~into the forest~

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"Come on just do it nerd!!!" Dave does an irritated tone at zak.

"Yah come on, Dont be a party pooper!!!" George is also irritated now.

"Fine..." Zak regrets his decision but wanted to make his friends happy.

°Zak Pov°

I slowly grab the cigarette from dave and light it, hands shaking in the process. "A-are you sure about this..." I say, wanting a true opinion. "Of course, You'll be cooler now. And you might just become are besttt friend." Dave states. Dave and George were always the poplar bad boys of the school and when they asked me to be friends with them, i almost died. Now I do whatever they tell me so we can be better friends. I guess trying a cigarette was something friends do for one another.

I stick it in my mouth like other people do. Even though I've never tried a cigarette before I always knew how cause my stepdad always smoked these kinds of cigarettes. After i pull it out of my mouth I start coughing like crazy. "Good job bro!!" Dave slaps my back, making me smile. I suddenly feel the crave to smoke more, so I do. I start smoking, Dave and George both smiling to each other.

"Wow. This is actually good." I say after finishing the cigarette dave had given me. "We knew you would like it so this is for you." Dave hands me a pack of cigarettes and and a blue lighter. "Thanks so much!!" I gush. " hey we were wondering if you wanted to go to daves house today with a friend of ours... Hes not as cool has you though. So... Wanna come? " George asks. "Oh yah of course!!" I cant stop thinking about how better this day could get.

°After School At Daves°

I say bye to my mom, grab my backpack and walk up to daves house. I knock on the door and wait for a bit until it opens, showing a kid looking a few years older. He has dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes being bright from the light reflecting off his glasses. "Oh you must be Dave and George's other friend. Im darryl." " Zak. " I reply, walking in the house. "HEY BUDDY" the last thing i see is darryl looking frightened before me being strangled in a giant hug. "O-ow.." I mumble.

Dave lets go and starts talking. "Hey spif." Spif or spify is Georges nick name. "Yah." He replies. " how about a lovely game of truth or dare" I see Dave and George smirking at each other. "I dont know..." Darryl seems concerned. "Ill do it for you guys." I smile and turn to darryl who has a confused look on his face.

"Ok... Zak. Truth or dare." Spify asks. "Dare. Im not a wuss." I reply. " Ok... I dare you to go to go into the forbidden forest. " George tells me, crossing his arms. "Um. Zak i dont know if-" i interrupt darryl. "Im doing it." I walk towards the door with the three bois following behind.

Once we make it I stare into it. "Im not a wuss." I whisper repeat to myself stepping in. "Please be careful zak." I hear darryl say. "Jezz, i just met you!!" I giggle and walk farther, out of the boys view.

I stop by this beautiful area were a little pond and trees are. I sit on some old wood stairs that seem to get grass and moss growing on them. I watch the pond water slowly move with the calm breeze. I listen closely to the birds chirping in the distant sky with the clouds moving slow in the air, changing shape as they go. Why dont people come in here often? It can really help cure some depression in you.

I get my thoughts stopped when i hear movement in the bushes. I see what looks like two deer antlers sticking out from the bush so i go investigate. I peek my head over to see a crying... Person!?! But different, they have deer antlers and giant white wings with purple glitter in them. "A-are you ok.." I ask, making him turn around, frightened.

I see his face now. He has a decent amount of silky brunette hair, with glowing chocolate brown eyes and black glasses with rainbow on the sides. His face makes mine heat up, but i dont know why. "P-p-please.." He cries harder. "P-please dont t-take m-m-me away." He has a hard time talking with all his crying. I sit down next to him and put him in my arms. He lays his head down on my chest still crying a bit.

"Are people trying to capture you?" I question after his crying is over, resulting to him resting in my chest. "Mhm." He replies, readjusting his head on me making my face go redder. "So... You're technically a mythical creature being chased by area 51 like fricken people?" "Yes. I just said yes." He mumbles, his face still on me. Now that I can here him, he has a really cute french accent.

"Are you french. Do you like baguettes!?!" I question him more. He sighs " yah, Whatever a baguette is, sure. And yes I'm french.. " he replies.

"Wait.. You've NEVER had a baguette and your french? I dont think so." I cross my arms. " Ok. Do you remember i live in the forest being an apparent 'mythical creature' so no. I dont think I've had a baguette before. " he mimics me by crossing his arms too. "Well i have to buy you one when we go back to my place-" "we cant" he interrupts me. "Why not."

I then realise. "Ohhh cause your being hunted. Ok so, do they know what you look like?" I ask. "Umm, no. I dont think so.." " have you ever tried hiding your antlers and wings? " "my wings and antlers are to big you dingus." He spits. " No. I mean... Turning them invisible. " "oh, I've never tried that before." He smiles and then gets off of me, clossing his eyes. " ok be quite. " he states, so i do. A purple glimmer shows up around him when his antlers and wings disappear. He reaches back to make sure they're gone. "OH CKME ON. IT WAS THAT FUCKING EASY!!!" he yells.

" ok come on. " I stand up and put my hand out. He grabs it and we start walking, hands connected. I walk out of the woods from where i arrived. "OH MY GOODNESS THERE YOU ARE!!!!!" Darry yells, running up and hugging me. " Jezz we just meet not to long ago. You know its proven that instant meet relationships never work. " "oh my goodness no. I'm just really caring, unlike those two." Darryl points back to the two boys who like done. " they just sat there while i called yoh foreve-" he pauses and turns to the boy next to me. "And why the heck did you come out of the woods with a boy." " he was.... " i pause and give the boy a glare, telling him to speak. "I was um... Abandoned and living in there for awhile until.. He found me."

Thats actually pretty good...

"Yah. So we're going clothes shopping. Come on dave and spif, we're going shopping!!!" I kind of regret saying that cause i never give orders to them. They look at each other and turn back to me. "Fine casual. Sounds fun. I've been needing new clothes anyway." Dave agrees. George nods and we start walking. "Hey zak, are you sure you can trust this kid?" Darryl looks at the hidden creature then at me. " he seems... Off. " "Oh i KNOW, I can trust him." I think about how distressed he was before I found him.. Now he looks so happy, smiling and holding my hand, Wait... Holding my hand...


I go all red and he notices. "Are you ok?" He asks, concern filling his voice. I whisper in his ear. "Its.. Its something humans do. Ill um.. Tell you later. " he nods and we continue walking.


We arrive and he stands in awe. "Wooah!!" Hes shocked. "This so called 'mall' is very interesting!!!" He smiles and we walk in. " ok so there is many places we could go to so... Where first? " i ask.

"Its your decision, cutie."

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