The Visit

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Today is the day. The day that Apollo joins Klavier on his visit to Kristoph, and unravels the lies he's been feeding Klavier for months. Klavier drove the two of them to the detention center. "Ah, hello not-so-little brother. Oh, and you've brought a friend." 'Oh boy, this is gonna be a long visit.' "'Not-so-little brother'? What are you, 15?" "I'm disappointed in you, Apollo. You should know better than to talk to your elders like that." "Don't push it, Kristoph." Apollo said with annoyance. 'Definitely a long visit.' "So, Klavier, how have things been in the courtroom?" "Not bad, but I'm starting to have a hard time focusing due to my diet." "Do not worry, your body is simply adjusting to the lesser amount of calories entering it." 'While that may be true in a sense, Kristoph is just enabling Klavier's anorexia.' "I know. Anyway, how's prison?" "Same as always, boring." Apollo made a mental note of that. "Is it me, or have you gained weight?" 'WHAT!' "W-what?" "Yeah. Just remember, try not to eat too much, you don't want to be a plus-sized prosecutor." "...thanks for telling me, I'll try a little harder now." This made Apollo snap, how dare Kristoph flat out lie to Klavier. "OBJECTION!! THAT IS A LIE!! A HUGE FUCKING LIE AND YOU KNOW IT!!! YOU HAVE BEEN LYING TO KLAVIER FOR MONTHS NOW!!!" "Apollo, please-" "I'm sorry, Klavier, but I CAN'T STAND HERE AND ALLOW HIM TO VERBALLY ABUSE YOU AND ENCOURAGE YOUR DESTRUCTIVE EATING DISORDER!!!" Kristoph chuckled. "That sounds just like you, Klavier, starving yourself for attention, trying to be perfect. Well, spoiler alert, you will NEVER be perfect. EVER." Apollo suddenly stood up, causing the chair to fall over, and started banging his fist against the glass. "YOU'RE FUCKING LUCKY THIS GLASS PANEL IS BETWEEN US, YOU FUCKING RETARDED SON OF A BITCH!!!" The guard told Apollo to calm down. "You're very lucky, Kristoph." Apollo looked beside him, only to find


Apollo looked at the exit and saw Klavier shove the door open as he made a mad dash to leave the detention center. Apollo ran, trying his best to catch up with Klavier. When Apollo arrived outside the building, he saw Klavier get on his motorcycle. Apollo tried to call after him, but he ignored it and drove off, presumably to his house.

To Be Continued...

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