Chat 33

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VroomVroom: Don't forget we have a test tomorrow

Me: Like I could forget that hell

Me: Wait actually I usually do forget it

FrenchFry: I'm FABULOUS

Me: Nobody asked b**ch

VroomVroom: Language (L/N)!

FrenchFry: I feel offended! And FABULOUS!

Me: French fries don't have feeling

FrenchFry: Excuse my french, F*ck you

Me: Right back at you

Broccoliboi: (Y/N) calm down

Me: Sorry bby

Broccoliboi: I-it's Okay

Me: Did.. you just stutter on text?

Broccoliboi: N-no

Me: Your literally adorableeee

Broccoliboi: T-thanks

Bestie: Stop harassing all the children

Me: b**ch, don't talk to me like that Im being nice

Kermit: You guys act like you hate each other

Everytimewetouch: Yeah, but they love each otherrr

Me: Ewwwwe noooooo

: You guys would be a cute coupleee

Walmart: Yeah, I agree

Bestie: Ewwwwwww

Me: Ewwwwwwww

Me: Actually maybe that wouldn't be that bad

Bestie: Wha-

Everytimewetouch: I shippppp ittttt

Kermit: sameee

Me: Bruh- calm your a**es

Bestie: Yeah

VroomVroom: Language, and remeber the test is tomorrow!

Bestie: Ughhhh

Me: Ughhhh

Everytimewetouch: Ughhhhh

Kermit: Ughhhhh


Broccoli: Ugh

Tapeybro: Ughhhh

Rockypal: Ughhhh

Acidalien: Ughhhhhhhhh

Kamichu: Ughhhhhhhhhhhh

Kermit: I thought you were dead

Kamichu: Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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