Chapter 20

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Peter was sitting on the edge of the building, overlooking the streets of New York. He was supposed to be swinging home, but he decided against it.

He wanted some alone time, to think. He was officially healed, besides having a burn scar on his chest, so of course he wanted to swing around. Though, he got lost in his thoughts and about crashed into a car.

Karen suggested he take, at minimum, a five minute break. So he did. He just sat on that building, contemplating. He thought back to his and Harley's kidnapping, shivering at the thought.

He reached his hand up to his chest, pressing his palm against where his scar is. Like a flash, the unwanted memory came flooding in. His breathing became ratchet and Tears flooded down his face. He ripped his mask off and everything became just too noisy.

He didn't no how long he was like that, but someone grabbed him from behind. He freaked out, but he went limp when the hold on him was warm and comforting.

"Peter." Tony said softly, pulling him away from the edge a bit.

Peter looked up into his father's eyes, feeling absolute relief, "Dad."

Peter turned around and hugged his father, not letting the tears stop. Tony lowered them onto the pavement of the roof, keeping his son close.

"Pete, you need to talk to me." Tony softly ordered. "I want to help, but I can't."

"I-I-I cant forget. I keep having flashbacks and nightmares of the kidnapping and because of that, it's difficult to be spiderman and-"

Tony stopped him short, rubbing comforting circles in his back, "Peter... why didn't you tell me sooner?" Peter just shrugged and Tony sighed. "It's obvious you have PTSD, but that's ok because I'm going to help you with it."

"Y-You will?" Peter asked.

"Of course." Tony replied. "Son or not, I'm going to help you. PTSD sucks, believe me. I've already talked with Harley about this because he's struggling, too."

"He is?"

Tony nodded, "Mhm. You need to remember, your not alone. You have others to help you and work along side you. Reach out when you need it, Pete. I think that's a lesson you've learned this month."

Peter leaned back, wiping tears from his eyes as he sadly chuckled, "Yeah."

"What do you keep remembering?" Tony asked.

Peter only looked away. He placed his hand over his chest, and Tony immediately got the gist. He frowned, knowing Peter was mentioning the scar and the video.

"It hurt." Peter blurted out. "I still feel the burning sensation and the laugh of the man. I was so light headed after that... my chest ached with pain and emotion. Harley had to watch it, and I can still hear my own screams."

Some tears left Tony's eyes. He never wanted any of his kids to endure any pain. He couldn't say anything, but he wanted to. He didn't know exactly how to respond, so he tried to be comforting and comb his fingers through Peter's hair.

"I'm sorry." Peter mumbled.

Tony shook his head, "Dont be. Not one bit, Spidey. But hey, why don't we head home? We can have a boys night. You, Harley, and I! We'll watch some Star Wars and have popcorn."

Peter sniffled, wiping stray tears from his eyes, "Y-Yeah."

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