chapter four

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Patrica change out into the night gown loan to her by her sister, she had few minutes gotten off the phone with Garfield  on the way to the living room the door bell rang
"Gloria some one is at the door" she call out,
Gloria open the door to see Garfield
"Hey, you!" She said turning to look at her sister standing in the living room, patrica couldn't see who until Gloria open the door and Garfield walk inside,
"Garth" patrica said as she she met him half the way, "you came back is everything ok?"
"I'm ok I wanted to see you"
"I'll just go to my room" Gloria kiss Garfield's face rub his cheek, hug patrica then went to her room,
"What happened, who was it at the door?"
"he came back, did he forget something?"
"yes my sister" Gloria face her husband, "Garfield loved my sister so much back then I believe he would give up his life to be with her"
"she love him even now I think even her man knows that" Jermain said as he remove the spread to climb in bed,
Gloria went back to her door to peek out to see garfield kissing patrica, she watches him caresses her shoulder and neck before stopping when they sat down she close her door climb in bed next to Jermain, "I never asked but I believe at some point my niece his Garfield's child, she only give birth to summer a few months after he went to Berlin"
Jermain look at her to think he was just talking to Garfield about it, he knew she has to be knowing the type of person patrica was when Garfield was in her life she has no room for nothing but her studies and her future plans, He added nothing he only listen to his wife talking until he turn to face her hug her and kiss her lips in that instance she went quiet holding on to her husband as he love her,
"I can't believe you came back, what happened how did you leave Mary?"
Garfield didn't answer her he rub her cheek kissing her once more,
"Garth" patrica ease him away but he got close once more, "let's go to your room" he said taking her hand,
"What for you're starving me I can't wait for nothing"
"We need to talk"
"I know but later" he turn the door taking her in his arms kissing her she help him to remove his shirt rubbing her hands over his body as they love each other,
"I want so bad to be with you precious, I missed you, I love you"
"you're married now Garth, that got to mean something"
"I know I'm married, but nothing as important as you"
"not even junior?"
He ease her back to look at her "I love junior a lot as if he was created from my own back bones but he's only adopted, I don't have to give up junior to be with you"
Patrica look up rub his cheek,
"I'm pregnant with another man's child"
"So what precious I'm willing to do anything for you, I loose you once"
Patrica pull his head down kiss him long and softly,
Gloria shake free from Jermain to go to the kitchen for she got thirsty on her way to the kitchen she didn't see her sister with Garfield the light was on in the room when she peek in to see them making out, garfield on his knees between Pattrica's thighs rubbing his palm over them as his naked butt turning around, she could see her sister hands caressing his back rubbing down to his butt and up again, they both were making sounds  garfield bend to caress her breast sucking on them causing her moans to became louder she left the door with a smile on her face going to the kitchen she got cool drink for herself and Jermain on her way back she peek in to see her sister on top of garfield working him as he rub his palm over her body,
"Mmmh precious" Garfield moan as Pattrica rub his neck caressing it with her fingers.
"what time is it?" He ask rolling on his back
"Six, you over slept"
"There's nothing such as over slept" he said bringing her head down to kiss her.
"mom" summer called
"I'm still naked you cant let her come in, why is she up so early?"
"she has to go to school"
"honey" Gloria said taking summer "let aunty give you breakfast"
"I want mom"
"she'll come, come on let's eat your cousins are at the table"
Garfield breath a sigh of relief as he heard them move from the door got up to dress, "I have to rush out" Garfield said
"You dropping junior to school?"
"Well no I don't want to have your daughter seeing another man in her mother's bed she might tell her dad" he said remembering she call him dad, he wants to ask her but wasn't going to but he needs to know if summer is his child and he was going to learn the truth some way or the other, he rest his palm on her tummy to feel the baby moving, he lean in to kiss her "I love you so much precious" he whispered
When Garfield was gone Patrica got to the kitchen to find everyone at breakfast,
"Hey good morning sis" Gloria said
"Morning" patrica said coming around to kiss Jermain and the children, she rub Summer's cheek they smile at each other
"Hurry honey we got to get to school" she went to her sister at the counter and was handed a glass of milk along with a dish of boil vegetables, "how you feeling?" Gloria ask with a grin
"I'm ok"
"You should be" Gloria whispered, "to the way you and Mr summers make out last night I was starting to think he's your husband" she grin
"you saw?"
