Chapter 4

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"Why is he here?" Morgan asked.

"To stop by and say hi? I dont know!" Peter exclaimed.

"Well clearly there's someone in there." Ross spoke up from the other side of the door. "Are you going to answer the door?"

Peter reached for the handle, but Harley ran over and grabbed his arm, "Peter, don't. I'll answer it."

Peter nodded and backed up. Harley took a deep breath, unlocking the door and swinging it open.

Ross looked at Harley then to Peter and Morgan, "Where's Tony Stark?"

"Not here." Harley snapped. "Why?"

The General grumbled, "Is Rodgers here?"

"Nope." Morgan stated, popping the "p".

"So if their not here, you wouldn't mind if I inspect just in case?"

"Actually we do mind." Peter said, walking up next to Harley.

"Mommy, Daddy and Happy said to not let strangers into the house." Morgan spoke softly.

"Oh, but I am no stranger to you." Ross stated.

"Well if you come in, we can sue you for breaking and entering." Harley pointed out.

"You Starks think you can do anything." Ross groaned. "Step aside boys."

Ross went to push past Harley and Peter. Peter's sense spiked up a notch and he freaked out. He shot a web from his wrist, letting it attach to Ross's arm, and flung him to the ground. Ross looked up at him, mouthing "what the f*ck." Peter held his hands behind his back and bit his lip.

"What the hell are you?" Ross asked, stepping forward.

Peter cleared his throat, "Guess there's no hiding it now."

"Peter-" Harley started.

"I'm Spiderman."

"The out of control mutant." Ross mumbled.

"Excuse me! I am not out of control!" Peter yelled. "I'm not getting anyone killed or putting people in danger! So if you want to call me an out of control mutant, you might want to switch your phrasing."

"What your doing is illegal!"

"What I'm doing is right!"

Ross and Peter feuded back and forth. It started getting too far. Ross grabbed Peter's arm harshly. Peter clenched his teeth, shocked at the move.

Harley shoved Ross away, "Hands off my brother you b*tch!"

"Your hands were on one of my kids?" Tony called from the driveway. Ross internally sweared and watched Tony, Pepper as well as Steve Rodgers walk up to the door. "Why the f*ck are you even at my house?"

"To find you." Ross stated. "I'm guessing the meeting went well?"

"Don't go all formal on us! Why the hell were your hands on Peter?" Pepper asked.

"Your son is a mutant." Ross growled, pointing at Peter who stared down at his feet.

Tony was about to burst, along with Pepper. Steve put a firm grip on Ross's shoulder and led him out the door, "I think it's best you leave."

He shut the door on Ross and turned to the Starks. Peter had disappeared to his room, Morgan sat on the couch hugging a pillow, and Harley, Pepper and Tony looked pissed.

"That mother fu-" Tony about screamed before being cut off by Pepper.

"Tony it's ok." Pepper said calmly after taking a deep breathe. "I think you should go talk to Peter."

"I'll go talk to him." Steve spoke up. Everyone looked at him weirdly. "I mean, I could probably connect with him. Being called a mutant isn't so great."

Tony sighed and nodded. Steve gave a small salute to everyone as he went to Peter's room.

It had been a while since he'd been in the Stark household but he still remembered everything.
He knocked on Peter's door, hearing a muffled "come in".

Steve entered, seeing Peter laying on his side on his bed, facing the floor to ceiling windows.

He sat down on the edge of the bed, "Hey, Spidey. Long time no see."

"Yeah." Peter agreed in a monotone voice. "What are you doing here?"

"To see if your ok."

"I'm fine."

"Clearly your not, bud."

Peter shot up with red puffy eyes, "I'm fine, Steve!"

Steve sighed and faced Peter, "Your not a mutant."

"Well, I'm not normal." Peter mumbled, looking away.

"A lot of us aren't." Steve stated. "But that's ok. It's ok to be different."

"Your trying to talk all sweet to me. Last time I remember you dropped a terminal on me."

"I'm still surprised you could hold that up."

Peter chuckled softly, "I guess being called a mutant really hurt. He says what I'm doing is illegal, but it's not. I'm not getting anyone killed, it's not my thing."

Steve put his hand on the arachnid's shoulder, "Ross wants everything to go by his rules. That was a topic on the meeting today."

"Speaking of the meeting, why was my name, or Spider-Man's, on there?" Peter asked.

"I wanted you to attend it. But Tony was a little hesitant with letting you come and I understood why."

"Why did you want me to go?"

"That's for Tony to tell you." Steve said with a smile. "Anyways, I'll be staying with you guys for a little bit. It's also late, so you should get some rest."

Steve left the room. Peter was dumbfounded, but shrugged off his feelings.

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