Chapter 15

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Mmm, everything is so nice and warm and dark. It's like being wrapped in a cloud... what's that sound?  The pitter patter of raindrops was just barely audible. Such a nice relaxing sound. Consciousness returned slowly, memories taking a little while to resurface. What happened? I was dying, but then Konan was there. A flutter in her heart. She saved me, called me her sister, but what happened after that?  Straining her memory she came up with nothing and slowly opened her eyes. She was laying in a bed, the many blankets wrapped around her providing the warmth of their weight. The one closest to her was fuzzy, feeling nice on her skin. Oh. Where are my clothes? She wondered, realizing then that she was in only her underwear and bra. This is a little embarrassing. Looking around she took stock of her surroundings. The room was certainly a bedroom although it was very bare. A paper butterfly sat on the bedside table and as she moved it took off in flight out the window. Konan's origami jutsu?

The door opened only a minute later, Konan striding in. Now that her vision was clear it was easy to see that Konan had in fact changed. She was an adult now. If memory serves correctly she'd be around 20 years old. She's just as beautiful as always.

"Konan" She sighed happily, feeling that warmth in her chest growing. The woman strode over, her footsteps so quiet, and sat on the edge of the bed. A soft smile played on her face.

"Ami, it's so good to see you." She could feel her face break into a huge grin.

"You too Konan - you have no idea how long I've been searching for you." Sitting up she held the blankets to her chest and Konan handed her a tshirt that she slipped on. Konan reached over, hugging her.

"I worried about you!" Letting go she held her at arm's length (Ami was reminded of Minato) as she took her in. "You've grown up so much! How old are you now?"

"I just turned 15 last month."

"Wow, I can't believe it's been more than 5 years! What have you been up to?"

"I'll tell you if you do me a favor?"

"What is it?"

"Could you please heal my neck - it really hurts."

Examining her bruised neck Konan tutted and began healing, so Ami began as well.

Telling her story took quite a while and afterwards she wanted to hear about the goings on of Konan's years. The tight icy feeling in her chest was strange - what is this? Oh that's right - sadness. Crushing sadness when she heard of their battles and of Yahiko's death. Possibly more terrible was Nagato's fate - his legs now useless following Hanzo's attack on the day Yahiko died, rods forever sticking out of his back which allowed him to reanimate 6 corpses known as Pain who did his bidding. It weird, knowing that this is what he decided was the best use of his abilities, but whatever makes him happy. Guess this is how he dealt with Yahiko's death - bring him back to life and let him pose as the leader still. I wonder, if I could get Minato's body.....? No, I know he wouldn't have wanted that. Damn. After being given a pair of pants they went to see Nagato. He was sitting in a chair. Although she'd been told about the rods, seeing them protruding from his back was a completely different realization and she felt sick. He looked tired and thin but happy to see her. She went to him, bestowing a hug, a kiss on the cheek, and a "thank you" for allowing her back into their lives.

To Ami's surprise it turned out that Konan was now the leader of the Hidden Rain. Well, half of the Rain. The previous ruler, Hanzo, was still alive and retained a following. They were in constant battle, a civil war, but recently Hanzo had been driven to the far end of the city, making most of it safe for Ami to visit. They'd marked their Rain headbands as rogue to show that they didn't follow Hanzo and Ami did the same to the one they'd given her so long ago. It was different, going around the Rain and seeing how much better this part of the city was doing under Konan's rule.

Ami didn't belong but she didn't exactly not belong either... hanging out with Konan again was almost fun, as was helping with the civil war. What a strange concept after so much time - fun. They shopped and Konan showed her her favorite restaurants. When they returned to her home (the largest towering building in the city) they ate some of the food they'd brought back with them. The fake Yahiko joined them, a little weird but whatever.

"Ami." He spoke calmly. "Years ago we welcomed you to our organization. Would you still like to join us? We are currently working on finding worthy shinobi to join our group and I can think of no one better than you.

"Pain, I would love to join the Akatsuki." Reaching across the table he handed her a teal colored ring that she slipped onto her right index finger.

"Do you need a new cloak?"

"No, I have a feeling that mine probably fits just perfect by now." He smiled, and as he left she added "Thanks Nagato."

"You're welcome."

She stayed in the village with Konan for a few weeks, enjoying the friendship they had. When it came to Konan, Pain, and Nagato her emotions returned slightly, but towards everyone else they remained absent. On the day she finally set out it was wearing her Akatsuki garb. She opted not to wear a headband at the moment- no reason to tell everyone that she was rogue - although she went back and forth with her decision.   

This new lifestyle suited her well. She basically did the same thing she'd been doing before - gathering information on dangerous people - only now along with adding them to her notes she also kept them in mind as potential Akatsuki members. She also didn't change her habits of killing those who attacked her and/or deserved it, not that anyone was asking her to. The difference now though was that she was not alone. She wore her cloak proudly and always had a place where she was able to return home to. Hell, she sometimes even opted to wear clothing with the Akatsuki symbol when it got too hot for a cloak. Once again she had a place where she belonged.

 Once again she had a place where she belonged

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