chapter two

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Patrica walk around the car as she look around on it,
"It's pretty ma" summer said as she tail her mother
"Yes sweetie it is" Patrica said she heard Roger hiss and look his way,
"What you don't like the colour?" She ask Roger
It was a bright shade pink colour and Roger didn't fancy pink Patrica found out from his reaction towards the colour, but the colour wasn't his problem now, "it's your friend I don't like" he said
Patrica sigh,
"So he fix your car for free, what do he expects in return"
"Roger I'm with you" Patrica said "can we not do this it's nothing he used to be my boyfriend it's been over six years, over and done with,  he's married, I'm sure he's not looking for anything in return" Patrica came up to him, she didn't want her daughter hearing them arguing "I'm not doing anything wrong for you to question our relationship roger"
"He's so on to you and you knew it too, and, and by the way isn't he Summer's dad?" Roger ask
Patrica look at him wide eyes she never mentioned to him that Garfield is Summer's dad she did told him of her ex boyfriend but never gave that details,
"You told me that of one man you were seeing you didn't mention another so I figured he must be the man who's Summer's pa"
She sigh without a reply she turn to look at summer who was still by the car she look back at Roger who shook his head before turning into the house, it wasn't long after he came storming out the house to jump in the truck,
"Daddy are you going away?" Summer ask
Roger stop look long and hard at  the little girl then at Patrica with no answer he climb in his truck and left the drive way,
Soon as summer was settled for her afternoon snack pattrica call Garfield,
"Well hey precious" he said
"Garth I want to pay for the car" she said
"Why for your man is angry and complaining?"
"well yes he is angrily complaining, and can we blame him you were my man and for you to be coming by and fixing my car with no pay he's going to think we're, we're"
"still making love what could be so wrong precious I know you still love me"
"Garth" she snapped
"alright I won't say nothing but I am not accepting any money from you" he told her
"it's not that I don't appreciate it but I want to stop fight with my man"
"I Know that but I still want a little of your time even to share one night of passion"
Patrica hiss hang up at him he smile as he put the phone down and went to join his wife and son around the back,
For a whole week she and Roger exchange no words at all and he avoid summer just the same, Garfield haven't show up from the time he drop the car off last Saturday she wasn't sure if he was honoring her request or busy, Saturday afternoon she stop by the furniture store own and operate by her sister where she ran into Mary with junior he came running soon as they came in view,
"Hi junior" Patrica said as she greet him leaving him on a couch with summer as she approach her sister standing over with Mary,
"Hi" Mary said hugging Patrica she didn't miss the way her sister roll her eyes
"Welcome to furniture world what brings you here today  are you looking for a fancy style furniture for your home how can I assist you?"
"I see you got a job at furniture world" Patrica said with a smile,
"yes I did my husband doesn't want us hanging around his work place and I hate staying those long hours at home alone so I decided to get myself a job"
"that's nice I hope that they pay you well"
Gloria smile as she fist her arm
"what can I do for you?"
"for me to visit it meant I need you to do something, well I don't need anything"
"ah I see you got your car back, oh nice that colour suitable for you"
"well thanks"
"I hope he charges you extra" Gloria said,
"I didn't pay a dime" Patrica whispered  for Mary was still close by
Someone came in the store and she move away to assist them,
"You mean with all that work he didn't let you pay?" Gloria ask, "it's like buying you a new car"
"so what he was once my man"
"Yeah but you left him, or have you given him some since he got back?, sis!"
Patrica grin at her sister ignore her question not that it couldn't happen that she gave him some but it didn't happen so at that point she think it was silly what her sister said,
"Tell me did it so happen?" 
