Chapter Seven~

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Siren's P.O.V

We board the Pearl,

Will was lying flat on the deck, head over a grate, he returns to consciousness. 

"What happened to the chest?" ask Will "Norrington took it to draw them off." says Elizabeth.

OHHHH he did more then that!!! 

I hear a rumble and head to the side of the ship, Flying Dutchman suddenly surfaces alongside us. 

"Lord almighty." says Gibbs, Jack stands up, struts across the deck, holding his jar of dirt "Come to negotiate, eh, have you, you slimy git? Look what I got. I got a jar of dirt! I got a jar of dirt! And guess what's inside it?" shouts Jack.

The Flying Dutchman's cannon covers slide down.

Jack you idiot we don't have the hear-.

Cannons emerge from the holes a heavy cannonade fires from the Flying Dutchman, blowing large holes in the ship.

I grab the railing to keep myself from being knocked over "Damn." I say.

But then a sudden our ship gain speed "The Dutchman's falling behind!" I say "Aye, and we've got her!" says Gibbs "We're the faster?" ask Will "Against the wind the Dutchman beats us. That's how she takes her prey. But with the wind..." starts Gibbs. "We take her advantage." I say "Aye!" he says, everyone cheers "Why fight when you can negotiate? All one needs... is the proper leverage." says Jack. 

Suddenly the Black Pearl is badly jarred, I grab the railing again, Jack's jar of dirt falls to the deck, breaks open, spills all the dirt, Jack runs down to the spilled dirt, searches frantically for the heart, which is gone "Where is it? Where is the thump-thump?" ask Jack.

Why'd it have to be me.

"James took it." I say, everyone looks to me "And you didn't try to stop him?!." shouts Jack.

"Hey I'm just a kid!" I shout.

"Really, your the one who goes around saying your not-"

Just then the ship jerks and almost stops.

"We must've hit the reef!" ask Gibbs "No. It's not a reef! Get away from the rail! It's the Kraken. To arms!" shouts Will.


I back away from the side quickly "It'll attack the starboard. I've seen it before. Break out the cannons and hold for my signal." shouts Will, with a deep rumbling sound, the Kraken's tentacles slowly crawl up the hull the tentacles rise higher.

I mange to dodge a couple, barely, the crew fires the cannons, hitting the tentacles and nearly severing some the Kraken sinks into the sea, some tentacles glowing from the blast "It'll be back. We have to get off the ship." shouts Will. 

"How most of the boats are wrecked?" I ask.

Will sees the wrecked boats, then sets his eyes on the barrels of gunpowder "Pull the grates! Get all the gunpowder onto the net in the cargo hold." he shouts and hands Elizabeth a long gun "Whatever you do, don't miss." says Will.

The crew is busy loading barrels of gunpowder from the hold "There's only half a dozen kegs of powder!" shouts Gibbs.

Damn it wasn't enough.......Jack's gonna kill me.

"Then load the rum!" I shout. Gibbs seems shocked, then turns to see the entire crew halted, staring at him in shocked silence "Do you want to die!" I scream.

"...........Aye! The rum, too!" shouts Gibbs quickly the crew continues loading another heavy thud hits the ship, crewmen shout the Kraken attacks again.

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