chapter three

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Since about a month and a half Garfield and Mary were supposed to visit the school where they were hoping to have junior attend they came in the front door as Patrica was about to leave after dropping summer off, Mary saw her as she step in with her husband, she call and wave as Patrica face them and start walking over,
Summer turn and saw Garfield and ran off to her class room, Garfield smile turning back to look at her mother as she came standing pretty in front of him, her attention firstly was directed to junior who couldn't stop smiling at her,
"Hey Mary" Patrica said greeting her warmly they embrace making kissing sounds as they move from cheek to cheek,
"Hey Garth" Patrica said
He overall her widening his eyes as she look at him, he look at the door to see the little girl peeking her head out, he was unable to believe one little girl could look as much like her mother a blue eyes blonde who was the prettiest girl created, he saw her wave, on waving back she ducked her head behind the door,
"How are you Garth?" Patrica question,
"Ok I guess" Garfield said
It's been two weeks since their encounterment a week since he last saw her they ran in to her while he was at the store with his wife, he felt he was longing to touch her body to place himself inside of her to feel the baby move, he suddenly remembered her appointment is today, he was here to register his son for school while she was leaving, he was hoping to make her appointment but didn't seem he will,
"So you finally came to register junior?"
"Yes" Mary said turning to look at her husband,
"Mr and Mrs summers" the head mistress call as she came up to her, smiling on seeing Patrica
"Doctor Moore how are you doing I see your pumpkin finally got his shape you look pregnant now"
Patrica smile
The head mistress turn back to Mary and Garfield, "miss Patrica Moore is one of our most active parents she's on the committee, board meeting a part of our PTA she is very competent I should tell you"
"Patrica?" Mary ask "I thought your name was precious"
"Yes it is not many people know me like that, guess I'm not precious to everyone"
They both smile
"well I must go see you around" Patrica said smiling at Garfield who once again widen his eyes she felt a rush of emotion wishing to have him,
"Isn't today your appointment?" Mary ask
"Yes, but the time has change it's at two and my sister won't be able to make it this time"
"do I know your sister?"
Mary look shock she didn't think them to be that close
"I'll see you" she turn and saw her daughter looking out "later honey" she said blow her a kiss and left
Garfield watch her walk out before following the head mistress and his wife, he was glad Mary ask about the appointment for now that it move to two he's surely going to make it,
Roger has told her he was going to be busy and won't come with her since they weren't talking all that good since Garfield came back in their life, he's out of the house mostly saying he's giving her space she try getting him to make love one night but he refused saying he was tired she let him be and didn't push it as use to, the day activities were much today Patrica feet were getting swollen and tired as she sat to rest them stretching them on the chair she rest her head back closing her eyes she felt them lifted to rest on someone's lap as they were begin to been rub she open her eyes to see Garfield she tries to sit forward,
"Relax precious" he said
"You're really here?"
"No you're day dreaming" he said
Patrica giggle childishly Garfield smile pulling closer to her rubbing her thighs,
"How was it at the school?"
"The interview went well and they accept my son there, they said my name came up on their registry that I has a child attending their school"
Patrica froze thinking of summer Garfield should never find out about summer at least not like this
"Anyway" he said easing up to rest over her, "anyway I'm sure what misunderstanding they have will be rectified soon, let's forget all that I'm here and dying to be here" he said rubbing between her thighs over soft naked flesh, kissing her tenderly
"Uh, huh, oh" Patrica said cuffing his face between her palm, as he sank into her giving her the most sweet and beautiful feeling, the thing with Garfield he always knew her weakening parts and wasn't afraid to touch her there he love her with out caution yet still he was cautious, she grip his upper arm holding on to his hard muscles he move his tongue playfully over her nipples kissing down to her tummy,
"Did you ever for once stop loving me precious?" Garfield question Patrica
She shook her head emotions fill her eyes as Garfield stare into them, he watches her chest rise and fall as they make out "you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen" he said Patrica felt she heard him saying that a million or more times already since he got back from Berlin,
"Did you, did you stop loving me?" Patrica ask
"Never, never will i stop loving you I wish, I wish I'd fight for us before so many shit got between our lives"
"you're calling our children shit?" She ask
They both giggle,
"no not the children but our other halves
"You means our spouses?"
