~Whats gay?~

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Darryl crosses his arms in anger after Dave and George laugh their butts off. "Guys its rude to laugh at them just cause... Whoever he is-" "Vincent, vin or A for short." "Ok thank you. Cause vin called zak a cutie. "

"Ok ok. Well me and dave are going to the arcade. Dont come. " and with that, spify and dave are gone. I feel Vincent tug on my arm and point to one of those random stores in the mall, so I take him him in.

"This one." He points at an outfit which has black jeans, and a long sleeve, black shirt, with a white triangle on it. "Ok, i like it." I grab it and continue to look around with vin.

I spot a shirt that says i <3 baguettes and decide to get it to anger him. (Only true fans know-) Once we are done looking, i pay and we go to find darryl.

We spot darryl in the music store, talking to a boy with slight curly, brown hair, and a bright green hoodie. "Darryyylllllll!!!!!" I yell, causing him to flinch. "Oh my goodness, dont do that." He then turns to the boy with the literal green screen on him and continues. "This is clay.. He prefers to go by dream.

" Hello, dream. " vin smiles at the boy. "Im Vincent or vin." Vincent holds his hand out for dream to shake. Dream grabs his hand and smiles. "Hey vin. Whos this." Dream points to me and vin replies. "Thats me cutie!!"

Dream snorts and asks. "Real name?" " Zakie. " vin smiles wider. "Zak..." I stare at dream and he smiles. " well once again, im clay... Dream. Then im guessing you've meet my boyfriend, darryl. "

"BOYFRIEND!?!" I say in shock. I turn to vin who looks back at me. " A-ah. B-boyfriend? "

oh yahhh....
Now imma have to explain this shittttt...

"How do you?-" I interrupt dream. "Hes been living in the woods now imma have to explain this shit." " Shit? " Vin curiously replys. "oh god." Darryl pinches the bridge of his nose.

I start to explain to vin. "A boy or girl can have a girlfriend or boyfriend... It is about sexuality and stuff... But if you're straight, you're a boy who likes a girl, or a girl who likes a boy. If you're gay, you are a boy who likes a boy. Lesbian if a girl who likes a girl. Bisexual if you like boys and girls."

" What kind of like? A friend like? " vin asks. "well... No, not really. Its basically a more then friend. Someone who makes your life brighter. Someone who makes your heart flutter and race when they give you a hug or even just a smile. They make you warm and want to spend your whole life with them. You want to protect them at all costs and hold them when they're sad. Kiss them when they're lonely, and cuddle them in peace. "

"Wow. Thats deep." I hear someone say from behind me. " HINAH!!! " i scream. "Dude chill." I turn to see Dave and George grinning at my speech. "THE FUCK." i scream. " LANGUAGE!!! " Darryl yells back. "Guys. We're in the fucking mall. " dream states as people are looking at us.

"I love zak." Vin says out of nowhere. "Whaaa???" I hear Dave reply. "I want to make zak mine. I want to protect him, kiss him, and cuddle him. He makes my life brighter. " "A little to soon there, vin." I reply, face heated.

I mean. You are cute and all, but i just meet you today my dude. I think.

Vincent grabs my hand. "Then we start slow. Lets go home!!!" His eyes light up, making me laugh. "Ok, ok. Lets go." Vincent pulls me out and we start walking.

Soon I get a text on my phone from a familiar person, ofc.

[Schlatt] Ok, me and wilbur need somewhere to stay. All the fucking hotels are booked and we are in Florida. So, we're staying at your house.
Sent: 6:14

[Peanut butter boi] well i disndn expmect that but ok.
Sent: 6:14

[Schlatt] good you could can agree.
Sent: 6:15

[Peanut butter boi] I neavr agreed, i was foeced.
Sent: 6:16

[Schlatt] Exactly
Sent: 6:16

I giggle and vin looks over. "Whats that?" " oh my. Um.. A phone. Its complicated-" vin interrupts me. "Oh, its like a call-leafem. " "the fuckkkk???" (I agree with you zak) I reply, confessed. "They allow you to contact people through voice and text on a little leaf, powered by magic!!!" He smiles. " O-oh, yah i guess... " i shrug. "So whos... Sh-lett?" " Schlatt... Him and his friend wilbur are staying over. " "it seems more forced. " he stares at my phone.

"Well its fineeeee. I have a spare room anyway." " One? " vin raises an eyebrow. "Yuppp." I grin, still knowing he has 0 clue. " Gay? " he replys. "Gayyyyy." I smirk more. "Call them gay."

once we arrive, i see a black car pull in the driveway. "HEY, YOUR FUTURE PRESIDENT HAS ARRIVED!!!!" i hear the person yell from the car. The door swings open and schlatt comes running towards me. "OH FU-" he jumps on me, causing us to fall. "Oh my god schlatt. " Wilbur sighs, walking are way.

"I know we're not that god of friends like connor or carson, but i haven't seen you in years. " schlatt laughs. I smile at wilbur who looks dead. "Hey wilbur, need to sleep?" I reply. " Please. This ass likes to blast meme music the whole way here. " schlatt laughs more as we walk in the house.

"Ok.. One bedroom. Thats nice. " schlatt crosses his arms, as wilbur looks flustered. "Im not a 5 star hotel, thats all i got. " i reply. "ITS NOT MY FAULT THEY WERE ALL BOOKED!!!!" " stoppp!!! " wilbur yells, his hands over his ears. "This is worse then your funny mic. " he complains. "Just get in there, you gays!!!" Vin yells, causing me to burst.

"ZAK." schlatt yells, making me laugh harder. Schlatt grabs wilburs hand, pulls them in the room, and slams the door. "Well thats a wrap!!!" I reply. " Yup. " vin giggles.

He also grabs me and drags me in the room, onto the bed. He lays next to me and holds me close.

"We're still taking it slow. Night cutie."

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