roger for the times you were there you did played a great part in my life"
He nod
Patrica hug them both, she watch them got in the car together they drove off before she herself got in her car and went her way,
Garfield lean in to kiss Pattrica's nose kissing her forehead and her cheeks before turning away,
"Hey" she stopped him wrapped her arms around his neck kissing his lips,
"Hmm" he said smacking his mouth
"Did you miss me?"
"I'm still missing you precious missing you and wishing that you were still pregnant, I would get some I wouldn't be just thinking about it" he grumble, grab her waist press her to him she could felt his arose giggle, at him,
"Baby guess who I saw today and guess who else was there"
Garfield couldn't think of anyone,
"yes Mary! She came back to Philly and she and Roger took off to Berlin"
Garfield laugh and laugh,.
"that's how my sister and her husband reacted too" patrica said for like the way Garfield laugh Gloria and Jermain laugh too,
"I told them both i was happy for them"
"Well who knows love can drive you off Crouse, like it has done me and you"
"yeah, are you hungry?"
"no I drop by my parents and have dinner over there I'm sure you can serve it up for breakfast"
"I'll do that, but you do one thing help the children into bed and I'll finish up here"
"what am I your damn nanny?" He ask toss the dish cloth on the counter then left the kitchen before walking out he heard patrica giggle but when he turn she stood there really serious,
By the time she was finish in the kitchen all three children were a sleep but Garfield was still sitting in the room with them, she grab a quick shower before he came in to the room he came and sat on the bed, they didn't speak to each other pattrica was humming softly, she face him on hearing him sigh,
"Tired, did the children gave you a hard time?" Patrica ask coming to him, "did you actually stop to get some on the way home?"
He smiled
"no?" She ask
He shook his head,
"for boy haven't I got a treat for you"  she drop her robe and reveal her nakedness, enticing to his eyes with out the tummy she look extremely beautiful he got up pull her in his arms kissing all over her shoulders making horny sounds his grip tighten as he lift her on him rest her on the bed,
"Get naked baby I want to feel all of you" pattrica said helping him out of his clothing he was buried inside of her as they both kept rolling over she wrap her legs tightly around his hips matching every movements made by him the moaning softly when his presence was felt both loving each and every moment of the time they share as  simply accepting the pleasure as they both together came to a climax.
                      THE END

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