Chapter 9

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"The human world?" I asked mum "with Rolan being blood lust I don't think that's the best idea"

"We have no other options Mia!" mum snapped before taking a deep breath to calm herself.

"Mum's right Mia, we can't stay here at least not for now" Andrea tried to reason with me.

"Okay, okay let's go before anything bad happens" I said quickly and just like that a dark cloud appeared before our eyes.

"Mia, Andrea, Caspian take Rolan and Rebecca and get away from here!" Mum ordered.

"But mum... " Andrea begged.

"Andrea, Mia please, take care of your brother and sister for me" mum said gently before dad appeared before our eyes, he was in a dark cloud, his eyes were glowing green and green smoke came out of his eyes, both Andrea and I's eyes were wide.

Rolan held on to Andrea while Rebecca hid behind my legs, Caspian stood beside me and I could feel him cooking up a spell.

Third person point of view:
King Harry was angry, he was furious and he wanted nothing but to have Prince Rolan's head, but of course Queen Kiara would never allow it.

"Harry stop this!" Queen Kiara said throwing a fire ball at him which he dodged easily.

Princess Mia and Prince Andrea started firing thunder and water at him, but nothing worked, they even tried to crack the floor under him but the green smoke lifted him easily so he was hovering over the ground.

"Whatever you're going to try, it won't work" King Harry smirked at his family "give me the child"

"Over my dead body" Queen Kiara said angrily before it started raining ice needles.

"That can be arranged" King Harry vampire sped to her and bit her neck making everyone scream in fear.

Queen Kiara looked at Caspian who nodded and gave her a small smile.

"We need to leave now!" Caspian ordered but all the princes and princesses were frozen in their spot.

This time a portal opened up in the middle of the air making all three teenagers freeze.

"Go" the queen mouthed.

"MUM!!!" Prince Andrea yelled before thousands of sparks shot from him toward the sky and he fell to his knees.

"We need to leave Andrea" Caspian got beside the prince as a figure walked out of the portal.

The princes and princesses held on to one another before they closed their eyes and in fractions of seconds they were in front of their grandparents.

"What is going on?" King Alexander asked getting up from his throne worry in his tone as he saw the state of his grandchildren.

Another portal opened up and just as the kids got up to attack a familiar figure came out carrying a girl bridal style.

"William? Who is this?" Queen Monique stood up upon seeing her son and the girl.

"Oh my God"

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