"Yes, yes" he said kissing her deeply they both came to a climax gripping each other tightly both breathing hard, they lost themselves into loving lost track of time being a hour late for her appointment
"Sorry" she apologized
Doctor Walliston accepted for this is her only time late on her check up she could see her reason for it she turn to look at Garfield then back to Patrica, "you said this man isn't the father but I should advise you that what ever games you two are playing it's working" she said
Garfield look from the corner of his eyes,
"see you miss Moore for your next appointment which is next month first Monday as usual, and thank you sir for coming"
Garfield nod smiling at her he and Patrica left the office he went to his garage while she went back to work,
It was another day but not just any other day a day she gets to feels better than yesterday so much was going on yet still she found a sense of peace especially after loving allover Garth, at the end of the day she got in her car and drove to her daughter school still thankful for the day she has,
"Hey honey" she call waving at summer, summer wave back at her wave to her teacher as she ran off to her mother.
Roger walk around the jewelry store looking at the fancy wedding band, the thought of asking Patrica to marry him came to mine and he brought one of the middle price ring, he wasn't sure he wants to for what they have now isn't a marrying type of relationship but at this point in time he just wants that Garfield guy out their lives he look at the fact that he left, leaving her with a child for six years and six months he's been gone got married and is with a son of his own he has no right to want to come in now, Patrica is pregnant with his child having second thoughts that he began to wonder if it is so he wasn't use to her being a bad person but with everything that was going on in his life he question it and for now it's going to be questionable until the baby is born, he got home to find her with the little girl sitting on the living room floor "hey" but summer was too taken up with her mother doing yoga she didn't stop to notice, he got closer touch Patrica causing her to jump frightening
"Sorry it's just that I was trying to let you know that I'm here"
"well welcome home"
He took a seat at the floor next to them, pick summer up on put on his knees she wasn't that excited about it since he haven't been paying much attention to her and she has her eyes on Garfield thought they don't really talk she still waves at him,
"How about I make dinner" Roger suggest Patrica was surprised at his actions now but didn't object he cook as he later set the table they ate together which haven't happened in a while he was also talking he mentioned about work he smiles at summer brushing his fingers through her hair rub her cheek, summer looks on her face was like what Patrica herself was feeling, they finish dinner and he did the dishes, together they tucked summer in while she reads he sat patently they walk out the door turning it behind them from behind he hug her around her waist once inside the room kissing her neck, it wasn't quite the feeling she desire but let him he turn her to face him kissing her lips for the last two months Garfield has been loving her back to back they last done it three days ago, Roger lift her shift ease her back on the bed climb over her, as he entered her she felt the baby at a standstill stiff to one side as she has to kept easing Roger off her at one point it gotten difficult to breath and he kept bracing on her, "ouch Garth" Patrica cried out bitting her lips Roger was imotionaly involved he didn't hear she was glad she wouldn't he able to get out of this he came breathlessly weighing her down she push him away he lay on his back huffing as though he just climbed a mountain,
"I can't believe I stay away so long, it seems you added some extra honey in there"
He said those words and she remembers how sweet it was with Garth turning around inside of her thinking he's the one added the extra sugar, it makes her giggle covering her mouth when Roger look at her,
"Did you?" Roger ask
Patrica believe he was going to ask if she did it with anyone other from him Garfield maybe, she once heard her sister saying that a man can tell if someone else was having sex with his woman for it felt different, for Roger it got sweeter she doubt it's be cause he haven't been with her for a while for he got to go with someone those late nights he spent out with his buddies, he had promised to stop drinking but his drinking a bits as increases drastically he became an addict,
"Did I what Roger?" Patrica ask
"Did you climax?"
She shook her head.
"why not?"
"it must be to the way the baby kept his stiffness"
"He's bad he didn't want to give me a chance" he ease up to look at her, "Patrica i love you so much, so much" he told her kissing her
She smirk watching him get up turning on the lights bending to the floor to pick up his pants there he went inside the pocket and came out with something he drop it right back came to her he sat taking her left hand in his palm,
"I know Patrica that lately things been a little rusty with us but I love you you mean a lot to me and, and I want to marry you" he said trying to put the ring on her finger
Patrica pull away "Roger what are you saying?" She said
"I'm asking you to marry me Patrica what do you mean what I'm saying?"
