~Endings Are Just Beginnings~

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~Zak POV~

"I wouldn't be surprised if there was more people like you." I tell Vincent. "And that's why we should go and find them!" He yells.

Wilbur looks back at us with confusion on his face, then just gets up and walks to Schlatts room. "I dont know... It seems risky," I truthfully say. Vincent sighs, "and thats a risk we have to take." He states. I look at him then nod. " and after we find them..? " I ask. "I go home."

That sentence made my heart break. "But hey, Zak. I'll come visit. I love you, you know that," Vincent grabs my hand and rubs on it with his thumb and sighs. "I need to find my family though. " "I understand. This means the world to you. You've been on your own and I want you to find your people." I whisper.

I notice Vincent starting to tear up, so I hug him for a bit. "I d-dont wanna leave you Zak." He says sniffling. "Its for your best Vinny. Now lets go find the no brain cells guy and zelkham." Vincent nods and we head out to find the bois.

~Zelkam the gay ham Pov~  (I'm original, shut up.)

"What ice cream place are we going to, tree?" I ask. George glances over at me and responds. "Did you seriously just call me tree?!" " just answer my damn question. " I say. He sighs. "House of flavors. It the closest ice cream place and their ice cream is so good."

House of flavors.. Never heard of it. I think to myself. "Its also a restaurant. They have amazing burgers. We could uh.. Have dinner there if you'd like." I blush at spifeys offering. "Like a date!" I giggle. He mumbles something and says, "sure." Causing me to stumble.

"Wait... You actually said yes!? Dang, you are really single, aren't cha." I joke. His face turns red and he replies, " Sounds like you're trying to say I cant get a date. " I shrug and say "I bet you $14 you can't kiss me this afternoon." " Deal. " he shakes my hand. Challenge excepted, tree.


As we walk in I notice its just a cute little diner and overall its actually cute. "Table for two please." George tells the lady. She leads us to this little booth which I sit on the far end, George sitting next to me. "Ok, I'll be back soon to take your orders." She tells us before walking away. "This is very cute." I giggle, George taking a chance to flirt. "Just like you, hot stuff." I blush but gently punch his arm.

After ordering, our food comes and George takes this as his chance. Well, I dont actually know. I just thinks thats gonna happen -


"You know Zelk, im not actually this nice most of the time. I've always been doing bad shit with Dave. Im not nice, I dont know why I'm nice to you, I just feel I should be. What are these feelings Zelk..?" He asks. I laugh at his puzzled expression. "Its love yah doof." I tell him getting close to his face.

His cheeks go pink as I say this. "That makes me lose brain cells, and I'm the one who makes others lose brain cells!" He says, I giggle. " Well, I never said I wasn't attracted to you. " he looks surprised when I say this. "And I'm not losing 14 bucks, so.."

I get closer, lifting his chin up from his slouching self. Gently I put our lips together before realising seconds later. "Now $14. And fyi, I didn't just kiss you because I could've lost $14 if i didnt." I wink. He blushes, taking out his wallet and giving me a 10 and four 1s. "That was my cigarette money, so be grateful you hot jerk." He growls.

Before I could say I was grateful, Zak and Vincent come up to our table. "Guys, we need you, now!" George slams $35 on the table and gets up with me. "So me and Vincent found out something unbelievable." He shouts outside the building. I see a guy standing out by Vincent.

"Zak, why is Schlatt here?"George asks, Zak pauses and turns to me and Vin. "He.." Zak stops. " you mean... " I stop, Zak nodding. "OOOOOOHHHHHH SCHLATTTTT BOYOOO." Vincent teases Schlatt, poking his face. " ok you can stop. " Schlatt says.

"What are you?" I ask Schlatt. He sighs before answering. "A ram..." My face lights up as I bounce up and down. "Ok can anyone explain whats going on here!?" George asks. "so basically Schlatt, Zelk, and I are all creatures that come from a mythical forest, hidden in the depths of the dark forest just left of 13 mile road, and are looking for our family. " Vincent spits out.

George looks at us before saying, "let me guess. Zelk, Your name just gives it off bud. You're an elk. Vincent, I suppose you're a deer because Zak calls you his deer behind your back. And Schlatt just said hes a ram. " We all look surprised at Georges accurate observations. "Wait, Zak calls me his deer!?" Vincent spits out, Zak just nervously laughing. "Zak you idot." Vincent whispers.

"So are we going to the forest or...?" Schlatt asks. "oh yeah. Come on." Zak gestures for us to follow, so we do.


As we enter, I start getting bad vibes. The flash of memories come back. The torture I went through. The beating, and research, and abandonment. Who abandoned me again..? Finn... Finn that little jerk he was. Leaving me to get captured for his own survival.

As we enter further, I shiver. "Guys, I don't feel good about this." I admit. " its fine scaredy cat, you grew up here anyways. " George says. "And I got abandoned and researched here.." I say. George stops. "oh god im sorry. Im an idiot for assuming you were fine.." He says. " its alright tree. I'll be fine. " I assure him.

"Well I think you look very cute with your elk showing." George tells me. I flop my ears down and blush. I forgot they were out. "Thanks I guess." I quietly giggle, then continue to walk with the group.

I shiver more before Zak stops, his hand with the flashlight shaking. I walk up to Zak and freeze when I see whats in front of us.

"Finn... What happened..?"


And thats another chapter done. I made this as a Christmas gift for you guys so hehe. And if you dont celebrate then... Just a chapter for yah.

But I like this and more will be out soon.

See you next decade... Unless I make another chapter but I'm kinda busy lmao.

-rose <3

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