"What do you mean by he's seaking revenge?" the vampire King yelled angrily.
"He wishes to see your kingdom fall sire" The knight told the king.
"Well then we must be prepared, you are excused for now" The queen said calmly as she entered the throne...
Mia: "I'm sorry Caspian, we're done" upon saying these words I swear Caspian looked like he was shot by a bullet.
"Just tell me what I did Mia" he begged standing up to face me "please, I at least deserve that"
"You lied Caspian, every single day we were together was just a lie" I said slowly feeling as if my heart was being ripped out of it's place.
"What if one day we wanted kids?" I asked "would you have put a fetus in my system by magic as well?"
Realization hit Caspian and his eyes softened and guilt was visible in his eyes.
"Mia, I've loved you since we were kids" Caspian said slowly "but you would've never been with me unless you thought that I was your mate"
"And you're saying this as if it was the most casual thing?" I asked surprised and actually angry.
"I only enchanted you to believe that we were mates, your feelings were always real Mia, just as mine were for you" he tried getting closer to me only for me to take a step back to avoid his touch.
"I understand" he said looking me in the eye "and though you might not believe it now, I really do love you Mia" his voice was low and filled with pain.
"I'll leave you be" Caspian said turning around to leave.
I stood my ground until he left the room, but once the door was closed my knees wouldn't support my weight anymore and I sat on the floor sobbing.
"Mia..." I felt Andrea wrap his arms around me while I sobbed.
Andrea: Mia sobbed in my arms while I whispered soothing words to her though I knew that they wouldn't make a difference now she was in too much pain.
I carried her to her bed and laid her there once she was done crying, "you're on no state to come with us beautiful, get some rest okay?" I said and Mia nodded knowing that I was right.
I covered her with her blanket and she was asleep in minutes, I leaned down and kissed her forehead before going to my chamber and finding Rolan sitting on my bed.
"Ready?" I asked him and he nodded.
"Are you okay?" I asked him seeing as he looked like he was having a mental battle with his own head.
"Yeah, just fighting William off" he said and I nodded before thinking of an enchantment aunt Amelia taught me years ago.
"Wait here" I said going to my walk in closet to the drawer where I my personal things.
I took out a silver ring with an emerald stone on it, emerald was always my favorite jewel and luckily it is one of the few stones that can be used for spells.
I brought it back to the room and put it on the wooden round table I had, and started doing the enchantment.
I recited the words carefully and it felt as if a power surge had left my body as the emerald started glowing brightly and the silver around it was being carved for the spell to be drawn on it.
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Once I was done it took me a few minutes to recover and for my sighting to go back to normal as my eyes obviously started glowing brightly.
"Here wear this" I told Rolan and he looked at me with so much hope in his eyes "they won't be able to get in your head, it's a protection seal"
"Thank you" Rolan said wearing the ring, it glowed once before dimming down again.
"Better?" I asked and he closed his eyes for a few seconds before opening them and nodding.