Chapter 15

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Harley stared at the unconscious Peter. He wasn't moving, but was breathing. His chest was red and almost infected looking around the arc reactor burn.

"Peter." Harley whisper yelled. "Peter, come on. Wake up, please."

The door handle jingled and opened.
Of course, it was the boss that walked in. He looked at Peter, chuckling.

"Got a problem, asshole?" Harley growled.

The boss slammed the door, surprisingly not waking up the arachnid, "Not at all. Just came to have a little talk."

Harley laughed, "Little? You say that but then you torture us!"

The boss shrugged, "A point you have there, Stark. Your father found the tape."


"I don't think he'll be coming for the two of you." The boss blankly said.

"That's such a f*cking lie." Harley spat. "Our dad isn't like that."

"Either way, do you think Tony would find you guys?" The boss asked, then taking out his phone. "We have an eye on the avengers. Their running around like chickens with their heads cut off."

He showed Harley a video of Scott and Clint arguing in the alley.

Harley looked away, not caring at the moment, "Is there a reason we're here?"

"To simply bring pain to others. To cause chaos!" The boss said cheerily.

"You belong in an asylum."

"That's not very nice."

"But it's tr-"

Harley was punched. He sharply inhaled and exhaled, mumbling something to himself. The boss regarded it and stuffed his phone back in his pocket. He walked over to the unconscious arachnid and examined the boy's face.

"Your brother is out cold." The boss pointed out the obvious, reaching into his other pocket.

"Thanks captain obvious."

"Don't mention it, Stark." The boss sarcastically spoke, pulling out a needle that was filled with a liquid.

"Don't touch my brother with that!" Harley shouted.

The boss flicked the needle, "We just need to keep his powers weak and him asleep."

"I didn't ask why, I stated to not touch him with that!"

The boss shrugged and stuck the needle into Peter's inner arm vein. It seemed to take immediate action.
Peter's body slumped even more and his breathing dramatically slowed.

"Have a good day." The boss happily said before leaving.


Scott grew to normal size, under a trash can. The trash can went flying in the air.

"What the actual f*ck?" Clint asked.

Scott spun around, "We've been searching this very spot for two days and I never once thought about looking under things. And look what I found!"

Scott stood over a small steel trapdoor. He banged his foot on it, making it's noise echo under it.

"Something's under it." Clint pointed out, crouching down to look at the handle.

"Do we open it?" Scott asked getting a nod.

The man stepped off it and opened the hatch slowly. What appeared confused the two of them.
A ladder led far down a deep hole.

Clint peered down, "We should check it out."

"I'll go down." Scott stated. "I'll shrink and investigate. I'll make sure communication stays on too."

"Alright." Clint nodded.

Scott took a deep breathe and climbed down. It seemed like forever that he got down and touched a marble flooring. He shrunk and began his trek down a hall.

"You see anything?" Clint asked through their communication system.

"Well, yeah. It's very techy down here, like, modernized. Multiple doors too." Scott replied.

"Check some of the doors."

"On it."

Scott would enter under the crack of doors, just seeing labs and electronics, sometimes people.
He entered under one door, though, to see people talking.

"What's the update on the Starks?" One man asked.

"Spidey is passed out. Made sure of it." The boss spoke, writing something down. "And the other is just as talkative as ever."

The man groaned, "That's what they do. Starks like to talk."

Scott narrowed his eyes and exited. He checked every door, making it to the last one in the hall. His eyes widened as he saw Peter and Harley.

He grew to normal size, startling Harley, "Oh my god, I can't believe I found you two!"

Harley shushed him, then starting tearing up, "I c-can't believe it either."

"I'm going to get you out of here, ok?" Scott spoke. "I'll get Clint to call back up. There's no way I'll be able to get you two out of here yet."

"P-please hurry." Harley choked out.

"I will." Scott smiled softly, then speaking into his communication system. "Clint, get backup. I found the kids."

Then he shrunk again.

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