Chapter 16

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A rumbling comes from a while away and we turn rapidly, ready.
A cloud of sand rises up from the distant pounding of hooves.
Of hooves.
C-4 looks at me with a slight hesitated determination, then grabs me around the waist and jumps.
And I yell out.
He raises his eyebrows.
"Don't want to get squashed do you?"
"I can face it" I grumble.
So he drops me into it and falls after me.
I land in a bulls back and turn it left rapidly and laugh as C-4 looses slight control.
I focus my eyes towards a large tree and ride until I stop there.
"Alright. Tell me where the hell we are please."
He stops and jobs off, offering his hand to help me off mine.
"I still don't know. A-4 was enhanced with a GPS system not me."
I take it and hop off the bull and it runs.
I take off my lab coat and my bare arms heat up in the scorching sun and look down at it.
Of course.
The ends are covered in blood.
C-4 grins at me.
"You look good in red."
I sigh loudly.
Yeah my tank tops red.
Yeah I'm the second girl he's probably ever met.
Yeah I remind him of the one he loves.
But does he have to flirt with me?
"Where to now?" I say.
"Why don't we sit here and plan a while, in the shade?"
I fold up the lab coat and place it down on the ground and sit.
"What's with the glum face?" He says as he sits next to me.
"It's been a big day..."
"You could say that..."
I lean back against the tree.
"What next?" I ask.
"Next, we sleep."
"Are you kidding me? I can't sleep!"
"After all that happened I can't possibly..."
"If I sleep, I'm vulnerable. Vulnerability means that I'm taken advantage of. That means people die."
"It's fine. You sleep, and I'll watch out for anything."
"I don't trust-"
"E-4, seriously."
He stares at me.
"Oh fine."
I lie down and close my eyes...

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