"did I mention I have an appointment on Monday" Patrica said
"For the baby?" Mary ask as she came back to them
"yes for the baby" Gloria said looking around on her for she didn't see her came,  turning back to Patrica she widen her eyes, "if you're asking me to come along I'll be more than happy to"
"Ok see you on Monday"
" You're leaving already?" Gloria ask
"Yes I must go"she  bid them both good bye taking summer and left,
"I saw precious today she came in to the store where I work" Mary told Garfield as they both were settling for bed
"Mm-mh" Garfield said
"I heard she said something about going for an appointment on Monday for the baby"
"she has an appointment on Monday?" He ask becoming interested since last Saturday they haven't talk or have he seen her he know she and her man were  having problems  but he wants to see her, hopefully he could see her at the hospital Monday,
"She and my boss seems to have a great relationship she must have shop often"
"Mm MH" Garfield said hearing less of what his wife said thinking more on Patrica's appointment,
Monday at ten Gloria accompany Patrica to her doctors appointment it was at Moore's hospital just the same and doctor Walliston  is her main doctor since the pregnancy was done through insemination she was the one who monitor the growth of the fetus,
Garfield came to the hospital unexpectedly for Patrica wasn't looking to see him at the hospital she was in with her sister as the doctor spoke with them,
"Doctor Moore when was the last time you have sex?" She ask
"Probably over a month" Patrica answer, when  the door to the office closes they all look to see Garfield standing there,
"Sorry" he said I should have knock first
"Garfield you're here?" Gloria ask getting off the chair to greet him they share a hug and smile widely,
"Are you the father of the baby?" Doctor Walliston ask
"no he's not and he's not supposed to be here,
Can we discuss this at my next appointment?" Patrica ask
"sure miss Moore but I advised you to become more sexually active it's good for you and also for the baby"
Patrica look at doctor Walliston who smile, "see you next month for your next appointment"
"ok doctor" she said getting up quickly walking to Garfield, "what are you doing here?" She ask pulling him out the office
Garfield smile at Gloria, "hey sis" he said
"no need to call her that anymore"
"What, I don't have a problem why can't he call me sis?" Gloria said "I'll see you both later"
"bye sis" Garfield said, "hey sis" he said Gloria turn around, "please don't tell my wife you saw me over here"
"did I see you" Gloria said pulling her finger across her lips, putting up a thumb, Garfield smile nod to her as she started leaving,
"thanks for coming" Patrica call after her
"you were there for me even when you needed someone yourself, for when you could hardly carry your own tummy you were helping me with mine" Gloria said
Patrica side look Garfield when her sister said those words,
"love you precious" Gloria said wave and continue to walk away
"what does she mean she was at lease a few months near having her babies when I leave here and you weren't half to get pregnant as yet I'm judging your daughter is around four right?"
Patrica look at him said nothing but to walk to her office Garfield follow her closing the door behind them, "for get that it's not why I'm here my wife told me of your appointment and I'm concerned to know how the baby is doing?"
"yeah right"
"I heard the doctor"
"I bet you did you came at the rig"
Garfield pulled her in to him kissing her before her being able to finish,
"I said you should let me help him out"
Patrica push him away "stop" she told him but he held her against him once more as he lower his head to kiss her shoulder moving his firm lips across it,
"Over a month is quite a long time for a woman who's pregnant not to have sex, what your man is scared or is it you?"
"You should leave I have patients to see I don't have the patience to deal with you now"
Garfield push back a few things on the desk lift her on to it
"I very much have the patience to deal with you"
"I'm no stranger I was your man"
"But you're not now" she said looking up at him his handsome features were to die for he remove his t-shirt revealing his strong chest with quite amount of chest hair he grew more chest hair than she could remember, his six pack more revealing now his pubic hair grow above his boxers line he was just too charming his breath sweet and his body fresh and clean, Patrica ran her finger across his hairy chest and trail down to his boxers line,
"You were always so sexy" she whispered kissing his belly up to his chest before stopping herself,
"We really shouldn't Garfield"
"Why you want it don't you"
"We really shou" she grasp as his finger slip between her underwear she grab his hand to push it away but it felt so good she want to have him keep it there, he loose her hair leave it to hang down her shoulder, his palm covered her breasts as he rub them to become hard they were just the mouth full he desire as he sucks on she kept moaning softly he loose his hardness from his boxers as he force his way in to her tight and moist she moan gripping him around the waist,
