Chapter 34

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Andrea and I walked through the portal he opened to reach wherever he had planned on taking us.

I could feel William trying to get in my mind but Andrea's ring was keeping him out.

"What is this place?" I asked Andrea, it was a forest, like literally all you could see or hear were trees, water and birds chirping.

"Quiet" Andrea said and I raised an eyebrow but still stayed quiet.

"Andrea what are...." I was stopped mid-sentence when I saw a red headed lady walking over to us.

"Amelia" Andrea smiled.

"Hello my young princes" Amelia said smiling at us.

"Rolan this is Amelia, Caspian's mother" Andrea introduced us, and I was honestly scared of her, especially after William.

"She won't hurt you" Andrea said sensing my fear "she's here to help keep you safe and trained"

"What if she hurts me like..."

"I am not William Rolan, I've been keeping you and your siblings safe for years" Amelia answered me.

"What about Mia?" I asked her remembering what Caspian did to her and how much the news itself broke her.

"What happened to Mia?" Amelia asked worriedly, I could tell by the tone of her voice, shift of uncomfort and sudden fear that she knew nothing of her son's doings.

"Caspian had Mia under a spell, it was to illusion her that she was his mate" Andrea sighed.

"But how would he get access to such as spell? Especially when they were at that young age?" Amelia asked surprised.

"I don't know Amelia, but he admitted it to Mia" Andrea said and Amelia cursed under her breath.

"That means he had help from the outside, because I'd never ever teach my son dark magic" Amelia said angrily.

"Dark magic?" Both Andrea and I asked.

"To illusion a vampire or a werewolf that you are their mate and block them from seeing of feeling their real mates requires dark magic as they are the hardest to block" Amelia said "and it requires a lot of power and experience, two things Andrea did not have at the age of sixteen"

"But who and why would they do such a thing?" I asked "couldn't he just date her and get her to fall for him?"

"Usually it is done to reach power, in Caspian's case it could be a reason, sometimes it used to stop the reproduction of a certain creature which may lead it to extinction, in vampire cases it can't lead to extinction but since Andrea doesn't have an heir, being the eldest son..." I could tell it was too much for Amelia to believe that her son would be involved in such a crime because she couldn't finish her sentence.

"Why Caspian?" She spoke to herself before wiping her eyes from tears that were threatening to fall.

"But how did our grandparents give birth if non-mates couldn't?" Andrea asked.

"It was a rule established when your parents got divorced..." Amelia explained "they put a spell, which blocked all vampires from being able to reproduce with anyone other than their mates"

"Can't it be reversed?" Andrea asked.

"It can, you just have to follow the same steps they followed"

"Which are?" I asked.

"Using the same dark magic..."

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