"that's a big step"
" Are you saying no?"
"yes I'm saying no I'm sorry"
"don't be you're just saying no because of him aren't you?"
"that's not the reason but it's because of him why you're asking for marriage"
"what wanting to marry the woman who's carrying my child have to do with him"
"please let's just relax let's do this later right"
"you still want him in your life I get to understand that but fine" he put his pants on grab his shirt moving towards the door,
"Roger Everytime something happens you ran out, why can't you face it, for we rush into marriage right now isn't going to solve anything"
"Yes it will I'll leave then your man will come"
"what man?"
" The one you want the one who father your daughter, the one I'm not sure if he's not the father of the child inside of you" he pointed to her tummy,
Patrica knew the baby is going to be a problem after he finds out he's not really the father but wasn't expecting it to be before it's born she is sure she's not carrying Garfield's child she was five months pregnant since he came almost three months now which she saw him for nearly two of those months, with the baby sharing different blood type from his and having a blood type of someone no one knew he already called her a slut imagine what he'll say next,
"You are unable to deny it ah cat got your tongue?"
"Roger" Patrica said softly
But he turn and left slamming the door, Patrica sigh drop her hands on her lap she took a shower then went to check on summer who was sleeping easy on, she went down stairs to the kitchen to make a snack with some biscuits she sat with her eyes closed staying quiet for some times she could only imagine she held onto her tummy smiling,
"Well the family would be completed" Patrica whispered feeling the rapid response of the baby,
It felt tickling as Garfield kiss her shoulders she lean her head as his lips caress her neck, she shrugged "Roger came home last night in a mode" she said
She didn't have to say more for Garfield to understand that she won't be giving him no love today, he came around to face her resting both palm on her tummy the baby respond with some hard movements that jerk him he giggle sliding his palm over the lump, "I would make a far better father than he will" he whispered
Patrica smile "you are a good father to junior I saw you with him"
Garfield smile kissing her, "so you and your little boyfriend made amends does it means less loving for me?"
"he got man all over again for he bought a ring asked that I marry him"
"you did say no right?"
"well yes I felt he's rushing because you came and he's doing it out of jealousy, he believes it's because of you why I'm saying no, which it is but you're married with a son why should I give up the title to be Mrs since you already make someone Mrs summers"
"I would have stay if you asked me to, hey I would gladly take you with me if you hadn't refused" he said letting her go, he walk to the desk to lean against it, "now you're with some man who is, who is"
"Controlling?" Patrica ask
"He just shouldn't be in the picture"
"like Mary shouldn't be in the picture?" She turn to face him, with a smile he ease in to kiss her after a thirst quenching kiss she ease him a way "remember" she put up a cautious finger "I have work" she open the door for him pointing him out, "my next counceling session is in five minutes"
"call me later" Garfield told her kissing her forehead, both cheeks then lips, "love you precious"
"Thank you" Patrica said he turn to look at her she smile wave at him then close the door,
"Mr Garfield summers" someone said as Garfield went by the registration office, he stop turn to see one of Patrica's friend a girl she study with in college, "hey how are you?" She came to hug him, "it's good to see you I heard you were back in town"
"yes I am" Garfield said
"so is it that you're back permanently or?"
"I'm back home set up my business bought a home on the coast so you can say I'm here to stay"
" It's good to see you home, you were really missed, by the way I over heard it in the street you got married how is Patrica handling that?"
"Patrica and I were over before I left Philly it's over now like wise"
"don't tell me you visit her at the hospital to talk about summer"
"summer!?" He look surprise, "what about summer?"
She came to realize he didn't learn yet summer is his child and try to change the subject,
"No, what am I saying
"Yeah what are you saying about summer"
"Nothing really I'll see you"
"Really I need to know what" he said but she hurry away,
"You're still here?" Patrica said running into Garfield on her way to emergency,
"I was trying to leave when I ran into an old friend, doctor Gomez"
Patrica look to the door of registry, she turn to look at Garfield, "oh what did she say?"
