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No one's POV

Dark has thought of something. He goes on his speaker and reveals that he has heard everything. Music begins to play as he tells everyone to 'dance'.

I was too young to see the truth.
In my grandma's lap, I'm drowning in her perfume.
Too naive to even care.
'Bout the words she whispered while she brushed out my hair.

People gonna say.
"If you need a break, someone will take your place."
People gonna try.
To tell you that "you're fine" with dollars in their eyes.
(Just remember)

Don't let them fuck you, honey, no, oh.
Don't let them try.
Ooh, don't let them hurt you, baby.
Just say, "Recess, I'm tired."

Sittin' in my room, looking at all I've done.
Everything I wanted has come to fruition.
I should be happy but I can't get out my bed.
Stressin' 'bout the voices screamin' inside my head.

People gonna say.
"If you need a break, someone will take your place."
People gonna try.
To tell you that "you're fine" with dollars in their eyes.
(Just remember)

Don't let them fuck you, honey, no, oh.
Don't let them try.
Ooh, don't let them hurt you, baby.
Just say, "Recess, I'm tired."

Where is my time?
Gone in my mind.
Gone, I can't find.
When I get upset.
I think in my head.
"I do as she says."

People gonna say.
"If you need a break, someone will take your place."
People gonna try.
To tell you that "you're fine" with dollars in their eyes.
(Just remember)

Don't let them fuck you, honey, no, oh.
Don't let them try.
Ooh, don't let them hurt you, baby.
Just say, "Recess, I'm tired."


Meanwhile, a girl enters Dark's office. "Hello, miss. Can I help you?"  She smiles. "Hi, I'm Laura. I'm here to apply for the assistant position." She sits on his desk and crosses her legs. Dark looks her up and down. "Um, yeah! Um, uh, the assistant position." He nods.


Dark softly kisses Laura's shoulders and neck. Laura sits up and stares down at him. "Y'know, I've always had this fantasy." Dark looks up at her. "What's that?" "Of getting nailed in a really confined space." Dark tilts his head slightly. "Really?" She hums. Dark picks Laura up and carries her to his closet doors before gently placing her down. "Well you are in luck." He softly kisses her lips and opens the doors to his closet. He enters the closet and turns around. It's not that small, but it's no bedroom either. He undoes his shirt. "I had a dream like this once." Laura steps a little closer, but doesn't enter the room. She begins to change shape. She's becoming a new person. Y/n smiles at him. "Me too." Y/n closes the doors and locks them. Dark shouts at her, but it's no use.


I stop the music and turn on the speakers. "Everybody! Evacuate the school immediately! Go! Now!" I relax as I hear people running out of the school. I head to the balcony. I need to figure out how to get rid of this school before Dark gets free. "What do I do? Oh my God, think. Think." I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn to see that boy from lunch. "Hey." I shake my head. "You have to go downstairs!" He shakes his head. "I didn't mean to startle you, I'm here to help." "Look, I appreciate that, but I really- I'm Anti." He interrupts me. His eyes change to that solid black color. "I'm the one that wrote the love letter." For once, I'm silent as I stare at his eyes and him. Kids start running out of the school. "Right, how do we destroy this place? I don't know what to do, do you have any ideas?" Anti thinks. "Do you know to blow spit bubbles?" I stare at him. "What? Wha- What are you talking about? Why?" "We can trap the school. We can lift the school up in a bubble." We talk more about our plan before it's time to take it into action. "Are you ready?" He nods. "Yeah, I mean no, well, I haven't really done this before- Anti." He rambles on before I stop him. "Sorry." "It's our only option. We have to try this, okay?" He nods and we begin to blow spit bubbles. The bubbles get bigger and bigger until they engulf the entire school. The school was lifted off the ground. "Holy shit! We don't have a lot of time before we're too high off the ground. We need to jump! Now, on the count of three!" "If we jump, we'll die." "Death is irrational right now. Either we die in a few minutes, or we attempt to live right now. Okay?" 

He nods and grabs my hand. "Now!" We run towards the edge of the balcony and step onto the ledge.  Then we jump. Anti screams the whole way down.


We finally hit the ground, surprisingly without any bruises or cuts. "What the fuck just happened?" We giggle as the school vanishes. I softly kiss Anti's cheek, causing him to blush. Then that familiar door returns. The one from the nurses office. We all run towards it. Magnolia, Flora, Celes and Anti all run through. F/n looks at me. "Are you coming?" I look back before looking at F/n. 

The decision is mine to make, and mine alone.

(866 words)

A/n - Thank's for reading, this was a lot of fun to write. I honestly loved the film and you can watch it right below if you haven't already.  

I'll see you all next time. Bye guys!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2019 ⏰

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