~An ending to our crazy story~

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- Zelk Pov -

"Z-zelk.. Is that you?" Finn stated. I nod slowly walking up to him. I lift up his blood covered hand and stare at it. "Really, what happened to you?" I ask. "It just happened all at once.. They all died, Zelk. Im scared."

I look at my ex-bestfriend with confusion.

"They all got murdered Zelk. I escaped in time but-" I cut him off "but you left people behind. Is that what you were gonna say? You left people behind like you left me."

He just looks at me and sighs. "I was an asshole, but please Zelk, I need you. I know a place safer. Take the deer and ram and we'll get outta here."

I turn to Vincent who looks at us before tears come to his eyes. "I.. I cant. I cant leave, this is my home, Zelk. Its safer. You're just gonna leave zak and i? Better yet, you're gonna leave George?!"

"I have to agree. I feel at home with Zak and Wilbur. Its safer there uhm.. Finn." Schlatt agreed.

That last four words Vinny said pierced through my heart like an arrow. I felt a big attachment to Tree after I met him. When an animal meets their soulmate, they have an instant connection to them. I felt a connection.

"I... Im sorry Finn. Come along or not, but im going home. I found my soulmate and I'm not leaving them or the others." I get out. He looks at me before taking my hand.

"Ill go.. Ill go home."

-time skip a 7 months lmao-

{Vincent Pov}

"Vinny!" I hear Zak scream from the living room. "Coming" I yell back.

I get off the computer and walk out the bedroom. Zak grabs my hand and pulls me out to the garden.

"Vincent, as you know, George and Zelk just recently got married. That started getting me to think about our relationship." He started.

I got nervous hearing those words. We'd dated for around 6 and a half months now, so I dont really know what to expect.

"Vincent, I love you a lot. You have changed me dearly, like getting George, Dave and I off our smoke addiction, helping me find a porpuse, and showing me what love was like..."

He started to go down on one knee, making me think about what human thing this was after me and Zak might've talked about this thing he's doing.

"Vincent.. I would love to spend my life with you, my little deer, so-" he pulls out a ring, making the memory come back. Marrige! Marriage. HOLY HELL ZAKS PROPOSING.

"Will you marry me?" Zak finishes. I just down and fill his face with kisses. "Yes Zak, yes!" I cry out, literally. "Aw Vincent dont cry." Zak giggles, making me giggle too.

"I love you so much." I whisper in his arms. "Me too." He says, kissing my nose.


"Hey Zelk." George says to his husband. "Yes honey tree?" Zelk replies.

"What if genies did actually exist, but someone wished for them not to." George tells Zelk, who just stares off into nothing before answering.

"What an asshole then," He continues after a few seconds. "But have you seen Zak and Vincent?" George just shakes his head no and walks to their shared bedroom.

Zelk just sits alone before Finn says, "George really does make you stay up late with his brain cell losing questions."

And for Schaltt, Wilbur, Darryl, Clay, and Dave.

Schaltt met a business partner named Connor, and they run Schlatt & co, while Wilbur plays music for locals.

Darryl and Clay make successful YouTube videos together.

And Dave was in the army, serving for our country.

In the end, eveyone was happy and that is all they could ask for...

But was it really a happy end??


Okay so... Yes its over.

Sorry if this chapter has like.. Plot holes or smthn but i was in a rush lmao.

I had fun writing this but DAMN im glad its over.
It was a pain to keep up with. But have an amazing 2020!!

I might make more books soon but for now, im not doing anything since I was already worked up abt this :/

But if you want a part two, tell me :)). It would be awhile before it came out tho because once again, ive been stressed abt this lmao.

But for more context if you're confoused, Zelk saw Finn, his ex-bff, in the woods they lived in, covered in blood. Finn told him that everyone else was murdered (by who tho!?? You'll never know mauhahahahh-) and he survived.

Finn knew a place in the forest they could thrive. A hidden, magical place. Zelk denied for his friends and soulmates sake, so he didnt make the mistake Finn made. Finn came home with them and they lived a normal life.

Time skip 7 months, Zelk already preposed to Mr. Tree and Zak wanted to do the same.

Vincent realises what Zak is doing and says yes, them being a happy couple.

Ok bye bye oml ahhh.

-Rose :) <3

Space >:3

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