"Nothing just a friendly welcome"
"ok later then"
"huh huh" he kiss her and left,
"what did you say to Garth earlier?" Patrica ask once they were together at lunch
"Mr summers?"
"Yes doctor Gomez him"
"Well we just talk about his home coming he told me of his business and his home on the coast"
Patrica didn't speak she just stare into space,
"any way he's a hunk i mean did you see the muscles my God he's hot"
"just stop" Patric told her getting up leaving her there,
"still get your kicks seeing him don't it"
Patrica stick up her middle finger and hear her giggle but didn't turn to face her,
Sunday Gloria called up suddenly invite Patrica for dinner since she and Roger weren't on a good talking terms she wasn't sure if he would accept the invitation while she and summer were heading out the door Roger got off the couch "where are you going to Meet him?" He ask
"My sister invites us for dinner"
"I'm coming" he said grabbing his half use shirt off the couch with out a shower he join them for the trip,
"Feel free to join us of course" she told him as he followed her to the car getting in besides her,
Mary and Garfield hath accept the dinner invitation as well since he had to be doing most of the cooking when it's not order in the experience of someone else's meal sounds inviting they were the first to arrive as both Gloria's and her husband's parents were coming to dinner,
It was just one normal Sunday evening but Gloria was just sharing dinner half an hour catch her and her husband on the couch with Garfield and Mary summers talking Mary was filling Gloria in an how she met Garfield and how many times he rejected her for it seems he was waiting for someone, "it took a little twist and turn but eventually we got married then adopted junior"
Gloria reaction to hearing junior was adopted was just a face expression the door came and she went to get it, she grin at her sister and they share a hug "hey there summer" Gloria said as the little girl walk by her in to the living room summer saw Garfield sitting inside turn around and went back to her mother,
Patrica take her hand and went in with her she look at her sister then back to Mary and Garfield junior got up came running over summer hug him with a giggle then duck behind her mother,
"Summer" Garfield strong voice said and summer grip tighten around her mother's legs,
Gloria laugh, "she's probably not use to men as big and strong as you"
Garfield smile his eyes wondering off to Patrica's face as they came closer,
"Hey Mary" Patrica said in greetings "you remember Roger?" She ask
"I remember the face he was at the store the other day, not sure I did got his name though"
"hey" Roger said smiling at her as they shook hand
"Hi" she greet Garfield who responded with a nod, his stare were making Patrica very uncomfortable
"Honey our parents are here" Gloria told her husband" when the car came in the drive way and she look out the window,
They both went to the door to greet their parents,
"Honey" Patrica's mom greet her "you're shooting the last time I saw you you didn't look pregnant, what is it that you are doing different?"
"more sex" Gloria said
Their mother smile "is that true honey, when I was pregnant with you doctor recommended that for me I figured when you grow up you were going to love it"
"well i don't love it that much" pattrica said
"of Crouse you love it that much, there are people in this room that can give account for that" Roger said Garfield look at him then to pattrica,
"hi" pattrica greet her sister's in-laws then hug her dad
"I'm glad to see you honey"
"Same here dad"
"Well dinner will be serve soon so let's relax a bit" Gloria said as she sat next to her parents pattrica sat facing them
"Really honey you're looking pretty the pregnancy finally fits you , like I love healthy babies I love a healthy pregnancy as a doctor you're to have the best looking pregnancy"
"mom I did all there is for my pregnancy I eat right, exercise, I even do yogas me and my daughter do it together"
"and having a bit more sex, doctor did recommend it"
Roger eyes widened for he didn't know that,
"Oh doctor did" he said
"You sound surprise" Gloria said
"He don't have to act surprised for nothing, I'm sure if doctor even recommend it they live together she's pregnant sex is a lot sweeter with a pregnant woman" Jermain said,
"how?" Garfield ask
"You don't think?"