"Oh Garth I missed you"
She cried moving her hips to keep in paste with his hips, he felt he haven't sex in over six years and burry himself deeply she lift her legs taking them apart as she held him close, "oh Gar, Gar, Garth, Garth, Garfield, oh baby" she said as she came to a climax in a quick time,
Their hips join as they move together at the same paste, Garfield took Patrica's face in his palm gently he kiss her softly brushing back her hair,
"I never forget how good a lover you are" Patrica whispered,
"Oh yeah?" He ask "oh yeah" he said emotionally, "oh yeah, oh yeah" he lower himself inside of her and climax she could feel every thing as he flow inside of her the baby move Garfield felt it and smile as he rest his hand on her tummy the baby move once more, "ah precious! I needed this uh huh that was Soo good I've not felt this good in over six years"
"Mmh mmmh" Patrica said, "I have patients to see" she told him
"Mmh even I have to get back to the garage" he kiss her rock his hip a little before he pull out of her, he bend to take one of her nipple in his mouth sucking a while on it before he straighten up put on his shirt and kiss her, "I couldn't for get how sweet you are,  good bye, I'll call you"
Patrica nod watch him went out before she look look down on herself at her revealing breasts rubbing the one Garfield mouth just pull away from she  grip her uniform grinning at herself she liked it a lot it seems the baby like it for it's been kicking ever since, feeling happy, wondering when she will get some more of him,
The rest of her after noon was good she felt so much better after that sweet encounter with Garfield earlier, she walk the wards with a smile upon her face,
Later she went to pick up summer at the after school day care on the way home she stop to shop for eggs orange juice and some cereal for summer, she was helping summer with her homework while making dinner, Garfield call up he firstly inquire about how she was feeling
"Like a new person" she said grinning as their love making flashes back in her mind,
"how is your daughter?"
She's ok I'm helping her with home work" she told him she wasn't aware Roger came in the door she talk with Garfield with a smile spread upon her face
"And dinner on the way"?"
"yes I'm making dinner it's on the way" she said
Roger clear his throat and she look up to see him
"dad" summer said but he didn't reply
"Is that your man?"
"Yeah later" Patrica end the call got up and move to Roger"
"I can hardly walk through the door with out you're on the phone with him"
"that's not true Roger and you knew it isn't true, he only call to say hello, and ask how summer was"
"Oh so he call about his daughter, oh ok nice"
"Roger Garth doesn't know that please don't do this he was my boy  friend"
"yes was, I'm that man in your life now and you pay more attention to him than"
"don't say that you are the one who's ignoring me"
"look at me Patrica look me deep in the eyes tell me you're not still in love with him, go a head"
Patrica look to see summer looking watching them,
"can you not do this in front of my daughter?"
"Why for you don't want the daughter of the man you love so much hear us fighting?"
"Roger please" Patrica said tearfully turning from him to go to the stove he was gone when she turn,
"Mom why is Dad so mad?" Summer ask
Patrica wipe her eyes before facing her, "He's not mad honey he's just a bit upset but it's alright" Patrica hug her daughter to her kissing her fore head,
Later after tucking summer in Patrica sister call  her up, she didn't tell her about the fight with Roger she wasn't going to tell her about the heat on heat sex with Garth after she left them there they talk about nothing in particular just two sisters converting,
Tuesday in the afternoon he call her up inviting her for lunch an opportunity she grasp she couldn't help the need she feels for him and didn't resist him when they drove to the motel to spend the afternoon,
"Precious" Garfield said Patrica lift her head to look at him
"Why couldn't you keep in touch I wait for three years and nothing"
"I wanted you to live your life a life you couldn't have here you were my life" he said sitting up to look down on her the little girl your little girl could be my daughter and this baby growing in side of you could be mines too"
"i wanted to call Garth but I felt best to let you live your life"
"you are my life" he said repeatedly as he kiss her, they drove back to Philadelphia square behind each other Garfield hunk his horn as they went separate ways, Patrica pick up summer and  went home, Garfield went back to the garage to get over with some work he left unfinished,
Roger was on the porch laying down Patrica was unable to say if he was sleeping or pretending to be asleep, she didn't expect him to be home from work so early hoping nothing was wrong, "Roger" she called but got no answer, "Roger" she call once more walking away when she got no answer
"Hungry baby?"