"I peek"
"ahahaha" patrica growl covering her eyes,
"Don't act like you are a kid I know he had his reason for coming back he still wants you"
"yeah like I still wants him, he is willing to do  anything for for he loose me once"
"When you're carrying another man's child, what's with you and Roger anyway?"
"Roger found out summer is, is" she stop Gloria look at her, "summer is Garfield's child"
The iron bowl in Gloria's hand fell at their feet as she look in shock,
"is everything ok with you both?" Jermain ask
"Yes" Gloria quickly said
"I must go to work" Jermain said getting up "go brush your teeth guys" he told the children going over to kiss Gloria he kiss Patrica's cheek and left for out side, they both watched them leave the kitchen after their goodbyes and only summer was left at the table,
"Oh my sis you never told me"
"I didn't want to tell anyone, he just figured it out"
"So that explains why Roger was talking of relation and what they has in common"
"Roger didn't get me pregnant, I got myself pregnant I did insemination to get pregnant I wanted another child but it didn't seems Roger was up for it he came in tired if we ever to have sex it was force and it wasn't much fun, for he was stressed to loss his job then taking on a new job he complained all the time, it wasn't working out like I wanted it to"
"So you make yourself pregnant, who's semens was it?" Gloria ask out of concern
"I don't know it was just there I was so happy and anxious that I let anxiety push me to just take it"
"no label no name what if something is inside of it, was inside of it?"
"I tested it"
"oh Lord" Gloria said holding her head "what if the person decided to come back and claim his belongings?"
"We've downers before"
"but not with out name, go take summer to school I'll call you later"
"ok" Patrica said she got summer and they left leaving Gloria to sit with all the thoughts and reminiscing on her sister confession,
"Precious, patrica" Mary said with a smile meeting her with summer at school,
"Hey marry how are you?" She ask as they embrace each other, they walk together to the car park talking patrica bid her good bye got in her car she drove to work with the thoughts of Mary and of junior but her biggest thoughts were of summer and of garfield and the baby growing inside of her,
Roger look at Pattrica when she came in the kitchen he was making dinner himself dinner he ignore her as he has since dinner at her sister it's been almost two weeks he was mostly out when he does come home it was late, she went by him to go into the refrigerator get out half of a luncheon meat to make a snack for summer, she sat at the table playing with her teddy, after they eat they were dress and ready to go out once more,
Roger watch as they went out the door before he got up and follow her outside, she was getting in the car when she saw him meeting him on the front porch,
"Is everything alright Roger?" Patrica asked.
"I'm fine, what do you care anyway you want to hear me say I'm not so you pity me?"
"pity?" Patrica ask
"yes wasn't that all I got from you pity you did everything for me because of pity you let me live in your house because of pity"
"the house is for both of us you help to pay the rent"
"when was the last time I did that"
"Roger we argue of everything these days"
"but you do like that that's all the right reasons to to run to your boyfriend Summer's dad"
Patrica hissed toss her hands above her head walk to her car she got in look at him then drove off,
Garfield and Mary throw a party for for junior on his forth birthday they invited a few people in the neighborhood, pattrica has convince Roger to attend, they were standing together when Garfield came to greet patrica kissing her cheek, smile at summer as he rub her cheek he was about to move off when his parents came over, with Mary tailgating behind them,
"Mr and Mrs summers" pattrica said
"Gayle please" the older woman said as he hug patrica smile at summer, "she look so much like you everything to your very eyes the more she grows it shows"
Patrica smile,
Keith hug her then went on to rub her tummy, "is it a boy?"
