62. Overthrow her

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Me: Yo b**ches

Shinso: Whatup hoe

Monoma: Welcome Wh*re

Me: Yes, my people, i have taught you well

Monoma: I will overthrow you

Me: No! Shinso dont let it happen

Shinso: Ill help

Me: Rude

(U/N) added VroomVroom to the chat.

Me: Protect me Iida!

VroomVroom: Im out

VroomVroom left the chat

(U/N) added VroomVroom to chat

Me: Dont you care about me?!?

VroomVroom: Yes, but you should be overthrown.

Shinso: Iida, wanna help us then?

VroomVroom: Yeah sure

Monoma: Haha, LOSER!

Me: B**ch

VroomVroom: Language

Me: F * c k.  U.

VroomVroom:  (L/N)!

Me: F r i c k.    U


Me: He is scary

Shinso: Lol, nah he aint

Me: If you were in our class you would see, but you aint good enough to be so haha

Shinso: b i t c h

Monoma: h o e

VroomVroom: l a n g u a g e

Me: E n g l i s h

Shinso: Cut her throat open

Monoma: Shoot her down

Me: Dang, i know what my next nightmare will be, lol

VroomVroom: You guys are aggressive

Me: Yes were are,
j u s t d a n c e g o d

Monoma: j u s t d a n c e g o d

Shinso: J u s t d a n c e g o d

VroomVroom has left the chat

Me: Yall scared him away!


Its like 3 am and im watching disney movies and writing random chapter, somone stop me please.

Also dont mind i didnt give them usernames i got lazyyy

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