"Yes mom like I could eat a cow" she said smiling something her father would say Patrica smile and kiss her forehead
After dinner she help her with her home work  play a few games with her let her watch a little TV before giving her a bath read her story and tucked her in, Roger was at the same place when she went back "Roger" she touch him this time he open his eyes from the looks of his eyes he was far from sleeping no where near it, "Roger is everything ok?" She ask
"What do you care if something was wrong, you're too busy to notice nothing"
Patrica admit she's been busy these days but not too busy to care he isn't really a bad person just miserable at time and very jealous a side she saw for the first time thought she knew he has lots of reasons to be jealous for Garfield is Summer's dad, the man she loves all her life and  can't believe she let him go can't believe he got married she never realized how much she miss him until he kiss her that day,  his love was like wild fire she still burns deeply,
"Don't say I don't care I do want me to fix you some tea?" She ask
"thank you" he said
"will you come in?"
He got it up and follow her inside she gave him ginger tea and watch him drink it she figured he probably be feeling some pain for since they both discovered that Garfield is in town he haven't eaten a decent meal, she heat some food and dish it for him which he ate and she gave him two pills that send him to bed right away, he had slept for some time he came to the kitchen door to hear her on the phone talking low and giggling, assuming it was her lover hiding behind to listen her conversation he over hear her saying he's sleeping that she gave him pills how they will have him sleeping for some time,
He believes she gave him sleeping pills so she could have time for her man, "I'm sure I didn't over dose him it's just a dose that will let him sleep the pain away, she said
Gloria spoke something and she giggled,
"Well I too should go get some rest I'm tired myself,
love you baby see you tomorrow"
Roger was mad as hell when she said that wanted to confront her he saw her coming and went back to their bed room quickly before she saw him he was on his belly pretending to be a sleep when Patrica got to the room she figured by now the dose she gave him would wore off so he shouldn't be sleeping this long, after her shower she climb next to him, "Roger" she called
He crack open one eye to look at her,
"How you feeling now?" She ask
"Like hell" he lie for the headache was gone and he was feeling so much better  the pills she  gave him didn't work
"Are you sure for those pain killers work like miracle" she said touching him,
"stop" he said pushing her away, "are you trying to tell me I'm lying did it accur to you your damn pills don't work on everyone" he hiss jumping out of bed,
"Roger where are you going? "
"to sleep on the couch what do you give a damn anyway"
"ah Jesus, here we go again" Patrica said
"yes here we go again" Roger said he slam the door behind him and thought barefooted she could hear his foot steps as he walk away she sigh laying down feeling fustrated  yet she managed to fall a sleep, he was still on the couch when she and her daughter awake in the morning, summer pause to look at him but didn't try to reach out to him she went to the kitchen to have breakfast Cheerios and toast with peanut butter and jelly,
They were ready to go off when Patrica touch him, "aren't you going to work?" She ask
"No I'm not" he said turning away from her
"Would you like it that I stay back from work with you? "
"Don't do me any favors Patrica I don't want to get in your way go to work today I'm no baby I don't need a baby sitter"
Patrica left him there and took her daughter to school she went to work but find she couldn't work she ask doctor Meg to cover for her she went home to find Roger on the back porch drinking hard liquor.
"What are you doing?" She ask
"Having a drink, I'm sure you're not blind what are you doing here shouldn't you be out chasing after the man in your life pretending to be working at the hospital when you're working him"
Patrica hiss at him it was true that she left work and she and Garth went to make love but Roger doesn't know all that he's assuming now it's not for a fact he knew
"You think I didn't hear you last night on the phone telling him you love him"
"you hear me telling Garth I love him over the phone?"
Patrica and Garfield didn't talk from she left him on the road on their way from that motel she only talk to her sister could that be the conversation he heard
"But how did you heard me on the phone you were sleeping"
"I heard everything you say to him you were even going to meet him today, you're nothing but a slut that's what you're"
Patrica slap him, he was shock when her right hand came heavily on his cheek,
"Don't you dear be rude to me I tolerate you being upset but don't think I'm tolerating you being rude" she said tearfully, for a while he stood looking at her before he grab his coat
"where are you going?" She ask
"Out, out of your  way isn't that what you want? Soon you're going to let me know that your money pay the rent"
"I've not mention that before you know Roger I'm the one who pays the rent I don't have to spill it out, and there were never a time that you were ever in my way but go, go if that's what you want"
Patrica didn't bother to go to her sister she pick up summer only to return home,
Roger went to his mother  complaining that he and Patrica were having a fight, as well as he went there to spend the night, he told them of the problems,
"So you're fighting over her ex boyfriend?" Roger father ask,
"Is Garfield summers the son of Margret and Donald summers?" His mother ask "for if so he's to be your cousin"
Roger look at his mother
"well his father's mother  is the great, great, great grand daughter of Sonny Albert summers  your father's great great great granduncle and him were related to each other"
"that's some history leave that" her husband told her" turning to Roger "I heard you say he's your girl friend ex boyfriend, son depends on how their relationship ended they are going to talk, I don't see anything, wrong with that"
"he left and I'm the one his daughter calls dad" he said
"his daughter?" Both his parents ask
Roger sigh as he sat down his mother sat too.