"Paps I'm sure it's a girl" Garfield said
Pattrica saw Gloria and excuse herself to go over to her "come on summer"
Summer look up at garfield before running after her mother Mary follow them off
"Something inside me tells me that little girl is my granddaughter" Gayle said
Roger look at her then to Garfield who caught his face by a glance, "mom what you saying?" He pointed to garfield standing there still,
She laugh held her chest "excuse me" she said walking away to join Patrica's parents across the hall, Roger look from Keith to garfield then walk off he was spotted later at the bar drinking hard liquor, Mary was busy entertaining when Garfield came to stole Patrica away from the party he have her quickly on the back porch they were barely finish when they heard heavy foot steps patrica turn to see Roger standing in the doorway,
Garfield turn to see him too, "patrica I was looking for you" he said
"I'm here was just catching some air"
"I'm ready to leave"
"Ok I'm coming" she turn to look at garfield still standing next to her, "thanks for the invitation see you"
"See you precious and take care of yourself" he lean in to kiss her cheek, he watch them both walk away he lean himself on the porch rubbing his face as he stare into blank space,
After biding everyone good bye patrica left with Roger for home, when they got to the house Roger got out the car hurry up to the house  summer has fallen a sleep and Pattrica had to lift her to the house struggling to get her upstairs while Roger sat on the couch watching TV, he turn his head to the sound of the phone ringingto see garfield calling it was the same long time pic save as baby, he frown on seeing it wondering how she haven't deleted it, then he thought why should she he's still her man, he remember seeing him with her tonight, he look up when she walk down the stairs she came an pick up the phone as it was almost to stop ringing,
"Yes Garfield" she said
"I'm checking to see if you're alright"
"Yes got home safe thanks for calling"
He bid her goodbye hang up then help himself to a drink, he sat alone in the dark for a while it was completely silence for everyone has gone home including his parents and Mary was tucking junior in, the radio came on suddenly then came the lights, Mary came modeling a pink night dress and mesh underwear dancing in front of him before he was too too caught up in Patrica's memories that he couldn't see Mary he has no nature for her now though he had only spent a few minutes with patrica, she came to sit on his lap kissing his neck he didn't respond but neither did he push her away,
"What happen...?" Mary ask when she felt she was being ignore,
Garfield shook his head ease her away then got up,
"I felt we hardly make love anymore" she said seeing him walk away,
"I'm tired, it's been a long week" he said as he disappear into the basement where he kept a few of his work schedule and apparatus,
Mary growl shrugged and toss her hands she wanted to follow him down but just went off to bed he didn't join her and was getting off the couch in the morning when she came down, she walk by him so he didn't say anything either, they move around in the kitchen both in silence as she pack Junior's snack bag and he fix breakfast.
Pattrica pack Summer's snacks in her lunch case help her bag on her back take her hand leading the way out to the car they were getting in when Roger came out patrica has notice that for the past month he haven't came home with the truck from his work place, but because they weren't on speaking terms she didn't ask since he find her with Garfield last night he's a bit more angry she avoid him especially after in her condition he let her lift summer up stairs, she thank God she didn't hurt herself, before drove off she saw him cross the street but once she came out the drive way she didn't see him after dropping summer off at school she went to his work place only to be told he walk off the job without reason,
Garfield slide from under the car seeing the set of boots that looks so familiar, he got off the ground to face Roger,
"Roger!" He said
"Don't look surprise"
"Well can I help it to what do I owe this visit"
"you probably have an idea why I'm here"
"yeah I'm to reach your mind"
"stay a way from patrica and from summer too, you, I'm her father not you I raised her when her father was off living his happy life I raised her I'm warning you stay away"
"ok" Garfield said "I heard you man" he went back under the car and saw him leave, once he was gone he slide from under the car to take a break he took a shower and went to the office, he sat on his chair around the desk spinning tapping the pencil on the desk, he thought of everything even what his mother said he want not to believe summer is his child but he isn't Roger's child and she's a summers like they both are, or maybe there was another summers in her life, he sigh deeply his mind confused of what to think, later that afternoon he call patrica with hope to see her they spend a few hours at his favorite motel he then dropped her off at the hospital Roger who was closed by and saw them together,
When she made it home with summer he avoid saying anything today she cook and he ate, he sat next to summer once pattrica clean the kitchen  he reach to smooth her blonde hair turning her face up,  "you ok?" He ask
Summer nod taking his hand from her cheek facing the TV, "honey" he said summer look up,
"Did you see daddy today?"
