no take backs

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Nezu sits at his desk, paws folded patiently, with a pot of steaming tea at his elbow and his gaze firmly planted on the door. Over the weekend after the festival, the teachers of Yuuei have had their annual meeting about whether or not someone from a general class could move up to the hero class. Usually nothing came of these meetings but a bunch of squabbling, but this year had been different all thanks to a certain pair of students.

Two students, who without so much of a knock, enter his office exactly 12.4 minutes after he calls them there. The leader of the pair enters first, opening the door by backing into it with his shoulder so he doesn't have to stop his conversation with Hitoshi Shinsou. Hanging off his arm is a plastic bag that, judging by the smell, is full of a menagerie of different snacks.

"I'm just saying this one more time so it gets through your thick skull," Shinsou is telling Midoriya, an exasperated fondness found in the furrow of his eyebrows, "You have a cult."

"If they keep giving me free snacks because they think I magically make their calculations work out, then I don't really care." Midoriya answers, holding the door open just enough for Shinsou to slip in ahead of him. In return, the quirked boy shoots him a small smile, which is surprisingly returned.

"Snacks seem like a perfectly good reason to be six minutes late!" Nezu decides aloud as the two of them take seats. Shinsou shoots Midoriya a slightly nervous look, unsure if this is a passive aggressive scolding, but his friend simply rummages in his bag and then places a pack of tea cakes on Nezu's desk. The principal slides them over to himself, letting out a happy hum. "It looks like someone the business class has good taste! Would you two like any tea?"

"No thanks." Midoriya denies. Shinsou, however, nods. Nezu is glad to see that he's not a follower like he's heard some students sneer. Really, children can be so vicious. Nezu pours himself and Shinsou cups, and then settles back in his chair. A good chunk of time passes with nothing but the sipping of tea and crinkle of plastic filling the air. Midoriya seems to have no intention in opening up the dialogue that Nezu wants from him, but eventually Shinsou puts his cup on the desk.

"Is this about our performance in the festival?" He asks, leaning forward in his chair. Midoriya continues to ignore the conversation in favor of sorting through his snacks. Nezu mentally recalls Shinsou's file, where Snipe had marked that his goal was to get into the hero course. It only makes sense, then, that he would be the one to broach the subject. "And—and whether or not we get into the hero course?"

"It is indeed, Shinsou-kun!" Nezu affirms, rewarding him with another pour of tea. Shinsou takes the cup again but doesn't drink, instead just holding it in his hands. "Usually it would take a bit more time for us to decide, but you two had someone surprising in your corner. Aizawa doesn't take to sticking up for students very often!"

It's amazing how just a few words can elicit such contrasting reactions. An ember of hope catches fire in Shinsou's eyes, though he tries to school his face into something more impassive. A teacher, especially one known for being such a hardass—pardon the language—sticking up for him must mean a lot. Brainwashing is an incredible talent, but not one held in high regard.

On the other hand, Midoriya has adopted a small scowl that lacks bite. As if he can't be mad at Aizawa, but he wishes that he hadn't stuck himself out there and demanded that they be put in his class. Of course, Midoriya doesn't know that bit, but the example stands. He doesn't seem as happy with the idea of switching classes as his friend. Yuuei has never had a student turn down moving to the hero class, but Nezu won't be surprised if this is the first. 

"So, if there's no objections, I'll finalize your paperwork and you can join class 1-A starting tomorrow!" Nezu chirps, reaching for a stack of papers. He keeps an ear on Midoriya, waiting for the inevitable response. It comes a moment later, signaled by the sound of Midoriya placing his bag of snacks on the ground.

"Actually, I'm not interested." He announces in a flat voice. Nezu turns to him, plastering a look of approximate surprise on his face. Shinsou has also turned to stare at Midoriya but his expression is a bit more of distress and disappointment than surprise. Midoriya levels Nezu with a look before he can say anything. "Don't pretend to be surprised. Those forms aren't even for our transfers. They're a request for a dorm system."

"You got me." Nezu chuckles, crossing his paws again. "I had a feeling you would be turning us down. I was hoping that you'd reconsider, though. I sure would hate for you to go back to your gen-ed class and get bullied for not accepting—children really are so harsh nowadays."

Midoriya's expression don't change. So, doesn't care about being bullied. It makes sense, someone quirkless would be on the receiving end of horrible treatment from school children. Add one Katsuki Bakugo into the mix, assuming from the way the two had clashed in the festival, and it seemed like a recipe for years of suffering. He needs to change tactics if he is going to convince Midoriya into Aizawa's class.

Shinsou crosses his arms and Midoriya's eyes twitch towards him.

Well then. Nezu leans back in his chair, snout crinkling into what he finds is his closest expression to a smile.

"And I'd hate to leave Shinsou-kun in class A-1 alone; I have put precautions into place, but that Bakugo is a bit of a wildcard when it comes to his pride." He gives a little laugh. Midoriya is suddenly looking at him with a bit more focus, gaze sharpening from apathetic to calculating. Hook line and sinker, as they say. "I'll give you this option. You have until tomorrow morning to decide where you're going. If you still want to stay in general education, then show up to that class tomorrow! Sound good?"

"...Sure." Midoriya agrees.

"Great! You two are free to go. Enjoy your afternoon!" Nezu waves them away, pulling a stack of paperwork to himself in a clear dismissal. Midoriya stands up, snatching his snacks, and immediately strides for the door. Shinsou follows a moment later, leaving behind his tea. 

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