"Yes he's her father am not even sure if he's not the father for her other child she's pregnant with now"
"Nonsense Roger that's impossible"
"I've been really tired since I started working at the company it's been only six months and it was only two months before I've lost my first job I was stressed out about it about everything"
"maybe it's because of the stress" his mother said "and why are you questioning it now because her ex boyfriend is back?"
"I'm tired I should go to sleep now" Roger said "I'm sure neither of you mind me sleeping on your couch"
Both his parents look at each other "Not at all son"  his  mother said as she got up said goodnight then left for her room
"You know son maybe you are to sit and talk about it some how I know you're angry but relax" he Pat his shoulder and went off,
Roger had himself a restless night he could hardly sleep he close his eyes only for a minute or two,
Patrica try calling him late in the night it was seven in the morning still he wasn't answering his phone she slide off the bed to stand on her two feet stretch herself she took a quick shower check on summer then went down, she just step in the living room when the front door knock, she pause for a while before going to it at seven fifteen in the morning she wasn't expecting anyone to come knocking on her door and Roger has his keys pin on with his truck keys, she open the door to see Garfield a smile came quickly to her face and she jump to hug him
"You're here?"
"Yes I was in the neighborhood, what happened where's your man?"
Patrica sigh "you can come inside he's not here "and your photograph from a younger age?" He said speaking of summer, they enter the kitchen together Patrica turn to smile at him when he ask knowing he was talking of her daughter, their daughter the daughter he doesn't know is his, the daughter she won't be able to tell him about,
"Still a sleep" she told him barely able to finish before he pull her close to him kissing her desperately moving his hands above her body he feels her and smile for he found she was wearing no underwear
"It's mush easier this way" she whispered gripping him as he insert himself inside of her bracing her on the kitchen table he push her back to lay on it as he caresses her with hands and lips and in no time she was brought to a climax one not just she likes but the baby as well to the rapid ways it moves inside of her, he came as well pulled out of her bending over to kiss her,
"You should try not to wear any underwear to work so next time I'm over there I get to slide right into you without any problem" he grinned she rub his cheek smile back at him,
"how about some coffee?" He ask
"While you make it I'll go clean up" he nod watch her run off before moving to the stove, he was just finished with the coffee and has pour himself some when we heard heavy foot steps coming in he look and saw Roger pausing in the doorway
"Hey man!" Garfield greet him
"Yeah" he said coming closer "what brings you by so early?" Roger ask, "Ah let me guess you're here to drop your people off, no one hat couldn't be it precious as you call her got her car back then what could it be then?"
"I have not seen precious, I mean Patrica in a while so I was in the neighborhood and swing by, I didn't realize it was so early, like some coffee?" He ask
"you don't come in to my home and offer me coffee ok"
"Sorry man!" Garfield said rasing his hand he leans against the counter drinking his coffee while Roger went by him to grab a glass of white over prove rum tracing it with water to take a drink"
"bad for your health man those things ruin your life"
"are you saying I'm incapable, you trying to say my sex life is bad?"
"I don't see any reason to complain about your sex life"
"make it easier for you to screw my woman"
"hey the woman you are getting worked up about was in my life before you came in it I'm married"
"so" Roger said
"Garth" pattrica called  entering the kitchen she hid the surprise seeing Roger home "Roger" she said "you're home?"
He look at her then to Garfield looking back at Patrica,
"Yes but came to find you have company"
"I was about to leave" Garfield said moving from the counter  he look at Patrica, "please clean my cup for me I've got to rush, see you around" he kiss her cheek
"ok" pattrica said she turn to see Roger's face he was swollen with anger "so because I was away for one night you invited him over?"