Summer shook her head
"You know that man the one you're afraid of he's your father"
"I know" summer said
Roger widened his eyes thinking patrica had told her,  he fuses angrily inside he watched her got up going to the kitchen direction he was upset for Patrica had said she wouldn't tell her but now she has told her it was to show she and that Garfield has something strong going on he remember seeing her hugging on his wife wondering if she is playing the good girl bad girl game where she friend the wife to get access to the husband, he sat down in the living room waiting patiently for summer to went off to bed patrica came down went by him to the kitchen on her way back he got up blocking her way, she look up at him since he stand a little taller than her hight, he held her at her shoulder lean in to kiss her she let him it's been so long since they share one since Garfield was making so much demand on her body he had pick her up at work today and boy they had it going on she felt his hand slide down her back then up again, he try to remove her dress but she stop him, "not tonight Roger I'm tired"
He let go step back to look at her she could see the anger in his eyes as he look at her, "Come on bitch give me a better excuse than that, what he got to you first so you can't have sex with me"
Patrica walk around him he held her once more she pulled away, "since he can have it when ever he wants I want some too" he grabbed her violently kissing her neck, "stop Roger you're hurting me" she push him and slap him across the cheek, "it's my body no one give you the right to demand it if you ask and I say that you should accept"
"you know what he will not be yours he's happy with his marriage you're nothing to him if I walk out on you you're going to be a lone and that thing inside of you" he pointed to her tummy, "I'll never claimed it to be mine not till it's born and we run some test"
He grab his shirt off the couch head to the door,
"go on Roger see if I care
all you did was to stress me out anyway"
He left slamming the door behind him pattrica sat down feeling cold and broken tears start rolling down her cheek uncontrolled tears she wish she could call someone but couldn't bother her sister, her phone rang Garfield was calling she wipe her tears trying to sound good and cheerful as she answered but the sounds of her voice told him something was wrong he didn't find it in himself to believe that she was ok when he grabbed his car keys to head out Mary came down "where you off to?" She ask
"I'll be back" he said kiss her cheek then left the house,
Pattrica was surprised to see him, "what happened precious did he do something to you tell me I'm not afraid to hurt him if he hurt you" he said holding her to him,
"it's ok Garth I'm fine really"
"You've been crying"
"I know but it's not all that bad I was upset"
"are you sure"
" Yes you can go back home to your family"
"patrica I'll be damn if I leave you alone tonight" he said kissing her they sat together patrica wish to tell him about summer but her tongue got heavy, and he became Moody and they share another wapping round of sex where he ended up staying the night,
Junior ran to meet patrica as she came up the walk way on school compound he trip and fell bruised his knees,
"Oh my gosh" patrica said falling to her knees to help him taking his cheek in her palm kiss is fore head he was crying and she tried to calm him down,
"It's just a small one" she told Mary turning to junior "I'm going to clean it for you it's only going to hurt a little" she said going inside her bad for her first aid kit, "then I'm going to put this rather cool bandaid on it"it was sponge Bob square pants his favorite character he giggle and it make every one smile, "see it's better already" patrica said as she quickly clean it and snap on the band-aid, he smile hugging her,
"Thank you" Mary said
"How did you do that?"
"I'm a doctor I'm to know how to distract them"
Summer came out and she collect her she was leaving after signing those papers when Mary invite them for ice cream Roger saw them together he didn't let them saw him, Saturday he walk into the  park to see Mary with her son went over to say hello,
"Roger right, you're precious baby father?"
"who's precious?" Roger ask
" Patrica"
"oh pat patrica" he chuckled
Mary smirk, "you don't know your own girlfriend's name?"
"Her name isn't really precious it's just a name your man use to call her back when they were lovers"
"my man?" Mary ask
"your husband rather"
"my husband and patrica use to be lovers?" Mary was shock
"he didn't tell you? I saw you with patrica she didn't tell you either?" He sat sighing
Mary sat looking out of space,
"Sorry I just thought you knew, so it means he never told you of summer"
"what of summer?"
