Chapter 45

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I sat on my throne with Kiara on hers on my right and Mia and Andrea on my left as we gathered our guards and lords.

They all bowed to us as we looked at them before raising my hand for them to get up, Kiara nodded at them as she usually did and we stayed quiet for a few seconds before I opened my mouth to speak.

"Amelia broke into the palace" I stated and I could tell that all the guards and lords were suprised, well aside from Nicco who was reading my mind and already knew what I was going to say though he looked troubled as well.

"She went for Prince Rolan in his weak state, luckily his body responded and he saved us all from a crisis which we would've done best without" I said and murmers could be heard throughout the throne room, I had once given an order to kill my son if spotted when they made him kill Rebecca.

"We need to prepare for a war, I don't know when or how she would attack" I said looking around at everyone in the room "but we need to be prepared and on constant alert, she had left this" I said showing them her red necklace.

"Sire if she left this here, won't that mean she has something that's stronger?" Leonardo spoke and I nodded in agreement.

"I don't know why exactly she left it, whether it was a threat or not, a way to spy on us all" I spoke the possibilities carefully hoping for the best but still not being too sure "but, I am sure she wouldn't leave herself weak or unprotected" I said and murmurs spread out in the room again.

"And the fact that Prince William had been killed, she would come back to avenge his death" I said and everyone nodded.

"But sire what power would she desire have?" Charlie asked "she killed her only child, the one she wanted to put on the throne" I felt Mia tense up at his words but she made no comment or movement as she watched us quietly.

"Maybe it is revenge and power she desires, but her exact motives are still unknown" I said and murmurs started again around the room.

"Or she still wants the throne" Rolan's voice shut the whole room as they all bowed and moved aside for my son to walk toward us, only for us to gasp and stand from our thrones.

There beside Rolan in a white dress stood his twin, standing confident, tall and strong.

"Rebecca?" Kiara whispered.

An electric shot toward Rebecca from Andrea only for Rolan to create an invisible barrier which sucked the shot and dodged it from his sister.

"Rolan what are you doing?" Andrea spoke with fury with his brother.

"Look through her core Andrea" Rolan spoke to his big brother knowing that though he was half vampire, he inherited the elementra blood more than the vampire unlike his twin Mia who had inherited her vampire blood more.

"We buried her Rolan, it could be a trick of Amelia" Mia said looking at Rebecca.

"This is Rebecca" Rolan said baring his fangs at Mia for even thinking so.

"Impossible" Andrea whispered "it's really her"

"How?" I asked confused.

"This" this was the first time Rebecca spoke as she showed a purple crystal pendant "when Rolan felt them trying to control him, and to get him to kill me he made this pendant for me" she looked at her brother with loving eyes before looking back at us "it took me a while to recover and I was fully able to feel my senses during the attack of Amelia and William to the palace" she told us about seeing Amelia break down to her husband's death and promising him revenge but her last sentence caught us all off guard.

"She is pregnant, with William's child"

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