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Klavier was sitting with Apollo in a small lobby, waiting for Klavier's appointment to start. Apollo helped Klavier set up a therapist appointment, but Klavier didn't feel comfortable going by himself, so Apollo agreed to go with him, because Apollo went to therapy when his best friend, Clay, had died, and he needed Trucy or Phoenix to come with him for the same reason. "Klavier?" The two of them stood up, and followed the lady who called for them. When they arrived at the small room, the lady told them that the therapist would arrive very shortly. "Hello boys. It's nice to see you again, Apollo." "You two know each other?" "Yes, I was his therapist when he was getting over the death of his friend. My name is Terra Pist, and I'm very happy to help you, Mr. Gavin." "Thank you, and please, call me Klavier." They shook hands, and the session began. "So, I've heard you've been having issues with self esteem, and 'self harm'." S-self harm?" "Trust me, I hate using that term for what you're going through, I really do, but it technically is 'self harm', no matter how much I hate to call it that. Now, how do you see yourself? What about your body makes you feel like you have to do what you're doing in order to please the people around you?" "I... I don't know what exactly I hate about my body, but I feel like I let myself go, and that I have to fix it..." "I see, this is a very common train of thought for people having these types of issues. Did anyone say anything that made you start to think like this?" Klavier went silent. "Do you want me to tell her?" Klavier slowly nodded his 'yes'. "Okay. You probably know what happened with his brother, Kristoph. Well, he trys to visit Kristoph once a week, and one week, Kristoph told Klavier he was 'on the way to having a muffin top'. I don't know why he said this, but Klavier believed him, which is why Klavier started dieting, and eventually resulted in this." The therapy session continued for about an hour, but as they were leaving, Apollo saw what seemed to be a small camera flash from the corner of his eye, but he didn't think much of it, so he didn't say anything, and they left.

To Be Continued...

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