"ah" Roger laugh "she's his daughter patrica had told him only recently"
Mary has tears rolling down her cheek, "I saw them together the other day coming in from out of town they had sex written all over them, and since my woman isn't giving me none I figured he must be getting all of it"
Mary remember even Garfield is holding back on her he haven't been home two nights and some of the nights were spend on the couch,
"He said he knew her never said nothing of them being lovers or nothing about the girl being his, son if a bit" Mary said getting up from next to Roger, "junior let's go, excuse me"  she told Roger taking the boy hand as she hurry him to the car,
Garfield was in the kitchen cooking since he didn't went out today when Mary walk in with junior he noticed her face was sour but he ignore her to talk to junior,
"What happen to you?" He ask after putting junior at the table giving him something to drink,
Mary attack him with her purse, slapping him violently on the head,
"You said you only know patrica, your precious as you calls her, you never told me she was the woman you left behind to come to Berlin you never told me she has your kid and summer is your daughter" she slap him few more times using the same force,
"calm down Mary where did you get all that?" Garfield ask holding on to her, "I admit about me and precious"
"don't call her precious her name is patrica"
"Ok Pattrica and I has been loving each other she broke our relationship for she wanted me to take the job in berlin nothing was going on here and the job in berlin was a big hit for me, she has her plan to open up her hospital and she didn't want to leave that but ...but summer isn't my daughter"
"Roger said you knew for Patrica told you,  he's surprise you or her haven't told me he saw you coming in from out of town with her the other day and you both has sex written all over you, you are still sleeping with her, how could you? You are my husband"
Garfield was surprised to know Roger saw them he figured he must have been spying on them he wasn't sure what his benefits were going to Mary for he loves patrica a lot he is willing to divorce Mary to be with her but he didn't believe summer is his by now patrica would have told him or would she, he thought
"Mary I'm sorry I don't want to hurt you but I've never been able to stop loving precious"
Mary toss her purse at him, it hit him on the nose,
"Mary stop that I've never hit a woman before don't drive me to it" he fuse shaking her a few times he hiss turn the stove off and left the kitchen Mary thought he was going to go out but he didn't he sat at the bar while drinking a scotch he could only think of two things summer and her mother,
"Mary" patrica called waving at her Mary ignore her Patrica believe she didn't see so she went over, "hey junior" patrica said Mary  take junior by the hand leads him to the car get in" she said drag him when he tries to talk with patrica, she wondered what was the problem for Mary didn't pay her any mind at all.
She was Abit puzzle of her behavior, she couldn't help but to mention it later that evening when Garfield called her up,
"I ran into your wife today I said hello but to her response she seems upset, she  ran away from me dragging junior as if not wanting to talk to me is everything ok?"
"Roger told her that we were once in love and that summer is my child,
Patrica eyes widened and she bit down on her lip feeling her teeth pinch into it, she can't believe Roger to go to that extreme,
"I try to convince her that summer isn't my daughter that she's five and I left over six years Patrica cover her mouth,
"Don't worry about it Patrica you can't be stressing about this now ok my love we'll talk" he hang up and decided to go check in at school, he wants some information but didn't want to go in asking any questions he call the school register office, to ask some information on summer summers, but unfortunately they weren't going to give any information it wasn't in their policy to do that, he sighed softly brushing back his hair,
"You want to tell me your name sir?" The woman on the line ask
"No, no that's ok thanks for your time" he disguise his voice and call over the birth registration office but in order for them to tell him he would have to come in with a valid I'd but he couldn't just show up, Thursday he decided to check Jermain but on his way to see him he stop in the store, he was coming out when he bump into Sally Gilmore a girl he ignore for Patrica,
"I'll be damned" she said
"Garfield summers, or should I call you Garth?" She laughed "I for got that's for Patrica's only"
" It's good to see you too Sally" Garfield said with a smile,
"are you in a hurry?" She ask
"Not really"
"I still have half hour my lab is right across the street, join me for a drink"
"you work at a lab?"
"well yes I do paper work over there"
"so how do I get my blood test done?" He ask as he sat facing her in a small restaurant out front the store they came from,
"Not hard you just come in and front desk sign you up and you take a number"
They both smile
"any way I know what your blood type is already"
"what do you mean?"
