~Theres More Than You Think~

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How did they capture me you ask?

Zak needed to go get something after Wilbur had to take Schlatt home cause he got sick. I asked Zak what he was getting, to him replying, "it's a surprise."

 I was waiting patiently before I saw complete darkness suddenly over my head. I couldn't scream, I could barely breathe, and everything just seemed to get more and more dizzy. 

When I woke up, I wasn't in some dark spooky room like you'd expect, but a beautiful part of the forest. That didn't shock me as much as the person in front of me.

"Hey. Im Zelk." He smiles, his hand out for mine. "So you kidnap me just to say hi? Really, you could've done better dude." I say. He just looks at me, with his elk ears and antlers being the spotlight of this person in front of me.

"Well i couldn't think of anything at the moment, alright." He growls under his breath. 

I just laugh and take his hand to stand up. "I'm just playing. Now I'm going back to Zak, so if you excuse me, i'll go now." I start walking, and before I know it, hes by my side again. 

"What do you want." I say, avoiding eye contact. "To see this Zak person you're attached to of course." He giggles. I sigh and stand still.

"Ok, hide your… Creature parts now, as will I. Zaks house isn't far so I can teleport us. Just be quiet." Zelk nods, hiding his antlers, ears, and tail.

I hide mine, grab his hand and ask him if hes ready, which he is, so I teleport us. 

~Zak Pov~ 

"He'll show up, don't worry." Wilbur comforts me. "I dont know, he wouldn't just bail on me." I whisper. "Look I bet you right now, that doorbell will go off." George says, walking in from the kitchen.

I wait a few seconds before replying. "See no-" I get cut off by the doorbell. "Huh. I didnt actually think that would work.." George says.

I get up and answer it, and to my surprise its Vincent. "I have a surprise for you Zak!" He says, moving over. A boy jumps out and waves at me.

"Vincent. Don't tell me it's another." He gets tensed, laughing slightly, and saying, "Well, I'd be a liar if I didn't." 

I sigh and tell them to come in. When they do, I find out the boys name is Zelk.

"Zelk, this is George, and that is Wilbur." I say pointing at them. They both wave, and I continue. "Schlatt is in his room sleeping because he is sick." 

Zelk nods and walks over to George. "Hi!" He says smiling. George just looks at me then back at Zelk. "Uh, hi..?" He says awkwardly. 

"Can I stay with you?!" Zelk asks, smile wider. "U-uh.. Thats gay." George stutters.

"Gay, Maybe. No homo, available." He states. George just giggles and asks, "alright fine, I was just gonna go out for a bit. Wanna join?" To which Zelk moves his head up and down rapidly. 

As they walk out the door, Vincent turns to me. 

"I think theres more Zak. They are just hidden." 


Heyo. Sorry I've been so unmotivated. I've also been grounded, and still am of this moment, so this is a short chapter.

I'm glad to have wrote this tho, and had all of you wait for it, so thanks u <33

-rose :3

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