~Double Date~

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( k guys, ready.ready.ready-)

∆°Vincent pov°∆

"Zakieee poooo, wake up." I whisper. "Noo.." Zak whines. Sclett (sclett, yes sclett.) walks in the room and plays very loud music on his.. Phone thingy with a circular black thing making the stuff louder.... But this wasn't any music.... It was... Ear bleeding music.

(Skip to 38 seconds for the good stuff)

"WAKE UP, BITCH!!!" sclett screams. " AAAAAH!!! " Zak falls out off the bed. "Zak are you alright?" I question. "No, cause schlatts the bitch."

" Sc-schlatt.. " i stare at him. I never really got a good look at him. He has short brown hair and brown eyes.. He kinda just looks like your everyday dude.

(If you haven't seen his face reveal video. Its at the end of the defeating the ender dragon with antvenom video. But heres a pic i took hehe.) 


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"Uh.. Whats with the costume thing?" Schlatt is pointing at me. I put my hands up to my head and.... My antlers are showing... "O-oh i-" i start to panic. "Umm... D-dont tell anyone. Not a single soul, Schlatt... V-vincents a mythical c-creature..." Zak stutters.

" I-" schlatt just stares and me, confused. "Ok then. " he comes and pats my head, which makes me smile, and backs up.

Zak starts speaking. "Today I think we should go to this diner, for maybe... Get along reasons... Or a double date. We still would need to know each other more.... " Zak then awkwardly smiles.

"Sure.. Ill go tell wil to get ready. " schlatt walks to the room him and wilbur stayed in, leaving us in peace. Then i remembered. "Clothes!!!. "I run to the bag and grab out my jeans. "Hang on." Zak says.

He reaches in the bag and pulls out... Oh god. "Zak. I told you I've never eaten them!!!!" I complain to the baguette shirt. "Fineeee." He reaches in the bag and throws me something else. "I thought you'd like that."

Its a black shirt that says 'people suck' on it. "Accurate." I say, making zak laugh. I walk to zaks closet and go through it. "Vin, what are you-" I grab out a light blue hoodie and throw it at him.

"And this." I grab some dark blue jeans with rips in them and throw them at him, but this time hitting his face. Now we're both laughing are asses off for no reason.

"What the hell are you two doing in there???" Schlatt asks, opening the door. "Being morons-" I manage to say between laughs. Wilbur then appears in the door. "Are they ok?" " Nope. " schlatt replies.

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