Where it all began

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"Hey Kristoph. So...how's prison?" "Boring, not much to do other than read." "Hmm...I can imagine it would be..." Klavier was getting nervous, and this caused him to start fidgeting with his necklace. "Is it me, or have you gained weight?" Klavier was surprised and concerned. Had he gained weight? 'I guess I have been eating unhealthy foods more often lately...' "Yes, it seems like you may be on your way to having a 'muffin top', as they say." "Are...are you sure?" "Of course I'm sure, why would I lie about this? What reason do I have to lie about your weight, Klavier? What could I possibly gain from lying about something as simple as the amount of force being exerted on your body by earth's gravitational pull?" Klavier thought about what Kristoph had just said. He hated to admit it, but Kristoph was right, he had no reason to lie about Klavier's weight. "Okay, two things. One, did you really need to say that last part? I already know you're really smart, Kristoph. Two, you're right, you don't have any reason to lie about my weight, thank you for bringing this to my attention, I will try my best to lose any unnecessary weight." "You're welcome, and I wish you the best of luck, Klavier." Klavier left after that, riding his motorcycle home, and mentally cursing his body the whole ride there. 'Why are you doing this to me NOW?! Stupid metabolism, I'm supposed to be in my prime, you can't turn against me now! I have to stay in shape!'

From that day onwards, Klavier kept track of everything he ate. However, he quickly realized that just watching what he ate wouldn't do much by itself, so he started biking around around his neighborhood every morning, something he hadn't done for a very long time, proven by the fact his bike tires were flat when he went to do it for the first time. As time went on, he started to cut back his daily calorie more and more, after a few months of this, he would only eat a maximum of 1000 calories per day, about half of the calories he needed to maintain the weight he started with. Kristoph gives him words of praise, but he always says Klavier still has a bit to go. This continued for quite a while,
until one fateful day...

To Be Continued...

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