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"Life's got its troubles and turbulence and, everyone has his or her own share in it."


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Upon arriving at her aunt's home, Derin was introduced to the family. Her aunt had three children: two females, and a male. The females were both older than her, and the male, Dolapo, was the same age as her. On meeting the family, Derin could tell that she was unwanted, and Bunmi was only obliged to take care of her according to the family's traditions and customs. Her daughters and her husband did not conceal the actuality that they also despised her arrival, but Dolapo was pleased to have her around.

What puzzled her was that her aunt dedicated all household chores to her, despite having two well-developed and capable daughters who were both competent in doing the menial work. Apart from chores, Derin had to accompany her aunt to her boutique every day to work as a sales representative. Derin had no choice; she could neither argue nor complain. She had to obey all instructions and commandments laid down for her and embrace her new life.

The following day, at Port-Harcourt, began her life as the housemaid to Bunmi and her family, as the daughters of the house gladly neglected all work to her.


One of the girls had called to her, as she headed to the small pantry that would be her room. She spun around to the caller and met both girls standing there. The two girls eyed her and giggled among themselves. They were jesting her, but she had to be patient, she said to herself as she watched the girls make fun of her.

"Your name is Derin, right?" The same girl asked, and Derin nodded.

"Oh." The girl grinned. "In that case, I'm Ayodele." She introduced herself.

Derin smiled as she took a proper look at her. Ayodele was petite and plump, with a bulbous but cute face, housing a set of beautiful black eyes and pink lips. She was quite light-skinned, so unlike her sister, who was dark, and looked much older than her. She also appeared quite nicer than her sister.

"Nice meeting you, Ayodele," Derin smiled.

The other girl hissed. "Why are you even speaking to this filth?" She asked her sister as she eyed Derin. Her sister laughed and faced Derin.

"Derin, she is my sister, Olaleye," the petite spoke up with a smile.

Her sister rolled her eyes and yawned loudly.

"Cut the chase, Ayodele." She ordered, a frown growing on her face.

Ayo's smile fell downwards, replaced with a puckered brow. "All right, Derin. We don't like you, and you are not welcome in this house." She stated.

Ayodele's change of attitude took Derin aback, but she instantly plastered a small smile on. "I understand." She responded and turned to go.

"Hey," Ayodele called her, and she turned back to the sisters. "We need you," she said, and a sly smile crept up her lips and she winked at her sister.

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