"not that pregnant women aren't beautiful but when it comes to to sex with all that tummy to get around it's sometimes confusing"
Jermain laugh,
"why is that funny did you fine it confusing loving me while I was pregnant?" Gloria ask
"no honey not at all I love you pregnant like I love you now"
"oh ok" Gloria said smile and kiss Jermain
"Sounds like a good time to have a drink right" Garfield said taking up a bottle of wine from his feet, "I know you're hosting but I couldn't come empty handed"
"Good gester" Jermain said "I'll get the glasses
"I'll check on dinner, excuse us" Gloria said as she went to the kitchen with Jermain,
When handed his glass garfield got up from his seat next to his wife went over to where the four children plays on the floor, summer look up on him and grasp clapping both palm on her cheeks
"What?" Garfield ask stooping next to her, she slide her fingers over her eyes leaving a small space to peek,
"Summer honey" he said touching her hair, only to hear her grasp once more, "it's ok you don't have to be afraid of me I won't bite"
"She knows that you don't bit, you won't bite her at least, it's not even the fact that she's afraid, but the fact that she knows you and who you should be for her but you don't know her, and her problem is do you care to know her" Roger said
Garfield narrow his eyes as his words play back in his head he remembers before he said something about her not knowing their relation he was being comparsive about their ways,
"Why you keep talking in riddles man you kept blabbering things no one understands"
"you're the magic man shouldn't you figure it out"
Every one turn to look at him Garfield shook his head turning back to summer he took her hands from her face and held her stare, she was so pretty everything for her mom everything he would want in a daughter
"You don't like me?" He ask "don't worry I'm your friend"
"Bet you are" Roger said
"Roger will you please stop" pattrica said
"Is he always this picky?" Garfield ask pattrica she shrugged "are you always this picket or is it just with me?" He ask Roger
"What reason do you have being picky with me? For if it's because you think I'm in your way I'm the one who should be worried"
Roger laugh, for a while he sigh when he stop laughing shook his head
"You know what I shouldn't even be here I didn't got invited over here as a matter of fact I beg to come now I'll just leave" he got up Pattrica watch him as he head for the door,
"Well ain't you going to stop him?" Gloria ask
"what for she's with child the least stress from him is the better for her" Garfield said
Mary look at him then to pattrica they all watch Roger's back as it walk out the door,
"What's with him?" Mary ask
"Leave it alone mary" Garfield said
"let's eat" Jermain said
They were lead to the dinning room to sit as Jermain serve dinner summer was next to her mother as she peek around on Garfield when he turn to look at her she hides and giggle, for more time than once she did it,
"Summer want to come sit next to me?" He ask
"Yes" she answered in a low tone,
"come on here"
She got off her chair slowly walk to where Garfield sat next to Mary, he lift her next to him smiling as he smooth her hair, "I can't help to think you're the prettiest little girl I've ever seen" he said playing with her cheek she smirk turning just the corner of her eyes, "probably is because she looks so much like her mother" Jermain said "some one once said you were blind for one you became blind for all" both him and Garfield laugh pattrica ignore them like mostly
"well she's summers" Gloria said.
Garfield recall Roger being summers but wasn't sure if he was told he's Summer's dad
"They said all summers has the same blood" Gloria said
"I don't think so" Garfield said "I refuse to think that for I'm sure he and I ain't related" but he wants him and Pattrica's daughter to be thought as he thought about it he became a bit confused about the status of pattrica relationships like he is confused of why she still plage his heart so much why was she carrying another's man child why does he wants the little girl summer to be his, why is he so damn confused that he married Mary now that he's back home, why the hell did he move back and didn't stay away,
Throughout dinner the conversation kept switching from one thing to another, but Garfield mind sticks to one thing and one thing only, and all he wanted now was some answers for a question he wasn't sure to ask,
Dinner got over and the parents exit the table to go off to the living room, as Jermain excuse himself inviting Garfield for a chat on the lawn chair out back with some of the leftover wine, Mary was with the older folks listening to them conversing and watching the four children at play,
"What is going on with you and Roger?"
