Chapter 6: On My Own.§

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I look out the small window of the bathroom. We were making our first stop of the trip. I walk out following everyone else as they go into the station. There was a McDonald's, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, etc.

It was kind of cold but I had no one who'd try to keep me warm. Plus, my jacket was in the bus and I didn't feel like getting it. I walk around by myself looking at stuff and see Prod. 

He looks at me weird. I could see that he noticed I was crying so when he started coming towards me I tried getting away. "Sisi, what's wrong?" "Nothing Prod, I'm fine. It's not like you guys care anyways." 

"Siyara don't be like that. Of course we care." "You're just saying that; if it were true you wouldn't be treating me like this." "Maybe if you'd stop acting like such bitch we wouldn't have to." 

"Seriously Prod!? You too? Why don't you just go back to your little puppy dog Dessy. At least with her there's enough of a bitch to go around." His expression changes and I realize what I had said. 

He starts backing up. "Prod wait, I didn't mean that!" "You don't mean anything now a days!" God why!? Ugh; I hate this. I don't even wanna be here anymore! 

I walk back to the bus, curled up in a ball on my seat, listening to music. Roc and Alana came back. "Siyara are you okay? You stormed out of the station like that-" Alana started.

I look at her with a death glare and she shut right up. I turned up the volume on my iPod and closed my eyes to zone out everything that was going on 'til we reached Irvine. 

"Here we are at the science museum. Here they study marine animals so you guys will be off on your own with your partners taking a tour. We meet back here at 1:30. Enjoy yourselves," Mr. Hendricks cooed excitedly.

Everyone sets off in different directions. Roc and Alana were so into having each other as company, they completely forgot that I was there. I walked behind them, staying as far away from them as possible. 

They laugh with each other making stupid jokes about the dolphins. Alana made some stupid remark about the family Delphinidae being the smallest in the Cetacean order. 

Anyone knows its the largest. Obviously her brain is too small to know that.

Time flew by so quickly that we had to head back to our next stop. Meriana Market. It's an outdoor shopping mall similar to any other mall in the US. 

From the time that we've got here, Roc's been making moves on Alana. Sometimes she'll push him away; at times she doesn't. Everywhere they walked, they were holding hands with each other. 

Roc even held her waist, saying sweet little things in her ear that made her laugh. ALL the little things he'd do with me that made me feel good. It was really hurting me. 

We go into a kids store with a bunch of toys, shoes, and clothes. I decided to get something for Yaniese. She's always been saying that she wanted a complete Domo outfit since Ray got her hooked onto it. 

Everything Domo. I was looking through a shelf with a bunch of Domo merchandise when Roc comes standing next to me. I ignore him and act like her wasn't there. 

"Hey." "You just now realized I was here?" "No. You were here by yourself, I-"

"I've been on this whole damn trip by myself! You were too busy enjoying your little lovey dovey romance time with Alana that you didn't even see that! What happened? You got bored so you wanted to see if I needed your company?" 

"What's wrong with you!?" "You're what's wrong with me Roc! You're doing all those things to her that you did with me just to make me mad. You're playing me right in front of my face! It's hurting me!" 

"Oh so didn't think it hurt me when you kissed that guy in front of my face at the pizza restaurant last week!? And the fact that you went to his place having your little fun?! What's up with that Siyara?!" 

Niyah told him. Yeah, just what I needed. Someone else turning their back on me. "Well can you blame me!? I'm not the one having babies for someone else!" 

Roc gets even angrier than before, pushing over a stand up shelf with earrings. He turns to me and I get scared. 

"How much longer are you gonna hold that against me!? It was a mistake! A mistake that happened years ago. I can't change the fact that Alana's baby is mine or that I'm the father. Grow up and fucking accept it!!!" 

Alana witnessed the whole thing. Even she was scared because I don't think she seen him like this before. 

Tears dwelled in my eyes. She comes over placing a hand on Roc's chest. "Roc calm down. Security's on there way; just leave it alone." He stares at me biting him bottom lip but I could tell just by looking in his eyes that he felt hurt. 

I couldn't stand it. I dropped everything and left. Back at the bus, I waited for everyone to come back. When they did, we headed for the hotel. 

Everybody follows the teachers around each floor of the hotel, showing us our rooms. "And this is your room," says Ms. Davis. She opens our door and it looked nice. There was only one problem, there was only two beds. 

"Sorry about the beds. We couldn't afford another room with three, so two of you will have to share one." I look at her. "Are you fucking serious!!? I'm not in the mood for this!" 

"Sorry Siyara. You guys get ready to head to the pool and after we're having dinner in the diner. Chop, chop." 

I swear to God; my day can't get any worse than this! All three of us change and head down to the pool. I could really use a swim right now...... 


The Hotel Room.... 

The Hotel.... 

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