The Next Day

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The next day, Apollo visited Klavier at his house. Apollo rang the doorbell, and waited. Nothing. He tried again. Still nothing. He began to worry, so he tried opening the door. It opened. He walked in, closed the door behind him, and began calling for Klavier. He went upstairs and heard moaning. He followed the sound, only to find Klavier curled into a ball on his bedroom floor, his arms wrapped around his stomach. "Klavier! What happened?!" "Nothing happened, I'm just having hunger pains. It's fine, they're just a bit strong today." "This isn't fine, Klavier! When was the last time you ate?! How long could it take for the pain to be that bad?!" Klavier got on his knees, and looked at Apollo with an expression that seemed dead, broken, and depressed. "Quite a while, Herr Forehead, and to answer your question, I had some fruit three days ago." "Klavier, you can't keep doing this to yourself! You're slowly killing yourself by doing this!" "I KNOW!!" Klavier shouted. Apollo jumped a little from surprise. Klavier toned his voice down, and repeated himself. "I know. But it's not easy to stop. You become so convinced that you're a fat cow, that even if you know that you've gone off the deep end, you can't stop because you're so far gone that you can't climb out of the hole you've been digging yourself into! I tried to eat something yesterday, but all that it succeeded in doing was making me sick! I couldn't keep it down, no matter how hard I tried!" "...I think you need to see a doctor, or a therapist." Klavier freaked out. "NO!! What if the paparazzi find out?! I'll be ruined!!" "If the paparazzi turn against you, then they're a bunch of idiots. If they react how you think they will, then you should ignore them. Please get professional help, I can't give you the help you need, Klavier. You need to face your fears and admit you have a problem I can't fix. Do it for your fans, fans like Trucy, who would be devastated if you were gone." "...okay..." Apollo raised his fist. "For Trucy?" "For Trucy." Klavier said as the two fist bumped.

To Be Continued...

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