is a furby a support item?

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Mei knows things. Mei knows a lot of things. For example, Mei knows that she has gotten to school too early for Power Loader's tastes by the way he hovers, like he will be able to make her so uncomfortable that she leaves, before he gives up and goes to get some coffee. She also knows that her mom will force her to go to bed as soon as she gets home this afternoon because she's been staying up to work. She knows that her current mini project will be done by tomorrow no matter what her mom does to stop it.

So, Mei knows a lot of things.

Mei knows for certain that the green haired kid with the dead-eyed stare isn't supposed to be here. He isn't a support student, nor a hero student. He's probably just a business or gen ed kid. His hair reminds Mei of a bush.

Bush boy is wandering through the stations, looking over everything absentmindedly, like he's not fully there to take in the impressive array of technology before him. His bush hair hangs in his eyes, even though he has a perfectly fine barrette that he's popping opened and closed while he wanders aimlessly. Bush boy has five bandaids on his neck, each with a different pattern of stars.

Bush boy is about to get dragged into some shit against his will.

A grin spreading across her face, Mei abandons her station to zoom over to Bush boy, who doesn't panic in the slightest when she jumps on him. In fact, he moves his arms to support her legs so she doesn't slip off. Mei likes him already.

"I'm Hatsume Mei! You're gonna be my test dummy!" She announces into his ear. He tilts his head to look at her with his tired tired insomniac eyes.

"What?" He asks. Mei majestically points back to her station, lightly kicking his sides like she's urging on a racehorse. Bush boy stubbornly doesn't move.

"To my workbench! Quick! I'll make a profile then we can get started!!" Mei demands, digging her heels in. With a sigh, Bush boy carries her over to the desk littered with tools and blueprints, and sets her down next to the stool by it. Mei hops up and grabs a notebook and pen, readying it while Bush boy turns around to stare at her. "Name! Age! Quirk! What is it, strength enhancement? Telekinesis? Fire breath? Let's go go go, I don't have all day!"

"Midoriya Izuku, sixteen, quirkless." Izuku lists off in a tone of voice that is simultaneously flat and dangerously icy, like he's daring her to say something about being quirkless. Mei pauses after he says it, slowly lifting her head. There's that same icy-ness in his eyes, but when a wide, manic smile appears on her, it thaws a bit.

"THAT'S EVEN BETTER!" She shrieks, throwing the notebook back on the desk and jumping off her stool to flit around him. Izuku just watches blankly as she lifts his arms and starts taking measurements of him with a tape measure off her belt. She's practically vibrating in excitement. "Think of all the awesome stuff I can have you try without a quirk getting in the way! Oh I am so making antigrav boots for you! Maybe some kinda taser disguised as a pen? OR I CAN MAKE YOU A BARRETTE THAT SHOOTS LASERS!"

"I'm not a hero student. I don't need any of that stuff." Izuku points out, leaning against her work bench to scan over some of the blue prints scattered around. He picks up one for the antigrav boots and reads some of her notes. "They're cool though. Good for actual hero work."

"Of course they are!" Mei exclaims, snatching the blue paper from him and slamming it down onto the table. Izuku doesn't jump, per se, but he does wince a bit at the loud noise. "WHICH IS WHY YOU'RE GOING TO BE SHOWING THEM OFF AT THE FESTIVAL FOR ME!"

"I'm what."

"Just need to get you all signed up for support use—" Mei begins to mutter, ignoring Izuku as she rifles through a stack of papers in one of her bench's drawers. Izuku sighs when he realizes that she's not listening and pulls out his phone to text Shinsou. Eventually, Mei pulls out a form pack with a cry of victory and slaps it onto the desk with a pen. "Fill this out!"

Izuku looks up from his phone to give her a flat, tired stare. Mei grins and kicks his shin.

"Ow." Izuku monotonously intones, finally picking up the pen. He gets to work writing out everything needed to be allowed to use support items. The two of them lapse into silence, Izuku writing and Mei sketching out new ideas for improvements for her babies.  "...Hey. Could you make something for a friend of mine?"

"Perhaps. What do you have in mind, lab rat?" Mei asks, glancing up from her work. Izuku taps his pen against the desk, gesturing at his face with a vague hand.

"A mask—something that can mimic voices." He says, thoughtfully. "With purple accents."

"Can do, Izukkun!" Mei agrees instantly. "I can have that done by the festival with all of your stuff! Just make sure your friend fills out the foooorms! And mentions Hatsume Industries if anyone asks where he got it!"

"Yeah, I will." Izuku jots one last thing onto the packet of forms and pushes it towards Mei. "Also, I'm not aiming to win the festival. Sorry."

"Whatever floats your boat, my dear test dummy! I just need to demonstrate my babies!!!"

"I don't want to know why you call them that." Izuku sighs, pushing off the work bench. "I'm going to class before your teacher shows up again."

"See you later, Izukkun! I'll get your number and text you if I need you for anything!" Mei laughs, waving Izuku off, and hunkers over a notebook with a wide grin. Izuku shakes his head and wanders back out of the lab.

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