"I didn't invite him he stop by this morning"
"and you are expecting me to believe that"
"believe that what you want to I'm not trying to convince you ok but I'm tired of all this" she threw her hands up in the air walking away leaving him standing their,
Roger hissed loudly kick back the chair stepping over it to go out,
In the evening after work  pattrica went shopping after collecting summer from school, she ran into Mary at the groceries store she was on her way from work, they talk for a while before Patrica said goodbye
Roger was on the couch when they came in,
"Dad" summer said
Roger look at her but with out remorse for her he turn around,
"I think dad don't like me anymore" summer said to  her mother,
"why honey he loves you"
"he doesn't talk to me anymore"
Pattrica sigh she lean in to kiss summer on the forehead as always,  ,
"Are you going to eat Roger?" She later asked
He ignore her
"It's unhealthy to avoid having a good and hearty meal I cook your favorite"
"You don't know what that is"
"that's enough Roger I'm just about have it up to here" she put her hand to her neck, "you  want to eat you eat, you don't want to then don't" she said going back to the kitchen, she set the table sat down with summer they were eating when he came to sit with them they have a silent meal,
"Dad" summer said Roger look at her and then to patrica, he took another bite of his foot,
"Honey eat your food ok you will bite your tongue if you talk while eating"
"ok" she said
Patrica look at Roger shook her head, she wasn't expecting this kind of behavior to wards summer from Roger he was angry at the little girl for what she didn't know he knew she has a father she just didn't say that Garfield was her biological father, she could imagine what it's going to be like when he comes to know he's not the father of the baby she's carrying he probably accused her of all type of things things, things she knew hell about, more so they hardly have sex he was stress from his lost of job then to take on a new job sex wasn't more than fifteen minutes or less now she's pregnant,
Monday they were still not on speaking terms, he haven't said a word to her and she ignore him the same,  Tuesday they were talking a little for when she speak to him he replied, he was at furniture world in the evening with one of his co-worker who has asked him to pickup a entertainment center for him he came to find Garfield at the store talking to a slim dark low cut  hair woman with a little boy she turn and came over to them and he followed as well,
"Well come to furniture world, how can I be of assistance to you?" She said, smiling at both of them, Garfield nod but only the other guy answer,
"We are here for a pick up" Roger said
Gloria saw him  and came over greeting him and his Co worker,  same time she saw her sister comes in, "ahahaha" she said rolling her eyes looking over Roger's shoulder,
They turn and saw Patrica she has finally started glowing like a pregnant mother should Roger didn't miss the grin on Garfield's face when he saw her,
"Hello" Patrica said reaching near, summer stop on seeing Garfield in the midst  and wouldn't go any further, she took a seat on one of the sofa way in the corner watching him, she didn't take her eyes off him neither to look at junior when he went to sit next to her,
"What's with her?" Gloria ask
"I don't know, she came in here alright" pattrica answer,
"I'm the one she doesn't really like" Garfield said Roger look at him then to Patrica who refused to meet his eyes, he turn to look at summer sitting by herself
"I don't know she probably shy for she don't know you so well" Mary said with a laugh, "but I saw her wave at you?"