"It was everything to do with Garth"
"well Garfield is married he's happy and enjoying his family, thought the boy is really adopted"
"junior! Adopted?" Her mouth wide open she sigh "so Mary didn't give birth"
"No as a strong man like Garfield I'm sure she should get pregnant already it's been three years and over"
Pattrica kept s straight face with no additional words she display shock she was sure he has his reason he adopted wondering if the reason is as same as why she got insemination"
Jermain lean in to Garfield as they sat on the lawn speaking quietly,
"Have you thought about the possibility of summer being your daughter?" He ask
"what no way"
"pattrica gave birth only some months after you left you and her broke up as you say not very long before you leave, knowing how she loves you man she would never bring a man in so soon"
Garfield thought about it
"she's five" Garfield said
"She's six few months after my wife have her babies she gave birth,
Garfield remember the other day Gloria said she's six but pattrica said she's five,
"She's a summers, got the name twice"
"And Roger"
"Only came in the picture just around the same time as your wife came in"
"he said something about the little girl and I have a relation, I thought because he knew precious and I were lovers"
"were?" Jermain said "I know some sex got involved since you got back don't tell me it didn't happened"
Garfield rub his face sigh then smile, "still as sweet as I can remember"
They both giggle touching fist as they relax and grow quiet for some times,
"Man she's, she's" Garfield stutter
"Like she's Never been touch by another man" Jermain said
Garfield nod
"she's that good ah?"
"yeah!" He nod once more drifting off to those memories of the days he has with Pattrica thinking how did they ended up apart now she's having another man's child,
"What if summer is your child?" Jermain ask "what would you do different? "
"what could i do?"
"honey" Gloria call as she came to find him with Garfield "our parents are leaving"
"I'm on my way" Jermain said
"I should get my wife and leave myself" Garfield said they both got up together went into the living room Mary has junior across her lap for he already fallen asleep,
"Here I'll take him" Garfield said lifting the boy,
"Huh!" Mary said shaking her feet as she got up "thanks for dinner" Mary said
"Maybe next time dinner invitation will be extended from yours truly"
"Garfield will have to send the invitation since he's the one that cooks"
"you don't"
"I have a few weak ends cooking is the main one"
"well Garfield is a excellent cook he'll get dinner on the table" Gloria pinch his cheek,
"see you another time" she and Jermain walk them all to the door,
Garfield lay junior on the back seat of his car Mary went in next to him, Garfield close the door came back to them on the porch, "so I'll catch you later" he said bending to summer, "so are we friends now?" He ask she let her head fall but he couldn't tell if it was a nod to say yes, "or she just hang her head,
"yes" she said
"So can I get a hug?" He ask with a smile,
She fall on his shoulder hugging him tightly as if she wouldn't let go,
"Daddy" she said with a giggle covering her face, Garfield look up at Pattrica who was chatting hard with her sister and brother-in-law none of them seem to hear what she said, he look back at summer who remove her hand to smile up at him,
"I will see you" he told her rub her cheek then walk to his car summer follow him down the part,
"Summer" pattrica call Garfield turn she stop and cover her face,
Jermain laugh, "you should probably take her home with you"
Garfield gave a smile got in his car he close the door watching her for some time, summer watch the car turn out the drive way then began to cry,
"Summer" pattrica called she came back to her mother,
"Are you alright sweetie?" Gloria ask
Summer look up then back out to the drive way and cried much harder,
"She's crying for Garfield" Jermain said, "they turn friends now"
"she probably just want to go home" pattrica said taking her hand "see you, love you"
"love you too" Gloria said watching her walking to her car, "are you sure you will manage, may be you are to stay till morning"
"summer has school"
"you can always leave early"
"we'll get in the way"
"nonsense, you're family" Jermain said
"Well alright" pattrica said
Gloria smile and hug her
"I'll prepare the extra room"
"Summer can sleep in the kids room" Jermain said
Neither of the twin has a problem sharing their room,
"But why I'll be sleeping alone" pattrica said
"Nothing his wrong you'll be able to spread yourself"
An hour an a half went by with pattrica at her sister when her phone rang she saw it was Garfield,
"Did you got home alright?" He ask
"I changed my mind, well actually my sister change my mind I'm staying by her tonight"
"you're spending the night?" Garfield ask looking up the stairs where Mary and junior were already asleep taking up his car keys Gloria didn't live all that far from him so he wasn't going to take him much time to get there, he know Mary will be sleeping for some time so he left the house in great needs to see Pattrica.

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