edward elric taught me nothing

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The first ping that comes from Izuku's cursed chat, Naomasa ignores. He's only just gotten home and collapsed into his bed, and has almost started to slip into sleep. Can't they wait until after he naps to need him for whatever they need him for? 

On the second loud ping, Naomasa considers putting his phone on do-not-disturb. He can't, of course, because there's always the possibility of the precinct needing him for something. But he considers it. Very heavily.

It's the third-fourth-fifth pings, each in quick succession, that gets Naomasa to lift his head and grab the phone off the nightstand.

"It's my day off." He tells the device, a note of pleading in his voice. Almost as if in response, it pings again, lighting up for a moment. Defeated, he unlocks it and accepts that his day most likely won't comprise of very long naps as he hoped.

SleepyBoi: MEI?? SOMEONE GET TSUKAUCHI @be GAY do crime

hp laserjet: @be GAY do crime can you arrest her


gay candycane: @be GAY do crime

lady of the pond: @be GAY do crime

lord and savior dadzawa: @everyone shut up


SleepyBoi: that is terrifying

be gay do CRIME: @be GAY do crime naomasa please do something about them

be GAY do crime: it is my day off. what.

SleepyBoi: mei is doing human experimentation

Naomasa stares for a moment in distress. 

be GAY do crime: .....where


be gay do CRIME: i decline

The Genius(tm): FUCK

lady of the pond: anyone in this thread smoke lilypads

SleepyBoi: pretty sure she's in the ua labs

The Genius(tm): snitch

be GAY do crime: thank you Hitoshi. I'll be there in a few, Mei

The Genius(tm): >:/

gay candycane: How do you smoke lilypads???

Resigned to his fate, Naomasa clicks his phone off and pushes himself out of bed. Luckily, since he hasn't even bothered to shed his overcoat he doesn't have to gather anything. He has his wallet, keys, phone, and Yuuei visitor badge on him already. That means he can head right out to stop Mei from committing some terrible crime against humanity. Who knows which poor, innocent civilian she's roped into her experiments as the test subject.

He honestly can't bring himself to feel any surprise when he arrives at the lab Mei is using and finds Izuku sitting on a stool, a syringe in his arm. Only exasperation. Izuku waves with his free hand when Naomasa steps in, but quickly drops his gaze back to Mei as she carefully takes a blood sample. 

"Why." Is all he can think to say, gesturing at Izuku in concerned helplessness. Izuku shrugs back.

"It's for the quirk suppressants in my tail." He says. Naomasa nods as if he understands, though that clears up absolutely nothing. Izuku shakes his head and points at Mei, who is transferring the blood to a tube, and occasionally glancing into a microscope. She doesn't react, and Izuku sighs.

"What is happening here, exactly? Hitoshi said you were doing human experimentation?"

"We're testing to see if Meimei can make a serum out of my blood that can overwhelm people's quirk factors." Izuku explains when it's clear Mei is too preoccupied to. "If we can, we'll make it and put vials into the mechanical tail Meimei is also making. When I cut someone with it, it'll release the serum and I can suppress people's quirks kinda like Eraser does."

Naomasa spends a good eight seconds blinking in astonishment. It's a brilliant idea and one that will help Izuku a lot when fighting. And if Mei can create quirk suppressants, that will be an invaluable tool to the hero industry. Naomasa really has only one worry.

"Is this in any way legal?"

Izuku stares at him unhelpfully for a few moments. The blank look serves to remind that Izuku is basically a vigilante, and thus doesn't care much about laws. He turns to look at Mei, who to Naomasa still seems enraptured with her microscope. Surprisingly though, she shoots him a thumbs up.

"No laws against experimenting with a willing participant!" She chirps without looking up. "And no laws against quirk suppressants that don't even exist yet!!"

"Alright. Okay." Naomasa nods as both truths ring in his head. That's a relief. "Well since you two seem to have a handle on things, I'll be going."

He's never seen someone's head shoot up as fast as Mei's does. As she pins him with a sharp, maniacal look, he idly wonders if she might have gotten whiplash from doing it. She looks fine when she zooms to his side to grab his hand so he can't leave, at least.

"Would you like to be my test subject?" She asks, staring up at him with a smile that Naomasa can only think to describe as 'predatory.'

"What." He says intelligently. Mei drags him over to the table Izuku sits at with ease, as Izuku watches on like he has better things to do. She slaps a piece of paper down in front of him and Izuku flicks a pen over.

Ah. They're ganging up on him.

Naomasa scans over the paper—a contract—which basically says that he agrees to be Mei's guinea pig and won't sue her if something goes wrong.

"I'm ninety-two percent sure it won't permanently erase your quirk." Mei assures. The statement registers as false in the back of his head. At his glance, she corrects herself. "Eighty-six percent."

"If I do this can I go home?"


Naomasa picks up the pen and signs the contract. Mei cackles, snatching the paper away from him and speeding to the other table full of vials. Naomasa really doesn't like the look of almost-pity Izuku shoots him, but Mei is returning before he has much time to think about it.

"Arm." She demands, pulling the appendage up as she does so. Why she even asked is beyond him. She sticks a needle in him without warning, slowly pressing down the syringe's plunger. Izuku and Naomasa watch the clear liquid sink into his veins. As soon as the syringe is empty and out of his arm, Mei is back to staring at him intently. "I punched Izuku in the face today."

The sensation of a falsehood rings. Naomasa shakes his head. Mei pouts.

"I haven't gotten into a single fight this week." Izuku pipes up a moment later. Naomasa knows that's not true—Izuku has two recorded fights on Monday. Yet, his quirk stays silent, not alerting him in the way Naomasa is so used to.

He looks at the syringe in Mei's hands, then at the spot where the quirk suppressant went into his arm.

"What the fuck?" He asks desperately. Mei jumps, whooping in excitement.

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