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"People are guests in our story, the same way we are guests in theirs. But we all meet each other for a reason because every person is a personal lesson waiting to be told."
lauren klarfeld

"lauren klarfeld¤¤¤¤

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Derin explored further into the house; to the tastefully illuminated and furnished kitchen, which she adored at first sight before proceeding to view the rest of the house. She found that the house had six rooms, apart from the main room, kitchen, and dining area. Two were in use; an exercise room filled to the brim with various exercising equipment, and the other looked like it belonged to Daniel, as one could tell from the scattered and messy view the room displayed.

She chose one of the neatly arraigned rooms and unloaded before undressing out of her wedding garment and into something more comfortable; a white singlet over blue shorts and proceeding to the kitchen to prepare something to munch on.

After a superb meal of chips and cider drinks, she resigned to the bedroom.

"Mum! Dad! Wherever you are now, I wish to let you know that I'm now a married woman with a fellow I barely know. I hope you'll both not neglect me and my sister, please." Derin soliloquized as she stared at her parents' pictures and tears trickled down her cheeks but were intercepted by her hand that wiped them off.

Her mother's voice echoed in her ears as she recalled the night before her parent's journey. Her mother was someone who always believed that there was a God up in the skies–she called Him the Creator, and she kept her hopes and trust in Him.

Recalling this, Derin knelt beside her bed, in payer–hoping to connect with her mom through her faith. "Lord! I'm starting a new life today and I call for Your guidance and love. I know I've never believed in You but I hear that You're a father to the fatherless and motherless and so I seek Your love," She paused, as she sighed, before saying in a lower voice, "And, your help."

These she bellowed in prayers before she got on the king-sized bed and awaited the slumber to draw her away. Luckily, she dozed off minutes later.


The sunlight glared at her face, and she woke to realize it was dawn already and this would mark the first day of her matrimonial life with Daniel.

She stood up, although sluggishly, from the bed and dragged herself to the bathroom to wash her face before she proceeded to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. There was no sign of Daniel returning or being in the house, so she walked out through the main door to see if anyone else lived in the huge house.


She called the gateman, who sat idly at his post and he looked up at her immediately, not sure if she'd called him.

"Yes, you! Come over here," she smiled as she called the short, dark, and slim middle-aged man who rose from his seat and ran to her.

"Yes, Madam!" He replied as soon as he got in front of her.

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