"yeah from behind her mother that is" he said and smile,
"she probably knew what your relations are with her" Roger said in a low tone,
Patrica look at him it didn't seems anyone heard what he said no one paid any attention, Garfield heard him but didn't pay attention for he knew he probably just angry from the other day"
"But sis I felt I haven't seen you in a long while"
"why is that? "
"You gain weight, I'm sure it's weight gain"
Patrica hissed
"even I can see that?" Mary said
"Don't let Gloria drag you in to any thing" Patrica told mary
Mary smile "so what can I do for you? The other day you were here not to buy but I hope you stop by to buy this time"
"Ah yeah I need a nice bedside lamp my daughter's  just fell off the bedside table this morning, and  I'm unable to get her to  sleep in the dark, so before I am to force her I came to replace it"
"Really? it's  just like that with  my husband" Mary  said holding on to Garfield smiling up at him  "grown as he is he will never fall a sleep in the dark, no matter what else he does in the dark he won't fall a sleep"
Patrica look at Garfield she totally forgot about that, that he  never did slept with out a light, they have to make out in the lights too much as they live together for a long time it was hard getting use to it, he as to see her and without light he couldn't,
"The only thing we don't do in the lights is make love as if he got something to hide" Mary continue,
Pattricya look at him that's not the memories she has of him,
"Doe's that means you don't love in the days?" Gloria ask
"Never" Mary said
Gloria lean her head puzzled at her words thinking this Garfield is a total different one from the one her sister dates, patrica didn't look their way
"Who doesn't have sex at one point in the day?" Gloria ask
"he's  also afraid of his side" Mary said and giggle
Gloria smile, thought she did she was still puzzle that Garfield didn't make love to his wife in the daytime,
"Like the dark he and the  little girl  has the same things in common" Roger said, "she's scared of her sides as well"
Patrica look at him "summer" Gloria call the little girl look up
"you ok baby?" She ask
She smile hanging her head,
"You name her summer, after someone?" Mary question,
"yeah" Roger said "she's not a boy so she couldn't be a junior like your son I'm sure if she was a boy and was a junior" he said nothing more but to smile, Garfield wonder why he keep beating around the bush at one point he's saying something then he's not saying anything,
"I probably would name her  winter but unfortunately she came in the summer"
"how old is she?" Mary ask
"Five" Pattrica said
"Six" Gloria said
Both together
"She she can't be six already, I left here not much long  over six years you weren't pregnant when I was leaving she was, seven months I remember I was here your twin are six years old and six months  short of being seven" he and Patrica had broken up not much long before he left for Berlin she wasn't pregnant and if the girl is six it could meant two things she found a man soon as he left, or was she pregnant when they broke up,
Gloria smile "not even my husband remember so well"
Garfield look at Pattrica then to the little girl sitting further down from them, he pause to wonder if she could had been pregnant it haunts at him he tries to recall the last of their encounter six years and some months ago when he and Patrica broke up she wouldn't see him, he visited her the night before he leave but didn't see her standing up,  he felt confused he left them and walk over to the little girl sat next to her she cover her face once he got close for he had her back to the corner,
"Mom I want to go" she call out"
Gloria laugh, "she likes him just don't know how to express it yet"
"we are ready" Roger co-worker told him the thing was already loaded on the truck Roger nod to them and as he was walking out he stop to look at Garfield with summer then left with the man,
Mary went with patrica in search of the lamp,
"Mom" summer called out,
"I'm coming" patrica said taking the lamp from Mary she said goodbye then left them she took her daughter look at Garfield before they walk out,
He was quiet his drive home while Mary try to involved him in their singing, he hum a few words nod his head then stop, he park the car hurrying ahead of them he was sitting on the back patio when Mary found him, she sat on his lap he act as though he was ok he smile kissing her,
"Should I order dinner?" She ask she didn't know much of cooking and Garfield hate junk food
"I'll do the cooking"
"Great I'll play a game with junior, she left him there, he pick  up  the phone with the intention to call patrica but toss it a side got off his bottom and went down to the kitchen, his wife came in the kitchen with their son
He turn to face them but instead of Mary patrica was who he saw pregnant with the little girl besides her she came up to him smiling as she reaches out to touch her,
"Stop!" He said
Mary pulled back looking rather surprise at her husband
"How could you do that!?"
"What honey?" She frightenly ask
Garfield came to realize what had happened grin at his wife, "how dear you interrupt me while cooking"
Mary giggle, "you scare me honey"
"I meant to scare you" he kiss her, "go set the table"
Mary giggle walk away taking junior to put on his chair then gather the dishes for them
Garfield watch her as she move around but was picturing her once again as Pattrica,
He was quiet right through dinner something he was never before, by himself he tuck his son in read for him kiss him then left the room, Mary found him on the patio a little later, he was standing at the rail thinking of the days with the woman he love next to life he saw the little girl's face still didn't want to believe that Patrica could have been pregnant for her daughter to be so old, she said she's five that he wants to believe for he didn't want to think she would cheat him after the love they share,
"I can't understand why you never falls a sleep in the dark but yet you love it out here in the dark"
"in case I've never said it to you before I think in the dark,
"So why not come to bed we can turn the lights out and you think there"
"I might just want to be alone just for a short time"
"is something bothering you honey?"
"no really" he kiss her "I'll be only a few"
"hours?" Mary ask
"minutes" he smiles pinch her nose he watch her walk away before turning back to his own thoughts.

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