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"You only know what life is when you are actually living in the real world."


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This is written from the viewpoint of the narrator◾

There are some similarities in the tale of creation entailed here and that of the book of Genesis, but kindly note, this doesn't in any way have to do with the actual biblical tale!◾



At the beginning of time, there were Gods, Spirits, and Powerful Beings, all of which are stories to us, as none, no humans have actualized these tales. Notwithstanding, I am to tell you a story about how we were created, from my point of view, my own understanding.

A long time ago, about 4.543 billion years ago, we were governed and ruled by Beings called the Celestial Giants. We had the Heavenly Bodies to support their reign of greatness, but the greatest of all was the Heavenly King, the one God, who was revered and called "The Creator".

He created the stars, the moon, and the firmament. He also created nature and its element before creating living beings; micro- and macro-organisms, the animals of all kingdoms, and finally, man.

"The Creator" was pleased with what He had made and He loved all He created. He had a favorite, and that was man, who He created in His own image. Man, whom He cherished above all.

Afterward, He saw that man was lonely, being all alone and without another of his kind to interact with.

Therefore, He created the female of man's species, and she was made as a second to man, and a helper in his journey to earth.

These creatures succeeded in interacting with each other. They became close as mates, living, and bonding together.

To establish order, The Creator laid down a universal rule which stated that no mating of humans would be conjoined on earth, without being bonded in heaven.

They became fruitful and multiplied around the world, scattering to different nations, races, tribes, colors, and languages. They never forgot the one main rule, the Universal Rule.

No one dared to go against the Universal Rule. No one. All the earth was peaceful and The Creator looked down on His creation and saw that it was good.

Now, Billions of years later, the creation had diverted from the initial plan of The Heavenly God. The humans began straying from the wishes of The Creator, by forming earthly allies without seeking to follow their destiny. Many marriages were conjoined under deceit. The majority bonded because of fame, money, power, and amalgamation.

Out of anger, The Creator punished every human by inflicting the earth with sickness, poverty, and pain, making all of life full of struggles and pain. He was not pleased, but He also could not bear to annihilate them, and so He withdrew himself from His favorite creation, leaving them to their fates.

Striking out His action in their earthly bonding, He decided to send a man, and a woman who have been conjoined in the heavens on a mission to find each other despite all roadblocks and obstacles He'll place on their way. If they succeed, He'll let the feeling of love remain dominant in the lands.

But, if they fail to do this after two generational missions, He'll cast off the feeling of love, and it'll cease to be among what humans shall feel, thereby turning each human into a heartless and cold being cursed to roam the world emotionless and without a heart to love.

But, if they fail to do this after two generational missions, He'll cast off the feeling of love, and it'll cease to be among what humans shall feel, thereby turning each human into a heartless and cold being cursed to roam the world emotionless a...

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💮☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 💮

The wind raged vigorously, and one could see the dark clouds rapidly drawing near. I ran through the midst of the fields, cutting through the figs, and the plants. My eyes teared, as I managed to squint through the blurring view.

"Find that which must be found!"

A chilling fearsome voice whispered to me. I looked around, and could not find a body to the voice. Despite it not being visible, I could feel its cold breath on my shoulders as I ran on, looking for one in particular. 

My breath clogged me as the whole field revolved, and my eyes spun around. The world kept on moving in a circle, and I instantly lost my balance. I kept on falling, and it was never-ending. All around me was vast nothing, and every feeling inside me evaporated.

I felt the brush of air on my neck, and I turned to see, but all I saw was a structure, a figure, but it was without a face. I reached for it, but it moved farther from me, and I instantly fell to the ground, before it all blacked out.

A slight tap on my arm snapped me out of the mist, and straight away. I fluttered my eyes open, and I was safe on my bed. Beside me was my mother; concern and worry valiant in her glassy eyes.

"Are you alright dear?"

It was only a dream. It was not real.

I nodded with a smile, "Yes mom. It was only a scary dream."

Her face relaxed as she smiled, "That's good."

She reached for my hands; clasping them both in hers and I looked at her.

"You have a very long way to go my child. You'll face many obstacles. You'll be in so many terrifying dreams. So many storms will bid your bearing," A slight smile curved her lips, "But, always remember that it is your life, and you decide what happens."

"But mom?"

Her smile widened. "You are strong. I know you'll never give up. I know you'll do that which you believe is right and I know, that you will remain till the end, fighting for those you love," She pulled my face to her, and cupped my cheeks in her warm hands, "Be brave."



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