No More Excuses (Darkiplier X Crazy Reader)

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Requested by: CrazyIsMe65456

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Requested by: CrazyIsMe65456

-Y/n pov-

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, birds chirping, a slight breeze.
I sat inside, if I went outside I might frighten people. That and my family told me to.

In the past, I never hung out with other people. All the other children were scared of me due to the fact that I was different in a "special" way...

I wasn't scared or phased by anyone or anything. I was the one to frighten the monsters in my nightmare, and man, did seeing people run in fear feel good.
(A/n - What am I doing with my life? 😂)

You see... according to people I'm "crazy" though they don't know what they are talking about. I'm special in my own way.

I decided to break the rules, 'not like I followed them' I threw my sneakers and a pair of sunglasses on and stepped out into the sunshine.

The sun hit my face, it felt warm and somewhat comforting. I walked down the road a little. I seemed normal and blended in. Maybe people were wrong... I can be normal.

Then it hit me like a brick wall. I stopped walking. I didn't want to be normal... I wanted to be myself. 'This was how it started every time, getting angry over nothing.'

I felt the anger boiling inside me. I looked up to see people staring at me. I smiled wickedly at them. They stared at me before getting the hint and running along.

All except for one...

A man with a silver suit and jet black hair, he was also wearing sun glasses.

He walked up to me. I crossed my arms waiting to see what this guy had to bring.

"Are you this crazy girl everyone in this town fears?"
(A/n - Totally normal question...)

I smiled and nodded proudly. He stood still for a moment.

"You don't seem that scary, and no where near crazy..."

My smile quickly faded. This guy wanted crazy? I will give him crazy.

I look up into his shades and my smile re-appears. I grab his suit and tackle him to the ground. I feel a object in his pocket to his suit and quickly grab it. I examine it. It was a knife. I smile. Competition...

I stand and walk back a little. He stands up and straightens his suit.

Just as he tries to approach me, I point the knife towards him. He puts his hands up in a surrendering way and slowly walks towards me.

"You see~" he starts.

In one quick motion he grabs my arm causing me to drop the knife and twirls me so that both hands are behind my back.

"You are NOT the only crazy person in this town, now..."

I squirm against his grip.

"So what are you going to do to me?" I asked more sarcastically then scared.

"Nothing, just..."

He spinned me around again, but this time, our lips touched. Realization kicked in and I realized that he was kissing me. I melted into the kiss. "That." he finished.

Let's just say from that day on, we were the craziest couple in town.

(535 words)
A/n - And... Done. Thank's again for the request! Also, if you want a shoutout... Request a oneshot for me to do in the comments or the request chapter. I will see you later! Bye!😊

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