"your daughter summer she's a rear AB blood type her mother is o I figure she got your blood type"
"I am AB rear but that doesn't prove summer is my daughter"
"she's a summers, and you're summers"
"so his the man patrica is seeing now"
" Roger?" Sally hiss "I'm sure your precious Patrica hardly slept with him and he didn't came into the picture until summer was three years old her mother gave birth four months after you were gone she gave birth to summer in the summer"
"Four months?"
"yes three months after Gloria has her twin"
"did summer born premature?"
"no never she was really healthy too healthy she was almost ten pounds at birth didn't you see her how chubby she is"
Garfield nod
"even this baby she's carrying isn't for Roger"
"how comes?"
"she got herself pregnant?"
"I don't think her man knows that yet"
"How did you know all these things Sally?"
"the lab and the hospital work hand in hand I'm supposed to know these things"
He paused looking blankly, he wasn't sure if he was to believe that Patrica's little girl is his child or not,
"Summer is everything her mom his" Garfield said "so she didn't tell you that you shared the same blood it's your blood running through her vain we both know what love patrica has for you it's unconditionally I'm sure when she took the chance to give herself to Roger she was thinking of you"
" Sounds as though you are saying something nice about her"
"not really it's just the truth"
"I should go" Garfield said kissing Sally on the cheek "please don't be late for work"
"I won't" she smile"
When Mary didn't show up for work on Monday Gloria called but gotten no answer, Tuesday she didn't show up the same, Tuesday afternoon she decided to drove over to her place, remembering the address pretty well,
Mary step out the house closing the door behind her as she came to Gloria,
"How is everything?" Gloria said
"you tell me Gloria"
"you didn't show up for work two days"
"you knew my husband has a child with your sister" Mary said
"are you asking me if I knew or are you telling me that I knew"
"what ever I'm saying they are still seeing each other in spite of this" Mary held up her ring finger "or maybe you knew they are"
"Mary" Gloria said
"Don't say anything I know she's your sister and you supposed her"
"That's not it"
"please don't tell me what it is I'm sure I don't want to hear, please leave my house I quit my job I don't want to see you or your sister again"
"well fine by me Mary it's not my fault patrica may be my sister but I can't tell her who to or not to open her legs for, she a grown damn woman" Gloria said leaving her standing there,
Garfield find Jermain on a break, both Jermain and Gloria ran the furniture store he managed it and she's a supervisor
"I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time" Garfield said
"No, no brother for you no timing is bad, what happened?"
"it's hell"
"tell me about it"
"I was told today that summer share my blood type" he said
Gloria came to hear them talking hid herself for she didn't want to be the one to say yes summer is your child that's her sister's job to do, but how did Mary heard all that, she thought but Jermain ask Gloria was surprised to hear Roger did,
"Roger told your wife?" Jermain ask
"He saw me with patrica the other day we were coming in from out of town"
"oh" Jermain nod "I'm not surprised"
"I ran into Sally and she told me about summer"
"Sally Gilmore?"
Garfield nod, "she told me that the baby pattrica is carrying is from the lab"
"she did it herself, she said Patrica don't love Roger, and was convinced she thinks of me each time she is to sleep with him"
"Jermain laugh "remember how badly Sally wanted you she must have gone through all the procedure to get all these information"
They both giggle,
"tell you what I have a friend in registration I'll call her up tomorrow and have her pull Patrica's file and see what she can tell us"
"what that friend like"
"some one I know nothing behind a hug nothing personal I would not do that to my wife and children"
"pity I can't use those words I'm still fighting for the woman I love"
"so how do you think she got the semens?" Jermain ask
"I don't know people donate at all time, even I did that shit"
"You in Berlin?"
"I send it to Moore hospital but I ask that my name didn't be labeled"
Gloria grasp holding her mouth she remembers her sister said no label was on the semens she used to get herself pregnant with great believe it was his she sneak away to call her sister,
"What if patrica had decided to use the unlabeled semens to get herself pregnant it would meant she's expecting your baby"
They both sat lost in their own thoughts staring out in space, he was more anxious now to get to the bottom of it and was unable to wait for the following day ahead.

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