Strawberry Shortcake

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PART 7/13


We finally finished burying the principle outside. F/n caught her breath. "Wanna go play tennis?" Her eyes lit up. "Ooh, yeah!" We giggled and ran towards the tennis court, bumping into another girl we knew on the way. We all play tennis, and have a bit of a "girl talk". Soon, F/n and I hear Celes yelling at us. We look up. "The ball is floating away." I look into the sky to see that the ball, is indeed, floating away. "Oh, shit." We all get up and start running after it, whilst giggling.


We begin to change for our next class. It involved swimming, and changing. Neither were up my alley.

Feeling unsure of my naked body.
Stand back, watch it taking shape.
Wondering why I don't look like Barbie.
They say, "boys like girls with a tiny waist".
Now, my mama's preaching to make sure I'm pure.
But, I never really cared about that shit before.
Look around the room to whoever wants me.

Got boys acting like they ain't seen skin before.
Got sent home to change 'cause my skirt is too short.

It's my fault, it's my fault 'cause I put icing on top.
Now, the boys want a taste of the strawberry shortcake.
That's my bad, that's my bad, no one taught them not to grab.
Now, the boys want a taste of the strawberry shortcake.

Gotta make sure that my legs are shiny.
Hot wax melting, burn my skin.
People all around me watching closely.
'Cause it's how I look and not what I think.

Mikey's eyes seem to be glued to her chest.
So, I'm stuffing my bra so that mine look the best.

It's my fault, it's my fault 'cause I put icing on top.
Now, the boys want a taste of the strawberry shortcake.
That's my bad, that's my bad, no one taught them not to grab.
Now, the boys want a taste of the strawberry shortcake.

Instead of making me feel bad for the body I got.
Just teach him to keep it in his pants and tell him to stop.

Saying it's my fault, it's my fault 'cause I put icing on top.
Now, the boys want a taste of the strawberry shortcake.
That's my bad, that's my bad, no one taught them not to grab.
Now, the boys want a taste of the strawberry shortcake.


I lay in another creation of my mind. The voice surrounds me. "What's wrong my dear?" I sigh. "I just don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to feel this pain and I don't want to be here on earth. Please just take me with you. I just want to be up there." "The greatest power that you will hold is that of acceptance." She continued to speak, but I couldn't really understand as I began to snap back into reality.


"Hey, ya there?" Celes gently held my arm. I hummed a bit. "Yeah." We began to walk up the stairs. F/n groaned in pain. "You ok?" She shakes her head. "I feel so sick. Like, this is the worst stomach pain I've ever experienced."  F/n dropped her things and whined as she bent over to pick it up. Celes and I looked at each other. "Ohhhh." We said in unison. 


F/n groaned as we entered the bathroom. "Why right now?" Celes sighs. "Well, it had to happen sometime." I look at the machine. "It says there's one tampon left. Do either of you have any change?" They both shake their heads. "No." They say in unison.  I open the machine and then look at them. "It's empty."  After some discussion about what to do, we decide on toilet paper. We leave as soon as a nurse enters the bathroom. She bumps into me and I steal the tampon from her pocket. She growls, but doesn't notice. "Get back to class, you little bitch." 

"You guys, I don't know how much longer I can go with using this toilet paper method. It's so annoying." "Well good thing you won't have to deal with it much longer~!!" I smile and hold up the tampon. "Thank you, Goddess~!!" She giggles happily. We head to lunch.

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